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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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Well, this is the conclusion of the third week of E TENEBRAE LUX! So far all forums combined have vowed in excess of 100k points between them with almost 200 participants so far. We’ve also seen some vows getting completed already, but it’s still very early in the challenge to draw any meaningful conclusions. Now that we enter the last week before the gates are closed I would like to alert people to that fact. So:


This is very important guys. The more people each forum has in its arsenal the higher the chances of victory! Even if individual people complete tons of points, ultimately all of us have limitations stemming from real life obligations, money, and drive/morale reserves… And when one might think has done his bit for his faction after say, three vows and 1,200 points, another guy from another forum that has kept silent all this time might tip the balance with a single mini entry of 140 pts… :) Trust me, it will happen! :)

So join the ranks now while new entrants are still allowed, even with small vows – just to make sure you will be there when your Chapter/Legion/Warband calls for you!!!

Another significant topic I’d like to raise:


How will this work? First of all let me say that each forum will retain its standalone identity and I will continue to monitor their progress individually. This way the relative weight of each C:SM sub-forum within the new structure will be immediately visible and honor will go where it’s due! The total points of each C:SM sub- forum will be added together in each weekly report (pretty much as is the case now) and it is this amount of points the other forums must compete against. In case they win, all participants that have completed their vows successfully from all three sub-forums will earn the right to carry the badge of the E TENEBRAE LUX Champion!

I believe this is the fairest way to show how strong the Codex: Space Marines is within the B&C community. It will also give a real fighting chance to IA, LA and UMs to win this – and probably increase participation! ;)

So with no further ado here are the 3rd Week standings:

Black Templars 26 33 14,171 429
Blood Angels 33 35 16,736 478
Dark Angels 44 46 24,016 522
Codex Space Marines 36 37 19,822 551
Space Wolves 23 24 17,792 741
Chaos 25 26 8,097 311
Ordos Inquisition 11 13 4,146 319
Total 198 214 104,780 529
Index Astartes 17 18 7,430 413
Liber Astartes 9 9 6,438 715
Ultramarines 10 10 5,954 595

Please note that following the deadline of June 15th the above table will also start to show completed points per faction for easier track record. Until then the amount of completed points will be mentioned in each forum’s individual comment below:


The Dark Angels retain first position in pledged vows for the 3rd week running, increasing their point-count by 30%. The most important feat though was the increase of vows vs. the second largest forum (Codex: Space Marines) from 4 last week to 9 this week. They also had the first couple of small completions totaling 235pts. So far Dark Angels appear to be in the best position overall: more vows, more total points, average point/vow! The latter is important as it shows that their effort is not overly reliant to super-vows but risk is more spread out.

The Wolves made an even more frantic effort in increasing their point total (+28% w-o-w) and a small amout of completions of 275. However they continue to suffer from relatively low numbers and this is reflected in their monstrous points/vow ratio of 741!!! The means their reliance to super-vows is high and unless they build up their numbers (more vows that is) they run a serious risk of running out of options in the final stages of the Challenge. So c’mon Space Wolves, bring in the full might of the Rout before it’s too late! Remember: one week to go before the gates close!

Blood Angels also increased their point-total by a substantial 27% this week and sport a respectable 33 participants. They also managed to complete a few more points compared to the DAs and the SWs at 1,565. However if they want to challenge the Dark Angels in the long term (this is a challenge, remember?) they have to do more on the new entrants front. They are in a good position right now but this last week would be critical in order to close the difference. What they need is add new vows that will bring their total points/vow ratio closer to the average that currently stands at 550. So any new vow (by new I mean totally new not renewed) should come at above their current average of 478. No need for super-vows here, anything in the 500-600pts bracket will do! You guys stand a good chance to win this – don’t run out of steam now!!!

