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Hail Captain Semper and Brother Templars

Mission complete...one Master of Sanctity on a Bike, One bike squad (plus goodies) with Assualt Bike, one Predator, two Land Raiders, and two Land Raider Crusaders.

Although I will be adding details (Unit Markings and Script) to these for many years to come.. they are ready for battle.


Predator 'Jervis VI'


Land Raider Crusader 'The Jon Green'


Land Raider Crusader 'The Pride of Ophidium'


Land Raider 'The Hodgson'


Land Raider 'Merrettus'


The Chaplain is wearing 'war paint' of a skull face...fearsome with or without the helmet.


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Brother Richard, I have been patiently awaiting this day since first seeing your vow. Well done, Brother! Sigismund smiles on you this day! A true hero indeed!


Hence, I move to name Brother Richard as Emperor's Champion for this Crusade for his thunderous vow and epic contribution!


(P.S. I know I've been handed all of the titles possible, but I feel I should only keep that of Reclusiarch for my zealy rants. :eek )


Edit: My Zeal overpowers that of my ability to type coherently...




I apologize for my absence the last few days, Brothers. Real Life kicked in for a while, and the only 40k related stuff was a game of Dark Eldar getting completely annihilated by the Grey Knights.


My vow has made very good progress! Command Squad is complete (With a new Banner, that I'm quite proud of), Neophytes are done, and I believe it was 12 of my Initiates as well! It shall not be much longer, Brothers.

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Well, this has been in long time coming.


My next vow will be of my namesake character, Marshal Reinhard of the Camdorea Crusade




But what is a commander without a mighty war-chariot to bring him into battle?

In my mail I today recieved such a war-chariot, the mighty Spartan Assault Tank from FW.


(Do i get points for the most useless "before" picture ever?)


So, without further ado: "I Reinhard of the Black Templar answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Marshal in Terminator armor with Combi-melta, Chainfist and Admantite Mantle and One Spartan Assault Tank with pintle mounted heavy bolter from Codex: Black Templar of a total value 495 pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templar and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end"


This will likely be my final vow for ETL.


Your honor is your life, let none dispute it!


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Third Vow complete:


One Venerable dreadnaught with Multi-Melta and Heavy Flamer


Captain Semper, forgive my lack of rigour, I took the before picture after I started to paint it when I should've taken it when it was just primed ><''..





Fourth Vow:


“I redmapa answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Marshall with terminator armour, power weapon, storm shield and iron halo with a terminator command squad of four with two cyclone missile launchers,crusader seals and a storm shield from Codex: Black Templars of value 383pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”

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Brother Darklight, I second your nomination for Brother Richard!


My next vow will be of my namesake character, Marshal Reinhard of the Camdorea Crusade


It's a pity I won't be able to do that. For some reason, "Marshal Honda" or "Chaplain Honda" just doesn't seem to flow off the lips very easily.


(Do i get points for the most useless "before" picture ever?)


Hah! Did you see my "before" pic for my latest vow? We may have to have a poll on this one and have the Brothers vote. ;)


Onwards Templars!

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Hence, I move to name Brother Richard as Emperor's Champion for this Crusade for his thunderous vow and epic contribution!


Truely, the Emperor HIMSELF (not some hallicination, heretics) told Brother Richard that not only was such a vow possible to complete, but that it would be glorious when completed.


I move we hold a vote at the end of ETL and nominate the worthy for positions in the B&C section of the Eternal Crusade.

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@Smirnov: Oh.My.Goodness!


Those are brilliant terminators. What I am especially impressed with is the helmets. In general, I don't like that look. It's too WFB/Chaos-ey for me. Buuuuut, with the Templar Icon on them, you have transformed them into something magnificent...<looks over at bag of Chaos warriors>


I hope you don't mind if I strengthen my crusade with your awesome idea.



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Honda: Well, I specifically chose my B&C nickname after what I knew I would name my Marshal. And for the record, I think Marshal Honda sounds Awesome.

You may be onto something with the before picture. Right now it's Pile of Debris in bags versus The Horrors Lurking in the Depts.


Smirnov: Hot damn, those are awesome. I so wanted to dry doing face cross on my Emperor's Champion in my last vow, but I chickened out.

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"I, Nards08 of the Black Templars, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Master of Sanctity with power axe, bolt pistol, jump pack, artificer armour, terminator honours, krak grenades and one Master of Sanctity with master-crafted powerfist, bolt pistol, terminator honours, artificer armour from Codex: Black Templars of a total value 369 pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templar and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end"


@Captain Semper: I plan on using the Crux Terminatus on the back of the second Master of Sanctity's powerfist to represent the master-crafted portion as he also has one on his shoulder for the Terminator Honours. Let me know if this will be acceptable or if I need to adjust the points.


Stay strong brothers and our mighty crusade will crush all foes in our path!

