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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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For those curious about the weathering powders, I've also used the "black soot" and "aged rust". As for advice on applying them, I can help there as well. Make sure you leave the weathering powders 'til last. If you're gonna be varnishing or purity sealing your model, do that as well. Once this has dried, apply the weathering powders directly onto the model with a brush - drybrushes or stippling brushes are best, I find. There's no need for water or anything, just do it dry. There's no need to be delicate with the brush strokes, either. More pressure gives more of a "smudged/smeared" look. As mentioned above, do this over a piece of paper or something to catch the bits that inevitably fall off. Once your're finished it's time for more purity seal. This time, though, you only want a tiny amount and you want to do it at arm's length, otherwise the pressure from the spray will dislodge some powder. If you overdo the spray here it'll dull the powder down a good bit so start spraying just to the side of the model and quickly pass over it. This should be enough to hold the powder in place. Hope this is useful...
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Greetings brothers, here is the first army I have ever painted in 40k, 883 points of 20 initiates, 1 venerable dreadnaught, 1 high marshall, 1 chaplin in terminator armor, and 1 jump pack chaplin.




I'm really enjoying this hobby, and am sold on Black Templars, now I just need to learn to play the game...


On another note, I will also make my second vow, I just picked up a box of terminators, so I will go with 5 LC Terminators at another 200 pts! Come on brothers we WILL win this challenge. Here is the pic of the termie box I just cracked open as evidence I haven't started painting.



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Brother watanabe20k,

You sound just like me. I learned to paint before I learned to play. I started painting 10 years ago and I'm just now starting to learn to play. The colors look good with the addition of the robes and talberds. I have a jump pack chaplain with the DA robes and I have always been meaning to paint up some standard initiates with the same robes. I like the way yours came out so I'm thinking if I finish my second vow in time, then I just may make a squad of initiates with full robes.

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Thanks, I just picked up a Black Templars Battleforce box (if I understand correctly, this has been sitting on the shelf of the gamestore I found it in since 3rd edition... whenever that was). If I can get enough time to model and paint in the next month, I might try to add a command squad, as well as another 10 initiates after this group of terminators. I just based and basecoated the initiates and command squad, so I think they are still okay for this challenge. I was using them as a test for the new texture paints, which I am loving.
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I've been wanting to say this for awhile now...WATANABE FOR THE WIN!!!


Well done Brother!


Yo, Captain Semper, I bet we break 20K (completed) before this is all said and done.


Templars, Peace Out!

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I Brother Arn answered the challenge of the Unforgiven and vowed to paint Master of Sanctity in terminator armour, armed with crozius arcanum and stormbolter from Codex: Black Templar of total value 140 on or before August 15."

Vow complete




Eternal glory to The Black Templar

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That's an awesome starting force, Watanabe, and you bring much honour to chapter by having it contributed towards this.


There's still a month to go so further additions should be fine. You'll get to that bridge once you finish your termies though


Commandater Arn: Oh me likey. Perhaps my all time favourite mini that.

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I Brother Arn answered the challenge of the Unforgiven and vowed to paint Master of Sanctity in terminator armour, armed with crozius arcanum and stormbolter from Codex: Black Templar of total value 140 on or before August 15."

Vow complete




Eternal glory to The Black Templar


The...wow. WOW. THat is fantastic.

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I, The Ginger Avenger, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Master of Sanctity with Crozius, plasma pistol and frag grenades from Codex: Black Templars of total value 126 on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end...


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My Second Vow completed and the pics follow........(sorry for dark pics, but even if I add a ton of lighting the pics turn out weird. Working on a photography class so my pics should get better!)








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First, watanabe2k- I like the robed templars. I am doing something very similar with my neophytes to distinguish them from initiates. Robes make me think zeal and zeal is what made me gravitate toward the templars in the first place.


Second, @ Arn... That chaplain is amazing. I really like all the details and freehand work. Excellent job.


Last, @everyone. Great job brothers, but this thread saddens me a little. I decided to commit to building and painting a templar force too late to make any vows of my own. Now I feel like I am sitting on the sidelines. I want to join the fun, but alas...deadlines...


On a happier note, keep up the great work everyone. Though I am too late to contribute points to our glorious chapter, this thread has given me tons of insipration with these beautiful models you all have been working on. Thanks!

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ah, the painting comments have started already. While normally I am not above stooping to their level (mostly so they are within arms reach) and destroying them utterly, I will refrain out of respect for my fellow Templars. I will say that those that make comments as such have obviously not taken the time to view the amazing works of art that dominate this thread. I only hope my own works come out as well. Paint hard my Brothers!


Templars, Peace Out!


Brother Honda... In the Grim Dark of the far future... There is only War! <_<

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I've not been able to work on mine as much as I would of liked, got a promotion of kinds at work and full on training for last 3 weeks. So taken up a fair bit of time on top of normal stuffs. However I am on the last unit of my vow the crusader squad. SO should have that finished next few days. Basically got vow 2 sorted but I'll leave that till I've finished the first.
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I've got a tournament on the 28th of this month. I just started painting my force last week. I didn't make the deadline to submit my vow, so I'[m unoffically submitting this because this thread and you all inspired me.


I had nothing painted as of July 13th. I'm committing to:


Terminator Chaplain

7 CC Terminators

Land Raider Crusader


Emperor's Champion

9 Initiates

Drop Pod



Drop Pod


6 Initiates



10 Initiates



Landspeeder Tornado

Landspeeder Tornado


What I have done as of today:



Emperor's Champion


Dreadnought Drop Pod

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Good luck Turpin! Glad to see the ETL has that positive effect on you! The BT forum are putting up an admirable fight so far so I fully understand you getting inspired by it!


Again good luck! :tu:

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@ Brother Richard: Those are the vehicle decal transfers from the vehicle decal transfer sheet. My hand is not steady enough to make those straight lines (just look at my writing "Templar" is a bit off) thanks for the compliments though.


p.s: edited for spelling

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Brother Turpin, please do share pics when you are ready as everyone benefits from those participating (official or not)...and much like our crusades, who knows how many Templars are really involved?




Welcome aboard!



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Sorry about the sizes of the pics. The Land Raider and Marshal at the bottom aren't part of my 1850 load-out, but I included them because I painted them this past week... then I made my list. Kinda backwards.


I'll post more pics as I get the units done. I've got a week to see if I can finish.


It's nice to get painting again after a 3 1/2-year hiatus.

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