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The Albigensian Crusade


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ADDENDUM: I just wanted you guys to know that the "nipple" ring thing has been bothering me. So I talked it over with the AdMech guys and we've turned it into a pin. A grenade pin.


So now, if Tarosian gets really hacked off, he can walk up to a stompa, rage at him, pull the pin and send both of them to the Emperor.


Problem solved.



Also, he's noticed that he wins more when playing cards as he likes to fiddle with the pin during a game and it distracts the others.

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ADDENDUM: I just wanted you guys to know that the "nipple" ring thing has been bothering me. So I talked it over with the AdMech guys and we've turned it into a pin. A grenade pin.


So now, if Tarosian gets really hacked off, he can walk up to a stompa, rage at him, pull the pin and send both of them to the Emperor.


Problem solved.



Also, he's noticed that he wins more when playing cards as he likes to fiddle with the pin during a game and it distracts the others.


Sounds good to me. I hope he rips people's arms off if he loses.

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Brother Andhil beat me to the finish line, but I still got there. I have finished my 5th vow.

So, final shots of MotF Tarosian


The unknown Chaplain


My "counts as" Lost and the Damned


And finally, The Sons of ZEAL





I wanted to do something different with the SoZ and opted for a grungy look. I then decided to do something that I don't particularly like to differentiate them, which is apply some blood, in an attempt to make them look angry and lethal. It sort of worked. I'll keep looking at them and maybe do some touch ups later.


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Wow, I love your Legion of the Damned! (Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't Lost and Damned a nickname for the Traitor Marines?)


Generally, quality work, Brother Honda. As usual, you don't disappoint.


Now come over to the Cheerleader line. These boys need motivation. :devil:

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I was thinking of converting some old BA models to LotD.


Not sure how to convert the BA icons etc to flames.


Was thinking of touching a soldering iron to the plastic to create a flame effect, but not sure it would work.


I do love the eyes on the LotD, they glow with fiery rage. And surely our rage is our ZEAL.

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I'm glad you guys like the LotD. I liked how they turned out. I was going after a "ghostly" effect and after a number of attempts on a test figure, decided to run with your basic dry brushing technique.


I think the key here ended up  being the application. I always applied the dry brush stroke from top to bottom, ensuring that I allow for shadows. I thought about applying a wash, but got  concerned that it might "muddy" the color, so I left it alone. After I finished the dry brush part, I was pretty happy, but realized that they needed something else and went with "glowy" eyes. That was the trick.


What's kind of cool about this technique is that on a black background, in low light, they actually do look like they are glowing. :)


@Brother Francis: Yes, that could work, however it comes with a risk obviously. Too little and people will wonder what you are doing, too much and you'll have destroyed a figure. It's an interesting concept if you have spare figs around to work with. Another possibility is using greenstuff to model the flames. I thought about that actually, but logistics didn't work out.

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Love your LotD! Those eyes burn zealously but also creepily. The monochrome paint scheme really makes the eyes a strong focal point. Also, I may borrow your SoZ idea for my inquisition crusaders. They look spectacular! Your MotF and chaplain are excellent as well, but the LotD and zealots really caught my fancy.



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Again to echo the others, the lotd are pure awesome, the glowing eyes are defenatly a great way to finish them off, the MOTF, sons of Zealand unknown chaplain are awesom, love the grim and osl effects you have done on everything. I will defenatly be trying this out whenever I get some lotd to paint up.
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Again to echo the others, the lotd are pure awesome, the glowing eyes are defenatly a great way to finish them off, the MOTF, sons of Zealand unknown chaplain are awesom, love the grim and osl effects you have done on everything. I will defenatly be trying this out whenever I get some lotd to paint up



It is my fervent hope that the All Blacks feel honored. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sooo...one of my arch nemesis...nemeses...nematodes and I got together yesterday
to get our first 7th edition game in. As was to be expected, Gar brought out his
beautifully painted, totally broken, "have to play with an evil grin", more
splinters than an old wood pile Dark Eldar.

I really hate DE because they have so many weapons and tools designed to just
slice up MEQ. The fact that Gar is so pleasant as he's performing his surgery
doesn't make it any easier. :P

We decided to keep it light and go with a 1000 points. I should also mention that
I have not read the 7th rules yet (don't have them) and Gar had breezed through them
only a couple of times. Basically, we were just throwing down stuff and then trying
to figure out how it all works.

NOTE: Kids, don't do this at home.

Gar's list (from memory) was:

1 x Witch raider with a Succubus, a bunch of angry wimmen, and a Hunkamunkanunkulous thingie. I
had no idea what they were good at, but Gar assured me that they weren't very good in assault.

Of course, you can always trust the Dark Eldar.

1 x Venom with dual splinter cannons and Trueborn. I have no idea what Trueborn do, but Gar,
once again assured me that I had nothing to worry about.

2 x Venoms with dual splinter cannons and some emo guys with tight pants and a funky gun.


