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​Imperial Fists 1st Company

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Hello everybody. I'm a long time player who has always loved the Fists but never had the stones to attempt a full army of yellow. Until now. I've posted These pics in the Fist thread but there is way more traffic here, so in the hopes of getting more feedback ill post em here to.

First up Vladimir Pugh:


Brother Finn:


Brother Cullyn:


This guys not actually a part of the force (tac markings sculpted into shoulder pad) he was the test marine to get a yellow I liked.

Brother Nevyn:


Let me know what you think please guys.

For the Emperor.

Very nice!!


How did you do that yellow? It looks flawless



Thanks dude. I posted the exact method i use over in the imperial fist discussion if you're interested. The sarge isn't looking so flawless at the mo, but another couple of thin coats should sort that.

Thanks Syth I'm really pleased you like em. I have a bit of a dillema now though. I've only ever painted battle damage on one marine before (the one earlier in the thread) However I like him so much I think I want the rest to look the same. Here's the dillema. I've never painted marines this nice before neither and I don't wanna ruin em now, so the question is to battle damage or not to battle damage?


I put it to the board. Most votes wins. Tee hee this is kinda exciting.

OK battle damage it is then. Gonna get the whole force painted up before I start it though so my skills are sharp as possible.

Got another coupla ideas to run by you guys.


First. I don't like banners. Just straight up don't like em. I can't reconcile the image of my super elite deadly space soldiers running around waving big flags in my head. I do get symbolism though. So I was thinking about having my banner being super practical. Like a bright shiny suit of gold armour or something.


Don't get me wrong I think banners look dead cool and all.....just on ceremony, or hanging in a hall. Not in battle.


Second. I would like to do a purely first company force, without the need for attachments from other companies. However I need two troops choices to play legal 40k and as you know neither of our troops choices belong to the first company.


My idea is to to just have ten power armoured marines fill the role of scouts in my force as they haven't been able to link up with the 10th. They will be veterans drawn from the first company like all the rest' but will follow all the rules for scouts. My explanation for the discrepancy between armour saves and stats? That they are optimised for recon not loaded for bear. Armour integrity and offensive capability are somewhat sacrificed in order to carry extra sensory equipment etc.



Second. I would like to do a purely first company force, without the need for attachments from other companies. However I need two troops choices to play legal 40k and as you know neither of our troops choices belong to the first company.


My idea is to to just have ten power armoured marines fill the role of scouts in my force as they haven't been able to link up with the 10th. They will be veterans drawn from the first company like all the rest' but will follow all the rules for scouts. My explanation for the discrepancy between armour saves and stats? That they are optimised for recon not loaded for bear. Armour integrity and offensive capability are somewhat sacrificed in order to carry extra sensory equipment etc.




Something I always wanted to do after seeing the Horus Heresy Art Book. World Eaters I think are the only ones they show up for but if you have it there are scout/recon squads in there of marines in a lighter looking version of the power armor. Almost looks as if they did a power armor leg swap, catachan arm and head swap and kept the body a scout torso. At least that's how I was going to do them... They also run around with lasguns but that is easily fixed.


Side note, think you can post up a link in here for the discussion you posted up your yellow recipe in?

Just a mini update. I had to take a break from painting yellow, before I was dragged screaming into the warp. So I've been modelling today and managed to find a solution to my banner dillema.


As you can see I gave in and went with a banner. But I'm sure you'll agree he looks splendid. Finished the rest of the honour guard too but the lights not good enough to get decent pics as you can see so I'll post those tomorrow.

This dude is my fave so far. Can't wait to paint him.

looks good.. a little small for my tastes, but thats because im a fan of certain classic gw art that makes marines and banners seem awesome.


ie http://kannascrusade.files.wordpress.com/2...555_5_78414.jpg


and the ever awesome



I like the idea of the banner bearer and I like the sowrd and bolter added to the mini but I too am on the same boat as Lorenzen regarding the banners size.


It would be cool to make a little mold of the fist icon from that banner and put it onto the plastic banner from the command squad box. But modelling that banner with that sternguard body would be difficult since the one arm is too close to the body.


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