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The Rock

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I: Two sides of a coin


„Step forward, young Astartes.

You've been chosen to a very special test of faith.“ Surprised by the brief command Nuriel stood up as fast as he could from his seat. If his Company Master hadn't warned him that this would happen sooner or later the Space Marine would have been totally shocked by the appearance of the Interrogator Chaplain. Without any further words the black-armoured Marine whose old face was hidden by a skull mask made Nuriel follow him through the huge corridors and over small gangways that reached all around the Rock's surface.


After about five minutes of silent walking Nuriel was sure that he lost his orientation. In this part of the Rock he has never been before. But wasn't this part of what Master Suriel had promised him? Without any warning, the Interrogator Chaplain turned around immediately after passing by another corner. Instead of an excuse or an explanation the Space Marine grabbed for his chest and pushed him against a wall. Knowing that nobody could hear him as they had passed many dark, not lighted corridors Nuriel didn't resist. Besides, if the Chaplain wanted to hurt or even kill him he could punch his unhelmeted face.


But the Chaplain didn't do so. Instead his gloomy eyes gazed at him for some moments. “There is far too much fear in your eyes. What did you think?” Confused by the angered voice of the Chaplain Nuriel counter questioned: “What... What do you mean?” “I mean that you've done the most stupid thing you could do when you became the Hero of Cerea IV, the Titan Slayer or any of the further titles they gave you. Don't you realize what is happening around you? Or are you too arrogant to see it?”`Still no sign of insight was visible on the Company Veteran's face. “They promoted you to become a member of the Ravenwing. The Ravenwing! At what age?” Now Nuriel protested: “Hey, hey. I've earned to be promoted already. Master Suriel said, I'm the youngest...” But the black-armoured Chaplain interrupted him: “Yes! And that will be your problem. You are the youngest Dark Angel that has ever been promoted to the Ravenwing. Even our honoured Chapter Master was much older than you. Almost every eye of the Inner...” The Chaplain stopped and pursed his lips which was not visible to Nuriel as his skull mask hid any facial expression. He had almost told him about the Inner Circle. But instead of keeping silent, he corrected his mistake quickly: “...Headquarters is targeting you right now!”


Suddenly Nuriel did understand. “I've brought you here to warn you. If you continue your 'career' you'll soon make people mistrust you. Your last Sergeant for example is waiting for his promotion doubled as long as you serve in general. Do you think he'll ever accept you as his superior? Do you think your comrades in the Ravenwing will accept you as young as you are? Others will certainly try to stop your career, if necessary by eliminating you, because they fear you may take their opportunities.” Nuriel had lowered his head and the hood shadowed his face now. The Chaplain had softened the grab on the man's chest. Instead of continuing to complain about the Marine's actions, he tried to cheer him up: “It's not your fault. It's theirs.”


But Nuriel still felt guilty. He was too proud. With a serious voice he said: “Master Chaplain, I must confess a sin.” The Chaplains' brows were wrinkled: “What would that be, my son?” Nuriel grabbed a dagger from his robe and stabbed it into the Chaplain's armour. With a smile on his lips, he said: “I have murdered a Chaplain!” While spewing out blood he shouted for help, but nobody could hear him. Nuriel, as he called himself nowadays, smiled. How could the Chaos have thanked him more for his rebellion against those weak Dark Angels 10.000 years ago than giving him a child's body to infiltrate the chapter. He took the Chaplain's body and dragged it through the Corridor's to the Apothecarion of his now former Company. On his way, he cried for help and shouted that there were murderers among them. Lord Cypher would be so proud, he was sure.

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