Black Templars have gone into a completion frenzy! With 7 completions (some in their fourth vow already) they managed 1,995pts this week. Good, I hear you say. Well, not really... We are still in the phase where forming the final teams is more important than scoring completions and on this front the Black Templars seem to have run out of steam. With only 2 more new vows this week and the total of pledged points increasing only 22% (mostly on renewals of existing participants) the BTs are in a precarious position. Having their average point/vow slip by 26 points (the only forum where the size of the average vow declined w-o-w) does not help much either as they now face the real possibility to be left behind. Unless you guys can continue to complete vows with your current rate until mid August, you’ll really need to bring in new blood! Think of it. 7 completions produced a bit less than 2k pts. The BAs with only 3 managed almost 1.6k. Food for thought.

Codex Forums have the second largest amount of vows and points pledged so far. The biggest contribution is made by the Index Astartes forum (37% of total points vowed) and the smallest by the Ultramarines forum (30% of total points vowed). More interestingly their avearge vow is virtually spot-on the average of the whole Challenge which means the Codex forums are not overly reliant to few super-vows but (much like the DAs) have diversified their risk. They sport only 85pts completed so far but this early on this is of secondary importance. However adding vows in the last week is of crucial importance in you guys want to remain on top! A moment of laxity... you know how it goes...

Chaos is seriously behind in total points, number of vows and size of average vow (the latter is the lowest in the challenge currently). I think that the dated CSM range combined with recent rumors of imminent release of the new Codex (and minis) is making people less inclined to commit big at this time. The answer to that is: commit small!!! Forget about average points or indeed total points – just focus on total vows – that way you will have an army of painters standing by. What do you have to lose? To paint an old style single mini? A small basic squad? Nothing important. But if your new Codex is released within the life-time of E TENEBRAE LUX then you will be able to vow again – this time with tons of stuff – reversing the fortunes of war when the rest of the forums least expect it. But for this to work you need the adequate resources i.e. manpower! If you do not have the number of vows, come what may, you will never threaten the leading forums. So... FOR THE DARK GODS!!!

Ordos Inquisition have increased their points by 61% (!) the highest among all forums although admittedly from a low base. Still they managed to have good representation for both GK AND SoBs despite the expensive in $ terms nature of the latter. Keep going guys – your lonely path to the Emperor’s light is an inspiration to all!!!

Still no Titans yet...

Overall, at the end ot the 3rd week of the Challenge we have almost 200 participants and 105k points pledged! This is great guys. Now remember:


Good luck to all!
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Hah! I've got the least points of any vow :) I may have to change that (unless it gets me a banner or something special like that ^_^)!




Well, you can always make another vow once the first one is complete, if you feel like it... Note though that if you fail in your second or subsequent vows then all previous vows are nullified - they count for nothing... So increase the stakes only if you're confident! ^_^

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Is it possible to increase my vow or should i complete my first vow and make another vow after that?


You can modify your vow until at any point until June 15th. After that you cannot change your vow but you can make new one once you finish your previous one. So the short answer is yes, you can increase your vow. For now. ;)

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Well, it's time to stop lurking and start participating.....here goes.


I StJude answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 1 reclusiarch (conversion), 6 death company with two power weapon upgrades, one with Thunder Hammer and bolter, one with powerfist and bolter and a Razorback with Heavy Flamer option from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 390pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


WiP thread will be created when I get home late tonight.

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Is it possible to increase my vow or should i complete my first vow and make another vow after that?


You can modify your vow until at any point until June 15th. After that you cannot change your vow but you can make new one once you finish your previous one. So the short answer is yes, you can increase your vow. For now. ^_^



Well, in that case i would increase my vow ;-) Fingers crossed!


I, Tokolosh, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 1 devastator squad of 5 models equipped with 4 missile launchers, Mephiston, a Death company dreadnought with heavy flamer, melta and magnagrapple, a predator with autocannon and lascannon sponsons and 2 razorbacks with lascannon and TL plasmagun from Codex:Blood Angels of total value of 845 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Ninth Legion and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


WIP photo's:





As you can see the razorbacks have TL lascannons but i will convert them to Las/plas turrets.




Finished photo's:



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@ StJude: Welcome to ETL! Table in p.1 updated with your vow! Good luck! ^_^


@ tokolosh: I've replaced your old vow with the one above. Check it out and let me know if it's ok! Cool kit bashing & conversion there! good luck!

