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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

Captain Semper

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There are five of us ;) Captain Uriel Ventris, King Willy, Yourself, Silver Phoenix and myself ^_^


Room for more of course (hint, hint!) ;)


Opps :lol: forgot how to count. I would paint more if I actually had more to paint, but then again I would need to ask someone for point values which I know isn't allowed here so it would be for nought.

First time back on here for a few months, and seeing how life issues cut my LPC vow to hell just when I was starting to make progress, let's see if I can get the ball rolling again.


I Excubitor answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 3 Dreadnoughts, 1 Rhino, 1 Razorback, 10 tactical marines, 1 Chaplain Cassius, and 2 Land Speeder Typhoons from Codex: Space Marines of total value roughly 1000 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to Storm Hawks and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


Basically, my LPC vow plus a razorback for my command Squad and 2 typhoons. Will have to see how life treats THIS vow. Points aren't exact and the marines are fillers for various half-painted units and 2 dreadnoughts and razorback will have multiple options. Time to break in the new Painting station!


Here's hoping no major life issues crop up *knock on wood*.


Edit: almost forgot:


Go, Liber! Go Liber!


Edit 2: Found my old WIP log from the LPC: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=246157

Basically not much done from there bar the odd undercoat for red/yellow areas and some silver added to a few of the tactical marines and a dreadnought.

First time back on here for a few months, and seeing how life issues cut my LPC vow to hell just when I was starting to make progress, let's see if I can get the ball rolling again.


I Excubitor answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 3 Dreadnoughts, 1 Rhino, 1 Razorback, 10 tactical marines, 1 Chaplain Cassius, and 2 Land Speeder Typhoons from Codex: Space Marines of total value roughly 100 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to Storm Hawks and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


Basically, my LPC vow plus a razorback for my command Squad and 2 typhoons. Will have to see how life treats THIS vow. Points aren't exact and the marines are fillers for various half-painted units and 2 dreadnoughts and razorback will have multiple options. Time to break in the new Painting station!


Here's hoping no major life issues crop up *knock on wood*.


Ermm, 3 dreads, a rhino, a razor, 10 tacts, Cassius and 2 Typhoons for 100pts? ;) What Codex are you using mate? - I sure would like to get my hands on it! ;)


So let's get this a bit streamlined:


1) Get the unit load-outs cleared up. How will you equip your tact squad? Remeber it should be a legal unit. Same applies for all units (dreads/tanks/skimmers). Please refrain from giving a breakdown of points as it is not allowed by B&C rules. Just a break-down of equipment and total point value of the vow.


2) You cannot gain points by painting alternative weapon load-outs. You must choose a specific configuration and pledge for it. Also only upgrades that can be physically represented on the mini count.


3) Get the point values accurately. I know you said 100pts was not an accurate ( :lol: ) but this whole Challenge is based on point values, so it is important to "invoice" your vow accurately.


Do the above and I'll get the first post table updated ASAP!!! :(

I noticed in one of my later edits that I'd missed a zero in my guestimate, must have caught it just before I fixed it.


Righto then, lets see what I can make as a list...


Cassius - 125


Rhino - 35


Razorback - Twin-Linked Assault Cannon - 75


Dreadnought 1 - 2x Twin-Linked Autocannon - 125


Dreadnought 2 - Multi-melta and Heavy Flamer - 115


Dreadnought 3 - Twin-Linked Lascannon and Heavy Flamer - 145


2x LS Typhoon - Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launcher - 180


10 man Devastator Squad - Sergeant w/ Combi-plasma, Multi-Melta, Plasma Cannon, Lascannon - 255


Total - 1055


Devastator squad is the only way to point what I'm painting there, despite going into 3 different units and 1 alternate weapon :( And went for the most expensive weapon loadouts, might as well if I'm doing them all!

I noticed in one of my later edits that I'd missed a zero in my guestimate, must have caught it just before I fixed it.


I thought as much! :(


Anyway, this is the first mega-vow (>1,000pts) on behalf of the Liber! Good luck with it Excubitor!

