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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

Captain Semper

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Countless chapters have come and gone and yet more come to make their mark! But are they any good compared to the Ancients? More importantly can they face the might of the First Legion! For the Sons of the Lion are issuing a challenge, one that only the bravest and most determined can hope to stand against. Are you ready to measure your worth against the Unfogiven? Are you brave enough?


Welcome to E TENEBRAE LUX, the Dark Angels Painting Challenge. This Challenge aims to cultivate faction loyalty and tighten the relations of members of the various forums while getting miniatures painted at the same time. E TENEBRAE LUX is structured quite differently compared to the LPC that many of you might be familiar with. It is designed to play down the inherent disadvantage of low vow-count (that some forums seem to suffer from), evening out as much as possible the chance of victory for all. It also allows for the development of strategies such as to who’s going to paint what, under the coordination of moderators or other active members of your sub-forum. Even a last minute hero might tip the balance!!!


1. ELIGIBLE FORUMS: This challenge involves all the sub-forums that are associated with a Codex officially released by GW. See eligible forums in the “Important Stuff” section below.

2. VOWS: Each participant MUST declare the sub-forum (and hence the Codex to be used) in his/her vow. That’s how his/her allegiance will be defined. You cannot pledge for the Blood Angels sub-forum for example and use Codex: Space Wolves units as your vow. One has to make a choice. This is different from the LPC where people can paint whatever they like and pledge it for whichever forum they like. Here it’s about faction loyalty! So make your choice and support your preferred faction to the bitter end!

3. LEGAL ENTRIES: Each vow should be a legal unit from the chosen Codex. It can be upgraded with any legal upgrades but WYSIWYG is required. An exception is made for dedicated transports that can be entered individually as if they were standalone entries in any Codex. Furthermore Special Characters that are used as squad upgrades can also be entered individually and are worth the “upgrade” points. If in doubt of whether your vow is legal or not, feel free to raise the question (publicly or through PMs) and you will receive the ruling of the Inner Circle before you commit.

4. THE TWIST: EXPANDING THE VOWS: Here is the twist: once the vow is complete, a new vow with additional units can be added but they should also be legal entries from chosen Codex as described above. This new vow must be clearly made according to the same format of the original vow. It should be stressed that the participant is liable for all the vows he makes. Failing one is failing all. So think carefully before stepping-up your commitment, if you fail on the second or subsequent vows all is lost!

5. THE WINNER: The sub-forum with the most points (as per relevant Codex) in the end of the event wins. As simple as that. Those that complete their vows successfully will get an amazing banner declaring their success in the Dark Angels Challenge while those that vowed for the winning forum will get the “Dark Angels Challenge Champions” banner that can wear with pride until the end of their days! Those that fail will be branded with the banner of shame until the year-end!


Timing of the event:

E TENEBRAE LUX opening: May 15th
Vow submission period: May 15th until June 15th at 22:00 GMT
E TENEBRAE LUX ending: August 15 at 22:00 GMT.

The format of the vow should be:

“I [insert name here] answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete [insert unit name here] from Codex: [insert Codex name here] of total value [insert point value here] on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to [insert Chapter/Legion/Warband] and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”

Eligible Forums:

• Black Templars – Codex: Black Templars
• Blood Angels – Codex: Blood Angels
• Dark Angels – Codex: Dark Angels
• Index Astartes – Codex: Space Marines
• Liber Astartes – Codex: Space Marines
• Space Wolves – Codex: Space Wolves
• Ultramarines – Codex: Space Marines
• ALL Chaos sub-forums – Codex: Chaos Space Marines OR Codex: Chaos Daemons
• Ordos Inquisition – Codex: Grey Knights OR SoBs PDF.
• Adeptus Mechanichus – IMPERIAL TITANS ONLY! (more on that in the Forgeworld section below)

Forgeworld: Forgeworld entries are legal provided it is clearly stated that the unit can be used in the chosen Codex in the 40k context. They worth the points as depicted in the relevant Forgeworld publication. The only exception here is Imperial Titans. For people that want to have a go with Imperial Titans they can legitimately do so if the vow is pledged for Adeptus Mechanicus. That’s the only non-Codex entries that are legal in this Challenge and the only vows that can be pledged on behalf of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Only two pictures are required – one in the beginning (minis unpainted or primed or in very early stages of painting) and one for the finished vow. You are of course welcome to post as many pictures as you like in your WIP thread – but just two (one at the start and one at the finish) will suffice!

This thread is the “Chapter House” for this event. All vows of this sub-forum should be posted in this very thread in order to be valid. This is also the place to declare vow completions and/or vow renewals. Finally posting your WIP thread links in your vow post will be tremendously helpful! This is a big event guys, so making life easier for me, will help avoid confusion and backs ‘n forths…

You can also use this thread to gauge the progress of your forum (I’ll update often) and compare it with other forums in their respective threads. It will also be a good place to talk to each other as how to go about it, and organize your forum effort.

I am Captain Semper and the Inner Circle has given me command of this event. I’ll be glad to answer any questions as we go along and I will keep track of all forums’ efforts. So I’m the person you need to talk to for anything regarding the procedures of this competition but Moderators still have full control of the Meltas, Flamers and Blades of Reason. And they will gladly use all of them given half a chance...

May the best forum win!