For the Templars, I wasn't really sure what to bring to what would pretty much be a gunfight,
so I decided to bring as many guns as I could, with the goal of trying to reduce Gar's
mobility as quickly as I could, then close and clean up the footslogging infantry. More on that

Also, since I had recently completed my Master of the Forge with a conversion beam, I thought
I'd take him as my HQ because...reasons.


1 x MotF, Conversion beam
1 x 5 man Crusader squad (bolters), Lascannon, Rhino
1 x 5 man Crusader squad (BP/CS), Sword Brethren, power sword, Razorback w/TL-Lascannon
2 x Typhoons (TML/HB)
1 x 3 man Centurions, Lascannon/Missile Launcher
1 x Whirlwind
1 x Hunter

So, quite a diversity of shooting.

The set ups

Note: The DE in the bunker are embarked upon their Venoms




We rolled for the Scouring, so six objective with unknown points values and the long ways
set up. Kind of cool as you might not be fighting for what you think you are.

Since Gar set up first, he said I had to go first. I countered that as the host, the only polite
thing to do was to allow the visitor to go second. I was not able to sway him with my logic.

I think the debate ended with the comment, "Dark Eldar are never polite" capped with a
reference to some animal or other. Sigh...

Of course everything Gar had was either hidden or out of range so I didn't have any shots...
except for the Whirlwind. So I fired the "no cover save" Flaming Skies missile and caused one
HP of damage. Not great, but at that point, it was something.

Gar zoomed stuff up, looking for cover saves and to close. He unleashed a ton of splinters on
my Centurions and ended up wounding one. +2 save ain't bad.

Some of you might notice something significant missing from my description of the battle so
far, something of great import to all armies, destined to change the world as we know it.

The all important psykic phase. Yeah, each turn we'd look at each other and say, "Yeah, I got
nothing". :)

In my next turn, I dropped the rest of his Venoms (1st Blood), isolating his Trueborn and what
nots in a bunker complex. So things started looking pretty good.


Then his Witch raider zoomed up the middle and unloaded the witches and the Succubus. No worries,
Gar had assured me that they were lousy in assault...of course, he then modified his statement
to, "relatively" lousy in assault. Yeah, gotta love those DE.


Anyway, they ran across the field, assaulted my Centurions and even with a Crusader squad joining
the melee, managed to kill off both squads, though they did hold out for around three turns.

The Hunter finished off the Raider, other guns killed off the Hunkamunkanunkulous and any warriors
standing out in the open and we finished every thing up in Turn 7.

The Templars ended up claiming the 4 point objective, 1st Blood, and Linebreaker. The DE got a 2
point objective, so 6-2 Templars.


MVP for the Templars goes to the Land Speeder Typhoons, with a close runner up to the Whirlwind. The
Centurions were "ok". The Hunter did Ok as did the MotF. However, it was the overall weight of fire
that really caused the DE such a headache.

For the DE, "Feel No Pain" was the MVP. Once the DE start getting those pain tokens, pluse the Hunkas
start squads off with on right off the bat, FNP really makes their squads a lot tougher. The witch
squad was just cutting me up to pieces.

Anyway, I don't really feel like I learned a whole lot about 7th from this game, though I did learn a
few things. We'll just have to keep after it for now.

It was still fun getting a game in with Gar, we had quite a few giggles during the game.


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Wow.  I mean, everything else aside, those are some gorgeous Eldar.   I do so love their vehicles, and the crazy color schemes people come up with for them :smile.:


Even better when they're sent plowing furrows into the earth with their flaming wreckage.  Win-win :smile.:


Meanwhile, your Centurions look funny as hell cocked at all those weird angles on the balcony :lol:

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Meanwhile, your Centurions look funny as hell cocked at all those weird angles on the balcony



Yes, GW really should have consulted with me regarding the size of those walkways. I gave them a down twinkles for that. :P

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Yeah, DE are on my list of eternal hatred for what I had to put up with them when I was still getting games regularly. Argh! Wyches are a right pain in the ass with their 4++ dodge. Sure they normally only have S3, unless they get lucky with combat drugs or whatever, but still a pain. Never mind if there's FNP in the mix too! The dodge is especially annoying when the buggers happen to charge your terminators... :dry.: They're an excellent tarpit unit, especially for the points cost, if they manage to get into CC. Obviously if you can shoot them, they drop like flies.

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I was very pleased to discover that riders of open topped vehicles that suffer hits from templates are subject to wounds. Very happy. :)

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Ok, I am kicking off a new project. This isn't one of those exercises about beating face, more a nod to Helsreach and because it seems like a cool idea.


So the plan:


I intend to model Grimaldus, Priamus, Nerovar, Artarion, Bastilan, and Cador. I will use the Company Command squad as the base to cover the various equipment options that are featured among these heroes. From my quick research, it seems like:


Grimaldus - Plasma Pistol, Crozius <no brainer>


Priamus - Company Champion upgrade, though I am inclined to get him the Storm Shield to make him a little more durable. I wouldn't model him with one, but pay for those points.


Nerovar - The Apothecary. Seems pretty straight forward.


Artarion - Banner bearer, so he'll get the Company Standard (Grimaldus) upgrade.


Bastilan - Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, basically stock equipment.


Cador - Same as Bastilan.


