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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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Quick question!

If I already pledged a vow, can I during the remaining time increase the number of models and points?


Yes you can. Until June 15th you can amend your vow as you see fit. AFTER June 15th though the vows are set in stone. If you want to vow for more, then you have to complete your outstanding vow and make a new one. But until then, by all means change your vow to your liking! :D

Hi there, can you mark my vow as complete please?


(Chaplain, Jump Pack, Melta Bombs [forgot the bombs earlier]) - 130pts

5 man tac squad - 90pts

Rhino - 50pts

Drop Pod - 35pts


Total - 305pts :)



Oh go on then ;p


I pledge to paint 5 flesh tearers assault marines (angels help me ;p) and a death company dreadnought ;p (will work out points later when I have the codex!)...






“I Nurglespuss answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Death Company Dreadnought with magna grapple and blood talons, and, a 5 man assault squad with power fist from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 265pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and Flesh Tearers and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”

I rarely post (to say the least), but i cannot let the Unforgiven win without fight, so here we go:


“I Brother Bracchio answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a 10 man Sternguard unit with 3 combi melta, 3 combi flamers and a power fist, one drop pod, a 9 men Death Company with 2 power weapons a power fist and a thunder hammer, a chaplain, a sanguinary priest with jump pack and power weapon, a sanguinary priest (naked) from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 845 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Sons of Sanguinius and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


Pic of the assembled Sternguard and kitbashing boxes:





Pretty sure i've got the points right, feel free to mock me if not. Lots of painting ahead!

Ugh... Ok ive placed the order for more minis (by the gods where will i store them? :cry: ) and will start as soon as the order arrives.


"I, Demoulius, anwser the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 6 assault terminators, 3 with lightning claws and 3 with thunderhammer-stormshields, a land raider crusader with extra armour and multi-melta and a librarian in terminator armour with stormshield from Codex:Blood Angels of total value of 675 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Ninth Legion and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end."


seems its time for me to take up my paint brush again soon :D

“I Brother Angelus answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 16 assault marines with specials & sergeants, 3 Razorbacks, 2 Baal Predators with sponsons, 1 sanguinary priest and 1 Librarian from Codex: Blood Angels to the total value of 992pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels Chapter and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


(full details can be provided once I get home and find my list)


To supplement my official Vow, i'll be taking a sub-Vow to complete a 1750pts Blood Angel strike fleet for Battlefleet Gothic including 15 bases of forge world thunderhawks, and re-fitting a damaged and poorly painted 40K Land Raider into a table worthy Crusader.

“I Brother Angelus answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 16 assault marines with specials & sergeants, 3 Razorbacks, 2 Baal Predators with sponsons, 1 sanguinary priest and 1 Librarian from Codex: Blood Angels to the total value of 992pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels Chapter and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


(full details can be provided once I get home and find my list)


To supplement my official Vow, i'll be taking a sub-Vow to complete a 1750pts Blood Angel strike fleet for Battlefleet Gothic including 15 bases of forge world thunderhawks, and re-fitting a damaged and poorly painted 40K Land Raider into a table worthy Crusader.


Welcome to E TENEBRAE LUX Brother Angelus!


Pitty your supplemental vow cannot count in ETL... However keep your appetite because additioanl vows are allowed after you completed your first! :lol:


Good luck!

And my second vow:


“I Taranis answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 8 Death Company with bolters and Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost (the new and improved). I further vow to paint 7 Death Company (chainswords & pistols, 1 power fist and one plasma pistol) and Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost (the old skool breakdance model) from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 620 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to our lord Sanguinius, the Blood Angels and all our Brothers participating in this contest. Failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


My documentation will be in my wip tread. Located in my signature.


Brothers, be strong, be efficient, be careful

Well done Taranis!


The first second vow for the BAs! Congrats! And I think it's cool you will have a go with the Universally hated "breakdance" Lemartes. <_< Kudos to you!


Good luck!


*table updated*

I just did a quick scan of our adverseries progress in regards to currently completed vows. It appears we are in the lead with 150-250 points. :D (out of our 1100-1200 points)


But if we want to remain "in front" we will have to make an effort. By the way, this tread has 4 pages currently at our chapter. The wolves has 10 pages. :whistling:

I just did a quick scan of our adverseries progress in regards to currently completed vows. It appears we are in the lead with 150-250 points. :P (out of our 1100-1200 points)


But if we want to remain "in front" we will have to make an effort. By the way, this tread has 4 pages currently at our chapter. The wolves has 10 pages. :P

well the wolves need those 10 pages with all the drunken gibberish that they are spreading :P we can accomplish the same with 4 ;)


Well done Taranis!


The first second vow for the BAs! Congrats! And I think it's cool you will have a go with the Universally hated "breakdance" Lemartes. :rolleyes: Kudos to you!


Good luck!


*table updated*

Actually Nurglespuss has that honour. I'm just following in his footsteps. :P


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