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Some fantastic completions here BTs - congratulations! You've added the most points any forum ever added in a week, exceding 5k! This is indeed a worthy performance!


@ Nards: Yes you got the master crafted and the Termie honors covered. Now what about artificer armour? You really need to put some effort there...


@ Chaplain Cliff: I guess this would be fine - have a go with it, and let's see what you come up with...

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Wow what a bunch of great work. I'm back in town now and I'm ready to pic up my brushes again to complete my second vow.


Honda, great job on brother Tebow.


Smirnov, I love the termies. The helmets make them look more templarish. I would try doing the same but I don't own any Chaos bits.....seeing how I don't allow Chaos in my home. :(


Brother Richard, epic job......just epic. We all thank you.

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My third vow.


“I Smirnov answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete Land Raider Crusader with smokes, searchlight, storm bolter and blessed hull and Emperors Champion from Codex: Black Templars of total value 394 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


My 'before' picture:





My next vow will be of my namesake character, Marshal Reinhard of the Camdorea Crusade


What model the torso is from? Forgeworld? Looks really good.



Those are brilliant terminators. What I am especially impressed with is the helmets. In general, I don't like that look. It's too WFB/Chaos-ey for me. Buuuuut, with the Templar Icon on them, you have transformed them into something magnificent...<looks over at bag of Chaos warriors>

Yeah, plain helmets look bad, and I would never done this myself - I bought these guys already assembled, so had to think of something to make the helms look nice.


And thanks for all kind words!



We are up 4800 points this week, while Wolves are only 640. Seems like we have our gap back :)

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@Smirnov: Wow. Now those are cool!! I had considered making my power weapons orange but I thought it just wouldn't work... Way to prove me wrong!! Fantastic shields too!


@Civsmitty: Excellent idea! I second that! Captain Semper had mentioned that the Dark Angels board, for one, has titles for some of the more well-knowns. This would be a great time to have something similar added here!


@Captain Semper: When are you just going to admit that we're your favourites? C'mon... We all know it. :)

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This was an excellent week. First of all the total vows pledged for the ETL breached the 200k mark! This is some commitment guys – I’m very happy that the event has such a high involvement. Another interesting feature is that the total vows are now north of 420!!! So despite the 40k 6th Ed. release that unavoidably (and rightly) took much of the attention of the gaming community, the ETL continues strong. Total completions stand at 67k points or 32% of total points pledged. So we are 2/3 down in terms of time and 1/3 down in terms of completions. I believe the completion rate in this last month will climb significantly as new vows will either be moderate in size (as to avoid being left unfinished) or will not be made at all. Interestingly in a week where completions exceeded 13.2k (the highest amount of completions since week 6) the new vows pledged exceeded 11k! Wow!

So two months into it already. Two months come and gone. We are now effectively entering the last month of the event and the stakes are high. Remember: IF BY AUGUST 15TH ANY PARTICIPANT HAS UNFINISHED VOWS THEN ALL HIS/HER PREVIOUS VOWS WILL BE NULLIFIED AND WILL COUNT FOR NOTHING. So make sure you finish up your outstanding projects thus protecting your previous effort!

Now some technicalities about the closing:

On August 15th at 22:00 GMT the ETL ends. That means that by the B&C clock any completions that are submitted after that time will not count towards the total points of your faction. Please make everybody’s life easier and avoid submitting in the nick of time – a discarded completion for just a minute could create unnecessary aggravation and leave people with a sour taste from what should be an enjoyable event. I plan to enforce the firm deadline so yes, 22:01 submissions will be discarded.

The final results will be announced on Sunday, August 19thso I will have time to process all the results, double check everything and present them in an esthetically pleasing manner. This is a big event guys so I will need some time to make sure things are in order. Just a small request: The logistics of ETL are very demanding, so if you guys cross check your status in the tables occasionally and find something that doesn’t match please bring it to my attention so I’ll act on it.

So here’s how things look at the end of week 9:

Black Templars 98 40,123 409 15,633 39%
Blood Angels 62 29,533 476 7,741 26%
Dark Angels 82 41,872 511 8,490 20%
Codex Space Marines 56 33,792 603 8,665 26%
Space Wolves 48 32,637 680 11,160 34%
Chaos 54 22,892 424 11,041 48%
Ordos Inquisition 22 6,196 282 4,548 73%
Total 422 207,045 491 67,278 32%
Index Astartes 29 16,405 566 6,385 39%
Liber Astartes 15 9,818 655 1,395 14%
Ultramarines 12 7,569 631 885 12%


The Dark Angels have the lowest completion rate at 20%. Although at face value this might look as a bad thing it also means that there is huge potential in the coming month to flood the ETL with completions driving completion rate towards the average and gaining significant momentum towards the finish line. The opposite of course is also possible so now guys is the moment of truth: Can the DAs see this through and emerge victorious? We’ll see…

The Wolves with 1/3 of their vowed points done, which translates to more than 11k pts, they are now second. However they do have some mega vows in the making and I’m sure they have not said their last word yet. The important thing here is tenacity. You guys really have to fight against fatigue and keep delivering because this is it: Just one month to go and you’ve done admirably well so far! Keep it up!