So before I get to modeling these guys, is the above the general understanding of how they are equipped?



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you could even put them on bikes!, also I would pay the points for the melta bombs. IF it was possible i would have created a jump pack grimaldus squad a long time ago. would have been so glorious. But yes, that is their loadouts.

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you could even put them on bikes!



Yeah, I know there's that scene where they are cruising around on their Harleys, but I've never been able to buy into the idea of bikes in 40K. I can see scouts on them, that sort of reflects what we see nowadays with SPECOPS, but as far as the rest of it...it's never been my cup of tea.


But thank you for the confirmation on the load outs.



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Nerovar needs a Gladius strapped to his thigh, and I believe Artarion has a fondness for dual chainswords and has metal teeth, but they also mention his empty bolter, inscribed and mag-locked. He might look a bit 'busy' if you actually equip him with all these!

Cador was once a sword brother, but his many bionics (especially facial) meant he was honourably discharged. I suspect he carries some sort of honour mark to represent his time among them.

Bastilan is described upon his death as one of the finest sword brothers to serve the chapter. I think he may still bear the honour at the time of his demise. He is also their gruff sergeant type, so he should definitely look the part! He loses his helmet during the fighting, which would give you the opportunity to give him a nice grizzled beardy head ;)

(Yes, I have collated the details already as i have been hoping to create the squad myself sometime, when I have honed my skills a little further!)


Oh also, nerovar is still dressed in black, but has a white faceplate and apothecary markings. ;)

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Nerovar needs a Gladius strapped to his thigh, and I believe Artarion has a fondness for dual chainswords and has metal teeth, but they also mention his empty bolter, inscribed and mag-locked. He might look a bit 'busy' if you actually equip him with all these!

Cador was once a sword brother, but his many bionics (especially facial) meant he was honourably discharged. I suspect he carries some sort of honour mark to represent his time among them.

Bastilan is described upon his death as one of the finest sword brothers to serve the chapter. I think he may still bear the honour at the time of his demise. He is also their gruff sergeant type, so he should definitely look the part! He loses his helmet during the fighting, which would give you the opportunity to give him a nice grizzled beardy head :wink:

(Yes, I have collated the details already as i have been hoping to create the squad myself sometime, when I have honed my skills a little further!)


Oh also, nerovar is still dressed in black, but has a white faceplate and apothecary markings



Ooh, excellent info. They do seem like an interesting modeling effort, don't they? Thank you very much for this input.


So for Nerovar, it seems like he'd have the white Narthecium arm, white face plate, I'm guessing the twin serpents shoulder pad (I think we have one of those, right?), and that would be white as well, capped with a standard Templar marked pad on the right?


Artarion - Interesting regarding the twin chainswords. I don't expect that he'd manage to wield both while holding Grimaldus banner. I'll have to fiddle with that.


For Cador, I'm thinking I may have one of those half bionic heads and maybe a standard Templar shoulder pad on the left, but a SB pad on the right, to represent his service.


Bastilan...agree, I think I'll look  into extra vows (seals) on him just to differentiate him. I suppose he could also have SB shoulder pads.



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Yeah, I'm sure that eventually Artarion no longer carries the banner, it gets planted into the ground or something similarly symbolically satisfying. (Astounding alliteration, Batman!)

He also has no ammunition left and is basically running around with two chainswords so clogged up with Ork chunks that they are just two massive clubs that he is beating them to death with. Hehe, Ork chunks... Maybe he could wield one, and have the other strapped to his back? Mag-lock a boltgun of some sort and he will look boss.


Yes, I envisage something similar for Nerovar, although he is never described in too much detail. He is the youngest by some margin, so a standard initiate shoulder would fit. The only mention is his white faceplate staring back at Grimmy and the orks later recognise the importance of his white apothecary markings and target him especially. The Gladius is requisite for his final act of total badassitude. I think that when I get to making him, he will have the kneeling legs, as a nod towards the frequency with which he had to administer the Emperor's peace to his fallen brethren.


That sounds appropriate for Cador - he is the oldest of the bunch and coupled with his wounds and bionic replacements he simply lacked the speed of his prime, but he is definitely a powerful veteran.


Priamus will be tricky, he needs to display a certain cockiness. My thought for him was to acquire some running legs, to reference his slight recklessness and tendency to push ahead of the others.


Bastilan - yeah, sounds perfect. Some sword brother pads, or at least some Templar Bling.

Are you using the original Grimaldus model, or making your own? People have mixed feelings about him ('flat' is the word I've heard used, although I personally like the model a lot).

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Are you using the original Grimaldus model, or making your own? People have mixed feelings about him ('flat' is the word I've heard used, although I personally like the model a lot).



There are things that I love about the model and things that really annoy me. In particular, his right arm extended with the crozius "seems" way too long to me. It could just be a false visual, but his legs look too short and arms too long.


So, I'm going to build mine from scratch, initially adding some spacers to his thighs, then see if that's enough. Otherwise, I'll bulk out his thighs a bit to give him some visual "weight" like my termies. I want him to be visually solid looking, though no more beefy than my termies.



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