Dark Angels Painting Challenge/Liber Astartes sub-forum First Vows
Aquilanus 2 x 5-man Tactical Squads and one Land Speeder Typoon Command Squad consisting of a Company Champion, 3 Veterans (One with a Lightning Claw and Plasma pistol, Two with a power fist [each] and a combi weapon) and an Apothecary 515 COMPLETE
Brother Cambrius 1 Tactical Squad and Drop Pod 225 COMPLETE
Captain Uriel Ventris a ten man assault squad, a five man tactical squad, finish an additional tactical squad and a predator 690 COMPLETE
Chaptermaster Graymantle 30 Terminators, 1 Caestus Assault Ram with a Firefury Missile Battery and Frag Assault Launchers, as well as 3 Land Speeder Tempests 1,830 Incomplete
Creeger 10th company's 3rd Scouts, squad Silent Storm (Telion, 3 x sniper rifles, 1xML) 135 COMPLETE
Der Totenkopf 2x 3 man bike squads with power weapons for sergeants 210 Incomplete
Drake Storm (1) 10-strong Tactial Squad [serg: PW+plasma Pistol, plasma gun, plasma cannon] , (1) Chapter Master [Terminator armour, Thunder hammer, Storm Shield] , (1) Captain [Terminator armour, LC, storm shield] 570 COMPLETE
Excubitor Cassius, Rhino, Razorback - Twin-Linked Assault Cannon, Dreadnought 1 - 2x Twin-Linked Autocannon, Dreadnought 2 - Multi-melta and Heavy Flamer, Dreadnought 3 - Twin-Linked Lascannon and Heavy Flamer, 2x LS Typhoon - Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launcher, 10 man Devastator Squad - Sergeant w/ Combi-plasma, Multi-Melta, Plasma Cannon, Lascannon & two Dreads (one Multimelta/H.Flamer and one TL lascannon H.Flamer) 1,315 Incomplete
King Willy 5 man company command squad and 10 man tactical squad 385 Incomplete
Mechanicus_Adept scout bike squad & 10-man scout squad squad 220 COMPLETE
Rafen_2 one Assault on Black Reach captain and one tactical squad of 10 members 270 Incomplete
Reyner a 5 man Sternguard Squad and a Command Squad (Sergeant with Power Sword and Bolter, 2 marines with Bolters, 1 marine with a flamer, 1 marine with a missile launcher) 373 Incomplete
Silver Phoenix a Captain, his command squad, their Razorback, a counts as Lysander, two ten man tactical squads and their Rhino transports, an ironclad dread, a normal dread, a squad of 8 terminators and a landraider of the Godhammer pattern 2,000 Incomplete
Yadrinas a Space Marine Captain, Command Squad, Razorback, Dreadnought, 10-man Tactical Squad, and 5-man Scout Squad, and a Landspeeder Typhoon 1,000 Incomplete

Dark Angels Painting Challenge/Liber Astartes sub-forum Second Vows
Creeger Dreadnaught - Hellfire pattern (Twin-linked Lascannon & Missile Launcher) 145 COMPLETE
Master Drake Storm Librarian with Force Sword, jump pack, and plasma pistol 155 COMPLETE

Dark Angels Painting Challenge/Liber Astartes sub-forum Third Vows
Master Drake Storm Scout squad, with power weapon, heavy bolter, and +1 scout 113 COMPLETE
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“I, Aquilanus answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 2x 5 man Tactical Squads and one Land Speeder Typoon from Codex: Space Marines of total value of 270 pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Steel Wings Chapter and the Liber Astartes and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


I also hope to add more units to the tally, but as Captain Semper has stated, I won't make any additional vows until I know I can get them done! ;)


Go, Liber, Go! ;)




Additional parts to Vow:


Command Squad consisting of a Company Champion, 3 Veterans (One with a Lightning Claw and Plasma pistol, Two with a power fist [each] and a combi weapon) and an Apothecary.


(If I've totalled it correctly), This additional vow: 245pts.


(If I have the time and money, I may add a Razorback as a third Vow)



I know I am going to regret this but...


I Silver Phoenix answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Space Marine Captain and his Command Squad from Codex: Space Marines of total value 365pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Revelators (of Liber Astartes) and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


I hope thats okay, for a Captain and his Command Squad, if not let me know and I'll change it. Oh, and are we allowed to start already, or do we have to wait for the sign up period to end.


Oh and: Go Liber! Go Liber!

This Challenge was structured around 40k Codices and is aimed to feed Codex "patriotism" if you like. It also aims to create a tabletop "feeling" in the sense that whatever point descrepancies might exist between codices is an accepted fact by gamers (no matter the amounts of whining) so it seemed an objectve way to go about it. I see what you're saying though. I'll confer with the Inner Circle and will revert.

I Captain Uriel Ventris answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a ten man assault squad, a five man tactical sqaud, finish an additional tactical squad and a predator from Codex: Space Marine of total value on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Ferrum Lupus/Iron Wolves and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation for as long as I am on this site.


1st tactical squad - (almost completed)

plasma gun

storm bolter

Total= 110pts.


2nd tactical squad

melta gun

storm bolter

power fist

melta bombs

Total= 135pts


1st assault squad

5 additonal members

plasma pistol

thunder hammer

melta bombs

2 flamers

Total= 260pts



Twin-linked lascannon

Lascannon side sponsons

Storm bolter

Hunter-killer missile


Total = 185pts


Total force points = 690pts


Probably going to regret this but what the hell.



W.I.P thread started.

I don't do things by halves. Plus I have a fair bit of free time over the coming weeks, so if I don't complete it then I damn well deserve it.


Also, can we start once we've pledged? As I think I can get a fair bit done tomorrow....


As far as I know there are some WIP threads popping up already.


Hopefully, I may have some time to get the Tac squad painted (even if it's base coated) this weekend.

Ok, no worries. But what about painting a squad from a different chapter using the same 'dex?


The only reason I ask is that I know I may be able to finish my vow within a week or so and have a number of other models to paint but none that I want to use for my Iron Wolves.


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