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I suggest you add as much detail and love as you can on your models Brother Richard. You have to live with them long after the ETL is over.


Ha! You speak as if the Black Templar do not add that kind of dedication into their work all the time!


Anyway, Zeal time...


Brothers. That moment when the unthinkable happened, when the Heretics took the lead, You all reacted in a fashion notable throughout not only the Chapter Fleet but throughout the Imperium! When Captain Semper delivered us the terrible news, we did not take it sitting down. No, we jumped at the chance to show the Heretics their place! Upon doing so, we have accelerated our lead so much so that we have broken a record for points completed in a week. For this, Brothers, I am proud of all of you! Building the furious Zeal that is the Templar way and using it to fuel your paintbrushes!


But this is still not over. We may have built our lead up once more, but we cannot and WILL not let that get to our heads. We must show our Battle Cousins that our duty is never done. That this is just another step in the Eternal Crusade and that we, the Black Templar, the most Zealous of the Sons of Dorn, will gladly Accept Any Challenge!!!


For Sigismund! For Dorn! For the Emperor!!!

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I suggest you add as much detail and love as you can on your models Brother Richard. You have to live with them long after the ETL is over.

This is exactly why I've been making fairly small vows. On that note, I've just about finished my Predator for my current vow - just need to attack it with some weathering powder once the purity seal is dry. I'll get that done when I get home from work and I'll take a pic and post it tomorrow when the light is better. Then I can vow my chaplain as I know I can get him done in time. After that, we'll see if there's enough time for me to vow my assault marines, but fear not, brothers. I'll make sure I don't jeopardise my completed vows thus far. This is why I'm not gonna vow my assault terminators. They may be the most expensive thing I have left to paint, but I just don't think I could finish them to a standard I'd be happy with in the time we have left...

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Just a small request: The logistics of ETL are very demanding, so if you guys cross check your status in the tables occasionally and find something that doesn’t match please bring it to my attention so I’ll act on it.

My second vow is still marked incomplete in the thread, and there is no mention of the third vow

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Brothers, give yourselves a "no new vow beyond XX Date" deadline, as well as a hard painting deadline that is 48-72 hours PRIOR to the cutoff date. We've got a lead, and the dedication and zeal to hold that lead, but it is all for nought if we lose points at the end.
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The logistics of ETL are very demanding, so if you guys cross check your status in the tables occasionally and find something that doesn’t match please bring it to my attention so I’ll act on it.


My first and fourth vows are off, My first one should be 420 points, and (silly me, didn't account for this) FAQ changed the price of combat shields, so my Assault Marine w/ combat shield's price should be +15 not... uh, I don't have a Codex handy

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OK, I have updated the table with Brother Richard's new vow and Smirnov's new vow and previous completion (don't worry your completion was included in the Weekly update ;))


Brother Darklight, I've taken note of you change in your first vow - once you gve me the new points for the third vow I'll update the table! thx :)



Oh, and guys? You have now 100 vows pledged in total! Well done! :tu:

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I suggest you add as much detail and love as you can on your models Brother Richard. You have to live with them long after the ETL is over.


I forget that not all space marines are trained equally...And you shall know no fear Captain Semper.


I shall leave you suitably impressed. For my quick description of how to paint terminators, may not have been clearly understood by nonTemplars. We take great pride in progressing our painting skills well beyond the simple black and white panalopy. We delight in the fine art of detailed heraldry, and take humbled pride in our Crusading Seals and shared iconagraphy of a many and varied crusades. Although my troops represent the warring efforts of the Declates Crusade, individual marines and vehicles are marked with their triumphs of the past. Veterans, and venerables from the Terra, Vandire, Damocles, Laserati, and Armageddon Crusades are adorned with the appropriate markings.


So fear not good Captain... we Templars put forth our best for the Emperor.

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My concern isn't our lead...it's the fact that we're only second place in terms of overall points pledged.

Aye. If everyone completes everything, we'll be only second.

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(civsmitty @ Jul 17 2012, 09:44 PM)


My concern isn't our lead...it's the fact that we're only second place in terms of overall points pledged.


Aye. If everyone completes everything, we'll be only second.


I don't want to infer that we have a lock on this, because we don't, but...


...we could math-hammer this to death without accomplishing anything.


We are Templars. We keep doing what we're doing, which is focus on delivering. Nobody else has been able to do what we do. It is our strength and what we need to stay focused on now until the end.


We deliver. Period.


It doesn't matter what people have pledged. Behaviours are not going to radically change in the next four weeks. That's our strength. Our behaviours have shown that we accept challenges, we conquer them, and then we take on new ones.


Nobody else is doing that.


Those that have come somewhat close just recently are Chaos and the Wolves (but I repeat myself) and they don't have the numbers and the level of commitment to get it done. Yes, they can surge, but nobody has been able to systematically destroy the opposition despite "the math" and deliver.


We have.


We started in the lead and have continued to build upon that week after week and now with just a few weeks left, all we need to do is continue doing what we're doing...delivering.


This Band of Brothers is the most amazing collection of spirit and energy that I've been around in a long time. It doesn't matter what the others would like to do, they don't have what we have, which is an unwavering commitment to our goals.


