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Rayray's WIP For Vow Completion


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A WIP for you, Russ Brother.




hey ray,


i would change the color of the metal straps on the model (for lack of something better to call them...sue me). the kind of blend in with the teeth color of his neckalce.


or it that just the picture?



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  • 4 weeks later...

:o where did u get these models?,they are amazing


I can answer for Ray, (as he is probably painting right now and not likely to be back in the Fang for a bit), the terminators are GK Terminators that he "wolfed" up using GS and various wolf bits from various wolf kits.


EDIT: the shields are scribor i believe.



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interesting base for logan :) I like your WGBL already :D and jw. your Logan and Rags, are they finecast or oldschool pewter? :)

They are all old school. and the base was only to flock a base fr him quickly and easily. they should be finished tonight.

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So here is the rest of my vow, including the primed pics for my WG with WC. The picture for the WGBL didn't turn out as well as I had hoped.


WG with LC


WG with Logan and Arjac


WG with Ragnar and WP



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all looking very nice ray, I've just given in and bought my first finecast models - Arjac and Grimmy and to my fortune they're both brilliant and apart from a little re-bending needed for arjac's hammer they're damn near perfect ;) so I shall have fun with these ;)


I can't wait to see those two WC WG finished :)

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I usually start with a dark blue in vallejo, which would probably be something similar to a midnight blue in old gw, and simply moved to lighter blues. If it is a character model, usually i half and half mix the shades for a better shading effect. After the base coat is all dry-brushing.
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Primed wolf priests


Primed Lukas, Wolf Lord w/WC, Wolf Lord w/ PF SS

Didn't think painting this evening would happen, but it's going down!

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So, despite my camera not working, I have completion photos. The work is all present, but I am ashamed to post something that can hardly be appreciated. These pics were taken with my sister's android.



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dude, next time i see you we are taking a picture of your lord shoulder pad. something that awesome cant stay blurry.



Yeah, I thought the runes were decent, and it is pretty cool to not just call his armor runic, you knw, for it to really be wyswig

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