I am thinking my vow might increase soon too, as I've got the guys assembled, just waiting on weather to prime them in. Might end up vowing a whole army, just to get Liber some points...


EDIT: So, who here dares me to try and paint 2000 points worth for the challenge? I've got the list planned out. All it would take is a little nudge :)

Do the models have to be based to complete the vow or is it just the models themselves that need to be painted?


Well, basing is up to you. I'd say just a lick of goblin green would do it... :D But yeah - basing is optional - not compulsory.



I am thinking my vow might increase soon too, as I've got the guys assembled, just waiting on weather to prime them in. Might end up vowing a whole army, just to get Liber some points...


EDIT: So, who here dares me to try and paint 2000 points worth for the challenge? I've got the list planned out. All it would take is a little nudge :)


So... You want to raise the stakes? Be my guest - but know this: We are not just the Unforgiven but also Unforgiving too! :D


By all means vow whatever you want (within the rules obviously) but remember that you can always keep something back and vow for it once your initial vow is done. Having said that, go for it! :)


The lonely figure in black robes of the Disciples of Caliban Chapter stood above his impetuous brother of the order of the Silver Phoenix. His was standing still, pointing his still smoking bolt pistol at the surprised silver warrior. Only the following words were uttered in the desolate landscape:


Do you feel lucky?

Do I feel lucky...? Well, no, not really. I must admit luck has never been my forte... But Do I feel impetuous and silly... That on the other hand...


“I Silver Phoenix (re)answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete: A Captain (with relic blade, storm shield artificer armour), his command squad (two power weapons, champ, standard bearer, lightening claw and two storm shields), their Razorback (twin linked assault cannon) , A counts as Lysander, two ten man tactical squads (1 with melta, heavybolter and sarge with plasma pistol, the other with missile launcher plasma gun and power weapon) and their Rhino transports, an ironclad dread (two heavy flamers and assault launchers), a normal dread (debating between assault cannon or multi melta and missile launcher), a squad of 8 terminators (with cyclone missile launcher) and a landraider of the Godhammer pattern from Codex: Space Marines of total value 2000pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Revelators of the Liber Astartes Sub-forum and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end... and feel like a really big idiot...”


So, that suitable?


In the words of Twin .44 for last years LPC challenge, Go Hard or Go Home!


EDIT: Included gear, better?

Yeah it's fine - this substitutes the previous one yes? Also could you provide a the equipment load-out of your squads? Please don't list individual point values (against B&C rules) just list the equipment to have a feeling what you have in mind. :lol: thx

Do we need to have decals for chapter badges/squad markings on? I'm waiting for after tax comes in to do an order for forge world raptor decal sheets for my guys, but that won't be for a few months yet, so probably won't be done in time for this challenge. Life expenses get priority from those at the moment.


On the plus side, I WILL base my mini's to a decent standard :lol:

Do we need to have decals for chapter badges/squad markings on? I'm waiting for after tax comes in to do an order for forge world raptor decal sheets for my guys, but that won't be for a few months yet, so probably won't be done in time for this challenge. Life expenses get priority from those at the moment.


On the plus side, I WILL base my mini's to a decent standard :D


OK, even my OCD has limits :lol: Decals and markings are optional... i.e. NOT required in order to render your vow complete!

Not entirely sure how I'd do that so maybe I will just stick with the missile launcher/melta dread... Like a super Anti tank machine. Meh, may as well, as he's going to work in concert with the Termies so I think 5 power fists, 2 chain fists a power weapon and a thunder hammer should do the trick in melee anyway.

I Reyner answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a 5 man Sternguard Squad and a Command Squad from Codex: Space Marines of total value 373 points (this is off the top of my head, I'll check when back from work) on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Deathwatch (stay tuned ;)) and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


Sternguard Squad:


5xSternguard 155 Points

- Sergeant with Power Sword, Bolter and Melta Bombs

-2 marines with Bolters

- 1 marine with a flamer

- 1 marine with a missile launcher


Command Squad 220 points

-2 marines with bolt pistol and power fist

- 1 marine with power fist and lightning claw

- 1 marine with bolter and power axe

- Apothecary


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