There will be plenty of time for the others to ponder how they "shoulda, coulda, woulda". We are making history. This series of events and efforts may never come this way again. The rest of those forums are done.


We will remain strong, we will fight valiantly, and victory is just within our grasp.


Now let's go out there and take it.


Templari Eternum!

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I happened across the Space Wolves forum today, and found a shining example of the excuses they're giving for losing...


Yes, in the mean time Chaos has left you behind. They led for a time but now the BTs responded (albeit weakly) and now lead but only with 18 pts difference to Chaos. So time for some big completions guys (not that you have any other kind :D ) to get on top!

Hmm BLACK Templars and Chaos (BLACK is often a primary colour) lead. Can't see any reason why they could be painted quickly ;)


See how pathetic the lesser Chapters are?

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While I share your contempt, Civsmitty, for the implications made, I also don't wish to stoop to their level and discuss it behind their backs. If they lack the courage to take words against us directly, it tarnishes their honour, not ours. Best ignore them and focus on our challanges at hand.


Speaking behind backs is their folly, let's not make it ours.

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Awesome, Brother Ginger Avenger!


Currently assembling my own tank and hope to start painting before the weekend. Have done a tank in well over a decade, how did you achieve the dirt effects on yours?

Liberal application of the "dark sand" weathering powder from Forge World. If you decide to go this route, make sure you do it over a piece of paper as a LOT of the powder will fall off as you apply it. This way you can just pour it back into the tub...

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While I share your contempt, Civsmitty, for the implications made, I also don't wish to stoop to their level and discuss it behind their backs. If they lack the courage to take words against us directly, it tarnishes their honour, not ours. Best ignore them and focus on our challanges at hand.


Speaking behind backs is their folly, let's not make it ours.


You mistake my intent, Reinhard. This is designed to drive the members of the Eternal Crusade to greater heights, to utterly CRUSH the closest competition we have as the retaliation for the slight. This is a motivation tool, not an attempt to trash another Chapter.

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I hear they are quite good with achieving the rust effect. Never used them myself (all my stuff look as if they just came out of the factory :)) but since I own them I could use some expert advice by The Ginger Avenger...



Table updated btw...

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@Ginger Avenger: Very nice looking Predator, Brother. I agree the dirt effects are well done. Could you elaborate just a bit on how you applied them? I'm curious to see what others are doing.


Civsmitty/Reinhard: Sniping was bound to happen at some point. So be it. There will always be those who look for excuses. We always look for solutions.


In a way, this reminds me of an Apocalypse game I played in a few years back. The good guys were UM, BA, my DIY chapter (very Templarish, I might add), and GKs vs. tons and tons of IG. They had all the toys (a flying Warhound titan, Deathstrike, Baneblades, an entire freaking airforce, hundreds of infantry). We just brought our usual, tacticals, termies, dreads and some landraiders.


At the beginning of the game, all they could talk about was all their stuff and whether or not they should take 5, 7, or 9 Baneblades. We held off until the third turn and then came on all in one big bang. It was Romans vs. Gauls all over again. They couldn't fire all their fancy shmansy artillery because we were up in the their faces doing knife and hammer work.


Towards the middle of the game, one guy said, "well, my stuff isn't supposed to stay around very long". All I could think of was, "I'm going to help you make sure that happens". :)


It was a very fun game (good guys win 3-2 in the last turn) and there was a lot of good natured ribbing going on (they were a good group of guys), them towards us early, us just taking it till the end and then smiling.


All that to say, if excuses help them feel better (it won't), let them go ahead. We'll just keep painting...and smiling.


Onwards Brothers!

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So I bought some new paint, and without thinking, put brush to model. I am currently painting one of the Marines from my vow as an Imperial Fist. He is still part of a Black Templar unit, just painted differently, due to my fluff. Is this okay?


I have a fine example of how it can work.. Declates Crusade were brothers of Crimson Fist and Templar fought in mixed squads, sharing iconography, some of the Templar earned the right to paint one fist in red, and some of the Fist would adorn their armor with Templar crosses.


Some of my older pieces of armor are painted with the original fist colors, then the shoulder pads are traditional black and white to denote the age of the armor and the respect due to its origins...so to speak.


SO.. support with fluff and keep your theme throughout.

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I have a fine example of how it can work.. Declates Crusade were brothers of Crimson Fist and Templar fought in mixed squads, sharing iconography, some of the Templar earned the right to paint one fist in red, and some of the Fist would adorn their armor with Templar crosses.


Some of my older pieces of armor are painted with the original fist colors, then the shoulder pads are traditional black and white to denote the age of the armor and the respect due to its origins...so to speak.


These are awesome ideas. I'm definitely going to work some into my figures at some point.


Thanx for bringing this up BR.



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I have a crusader squad painted up Imperial Fists style. In 5th edition I would field them like a normal shooty crusader squad and say it was a small detachment of IF that were with my crusade to train together. I think painting a few models up as IF would be just fine. Maybe your crusade came across a small battleforce of IF that were all but destroyed and they have integrated into the Templar ranks until a time when they could rejoin their own chapter. I say go for it. AS long as it is chosen from Codex Black Templars you should be good.
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