Blood Angels are struggling to keep up despite some serious completions this week. They have the lowest score so far (except the Ordos) at 7.7k pts despite having more than ¼ of their vowed points done. However there is the same principle as with the DAs here: the last month could see a sharp convergence to the ETL average completion rate thus having significant upping to their points’ total. Nevertheless this’d better start soon because time is now the primary parameter. Just to put things to perspective, in order to get to the BTs level of completed points the BAs should aim to convincingly beat the 50% completion rate. Good luck!

Black Templars had the best week any forum had since the beginning of the ETL. They completed in excess of 5.5k pts solidifying their lead at more than 15.5k completed pts so far. Furthermore they re-vowed 3.8k pts which means they still are intent of growing this sum even more. Their completion rate approaches 40% beating the average of the ETL, leading the way to the finish line. Is there anyone that can stand in their way? Let’s see.

Codex Forums added 860 pts to their total and it appears that it’s getting its engines started. With Arizona’s contribution reaching an end, it’s up to the rest to carry on delivering. Some of the work I’ve seen is exquisite so I believe the wait is worth it! Keep in mind guys there is only one month to go! Lets see if you can turn this around – you have the resources to do it – and with more than ¼ of your total vowed pts done you have a very good starting point. Just double it and you might be leading this!

Chaos carried on its great performance driving their completion rate even higher to 48% and total completed pts to above 11k! Wow! Well done – nothing more to say! The 2.8k completions this week were replenished with another 2.7k new vows, so the drive is still very strong. And still there are some seriously large vows in the pipeline that could (if supported by smaller vows as is the case so far) turn the game to their advantage. It appears the Dark Gods are looking favorably to their champions!

Ordos Inquisition continue to drive their completion rate higher reaching a record of 73%! The commitment that this group is showing coupled by some seriously nice models (not to mention RedemptionNL’s LR with real lights!!!!) is awe inspiring! Continue the Emperor’s good work guys – you are setting the standards on commitment!

Until the next weekly update, farewell and good luck to all!
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Smirnov & Darklighter: Yes, that is indeed the torso and legs of marneus calgar with the silly collar thing trimmed down. The shoulder pads, combi-weapon and head are FW bits though. With Calgar, given that he's finecast now it was a very easy conversion, basicly all you have to do is cover the ammo feed ports on his back for his weapons and figure out something to do with the ultra marks on his legs you're left with a very nice Terminator body.


EDIT: Well, now that's a post to get ninja'd by. All right, brothers, this is it! The final month is upon us!

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Brothers and Captain Semper -

I must apologize... I forgot to add the dozer blade picture when uploading yesterday..

Jervis w/ blade


For my second vow...

I, Brother Richard, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete One ten troop Sword Brethren Terminator Squad (Shooty) with two chainfists, one assualt cannon, and one missile laucher, and ten crusader seals, AND one ten troop Sword Brethren Terminator Squad (Shooty - from Space Crusade era) with ten Crusader seals, and one flamer, AND one five troop Sword Brethren Terminator Assualt Squad with five Crusade seals from Codex: Black Templars of total value 1,115 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.

Yes... that is twenty five terminators in total. I do not believe that I will have time for a third vow... but we shall see.


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Brother Richard: Great example you set for us all to go by this last month. Those are some nice looking termies... and are those some very venerable patterns i see there in the back?



I urge we all take Brother Richards example and follow his initiative! But we must also be mindful that we do not overextend beyond our capacity, as such folly will lead to the anullment of our previous achievements. For Sigismund! For Dorn! For the Emperor!

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It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.


- Chaplain Theodosius Roosevarian, M36


Brothers, to arms! Leave no vow uncompleted! Victory is within reach! We merely have to take it!


Templars onwards!

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Yes Brother Reinhard.. Space Crusade Terminators, I was amazed when I found that one was armed with a flamer. The squad sergeant is marked up with what we now call Librarians..but as we all know Templar abhor the witch.. so he is the squad bull.


These troops will be much easier/quicker to paint up than a land raider. A little white for helmets and knee pad..red on the crosses, and quick dry brush of boltgun. Primp a few details and call it done!


I still have four speeders, and about a dozen bikes...but those are almost as tough to paint as the tanks. But I have been collecting for twenty something years (while I was military). I would just buy a piece or two every paycheck and now I have a vast collection of unbuilt cities, tau, necron, chaos marines, orks, imperial guard, and a titan just waiting for assembly and painting. It was this challenge that helped motivate to get the Templar force in order.


Excellent quote Honored Marshal Honda

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