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A Chaplains words

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'It is a terrible thing you know, to be born into something you didnt ask for, or didnt want, or even worse, did want, having crossed the point of safe return only to realise its now utterly to late to venture back to the land of comfort and safety.....or at least that is how we percieve the land we will pass onto. However in this we are not alone for the universe in its never ending vastness has but one certanty, that the life we share is borrowed and must be returned. Wheather it is by the slow decay of time, the violence of war, the change of vision and power or self indulgence and corruption that lurks within us all, challenges every living deity or force no matter how divine they seem or percieve themselfs to be, the shadow of the end hangs over us all'


The chaplain stood, un armoured covered in simple military fatigues, placing his hands upon the large circular table infront of him to lean in and speak in a softer tone to the initiates.


'Make no mistake, the challenges to be thrown your way will make you question the very meaning of life and existance, some of you will thrive, some of you will falter, that much is without question but do not mistake my words for insult or flattery, for I am but a man given the great strength the farther of this civilisation that life has deemed fit either through divine intervention or mere blind luck to bestow upon me. All of you who sit before me should remember the teaching of our ancestors, be they astartee or man so that we may learn as they did but we should not be bound to lessons of the past when we have been given the means to shape our own future'


Slowly the chaplain stepped backwards comming to stand behing the lightly cushioned seat, one of the twenty places around the table. He began to walk around the back of the initiates in a clock wise direction sharing glances, some of admiration, some of concern and some of distain. Never the less he slowly walked on to a weapon mount fixed into a stone wall and stood before what lay upon it, his back towards the initiates sitting around the large circular stone table.


Reaching out his hands gently brushing them over the cool black metal case his hands came to find the position they new so well, his right hand holding the grip of the weapon and his left passing underneath to the stock he hefted the weapon from its case with ease and turned again to face the inisitaes.


'This young ones, is the shadow of the end, a creation of mankind, death itself made manifest by a race, nye species that fights to preserve its right to exist, in a univere in which some never wanted to be in the first place'


The initiates looked upon one another confused by the Chaplains puzzling words wondering if this but was another test, a test they were facing with the emphasis on subtlety. This was not the case but to some they would of staked their life upon it.


'What you must remember young ones is that although life is fragile its most amazing trait is....' an initate spoke to break the silence amongst his new brothers 'perseverance' The chaplain stopped and looked to the young man who spoke, barely 18 and undergoing the change to astartee through rigerous mind numbing training, agressive and hostile terrains the likes of which would make life seem at its utmost fragile and punishing mental tests that would break the weak willed a thousand times over the chaplain was glad to see that spark of humanity burned in the young mans eyes, but yet he felt sorrow, to know that as strong as this young man...this young astaree may become, wheater his prowess be in valour, stratagey, leadership strength of will or even just luck, that like himself he would one day fall.


'Perseverance, indeed, astartees have often been viewed by hummanity as demigods, as angels of grandure who swoop down from high to deliver the Emperors justice, but what of the Emperor himself? Is he not viewed as a God like being? Perhaps not in the open but in hushed corners where the whisper of a prayer might be heard only to be carried into shadow and memory. I am not giving voice to what we percieve as heresey or blind admiration, but what I ask you remember is that all powerful or not, Emperor or servant we are all men........men that share the same traits, the ignorance to hold a universe that hates us together. The love and compassion that would lead some to acts below themselfs to fight for what is right. All emotions and feelings are given to us for a reason, to remind us that we are all human, and that is what we fight for'

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