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I screwed up my pointage, and HQ pick in my vow. Any chance of an amend?


Reclusiarch - 130

Sang Priest, Power Weapon - 65

Assault Marines x 6, Melta, Power Fist - 153

Assault Marines x 5, Melta, Power Weapon - 125

Assault Marines x 5, Melta, Power Fist - 135

Razorback, extra armour x 3 - 105

Baal, HB Sponsons x2 - 290




Some WIP;


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I think this kind of thing is just what I need to quit my lurking the BA forum... here goes nothing!


I, Witty, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Sanguinary Priest with jump pack, one 10-man JP Assault Squad with PF/2x flamer, one 5-man JP Assault Squad with a meltagun, 5 Death Company with 2x power weapons and jump packs, one Razorback with TLHF for my tactical squad, and one Baal Predator with TLAC/HB sponsons from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 810pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to Guilliman's Favoured and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


Pictures to come in the next week of the start of this, most of it just came in the mail yesterday.


Glory and honor, brothers. Glory and honor.


Edit - Quick cell phone pic of my kitchen table.


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Welcome on board Witty! Nice vow too. Good luck!


The BAs could use another 10 vows of similar size to become more of a threat to the DAs... Seriously guys - commit now before it's too late!


Front table updated! :)

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Mr Semper Sir, my apologies for adding to your workload.


Would you please amend my vow as follows?


I StJude answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 1 reclusiarch with Jump Pack (conversion), 1 Chaplain, 6 death company with two power weapon upgrades, one with Thunder Hammer and bolter, one with powerfist and bolter and a Razorback with Heavy Flamer option from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 515pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”
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Done! Good luck with your extended vow!


C'mon BAs you can do this - all you need is another 10k points until next Friday 22:00 GMT - you do that through new participants and have as good a chance as any! I know you can do 10k pts but can you do it with NEW participants? This is the key!

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“I Seth84 answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 'Chapter Master Gabriel Seth, plus An Honour Guard consisting of 3 Honour Guard, One Champion and one Sanguinary Noviate from Codex: Blood Angels of total value of 355 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Flesh Tearers and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”



New pledge coming soon!

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:devil: These are some sweet Fleash Tearers!!! Top quality stuff! Congratulations Seth - your name is well deserved! I sure hope you paint an extra cool banner there to complement your fantastic work on those crazy phychos!!! :)


Table is updated with your completion and look forward for your follow-up vow! :)

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Time for another silly question: At what stage do you (or your panel of judges/whatever) class an entry as being complete?


Table ready?

Full works?


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Time for another silly question: At what stage do you (or your panel of judges/whatever) class an entry as being complete?


Table ready?

Full works?



Well, as all the above are largely subjective and given this is not a competition to judge painting quality but rather commitment & enthusiasm, an entry is considred complete when you say it's complete. :) Keep in mind that this Challenge has an end-date but you have to live with your minis much longer than that. So it is expected that you will paint the minis to the best of your ability. And I can't see any reason why one would settle for less...

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Updating my vow from this;

“I, Brother Nathan answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a sanguary guard squad and chaplin lemartes from Codex: Blood angels of total value 375 on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Storm Angels and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”

To this;

“I, Brother Nathan answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a sanguary guard squad and chaplin lemartes as well as 1 death co squad(7 with 3 powerweapons) from codex blood angels to the value of 550 points on or before august 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Storm Angels and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”

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OK Brother Nathan - your vow is updated (and realised I had assigned wrong pts before :) ). Anyway, if you can give some more flavor on the DC squad it'll be great - Good luck!
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I, Abraxes, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 1 Vanguard Veteran Squad equipped with 5 power weapons, 5 storm shields and 5 jump packs (340 points) and 1 Reclusiarch with crozius arcanum, bolt pistol and a jump pack (155 points) from Codex: Blood Angels for a total value of 495 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and failure will doom me to bare the sign of damnation until the year end.




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