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Imperium: Fade to Black


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Fade to Black


Episode 1 Teaser: Forging Onward



The Vast Imperium Cruiser emerged from within the realm of the warp and in to the still calmness of real space. The Massive Fusion Drive engines engaged, and propelled the impressive star ship towards its nearing destination at sub light velocity.


The cruiser was a symbol of the might of the Imperium. Manned by a crew of over twenty-thousand men, it was a several kilometres long armoured behemoth equipped with some of the most advanced weapons and technology in the known galaxy. On this day it was to fulfil a most important – and most surreptitious – assignment.

In one of the observation rooms of the colossal vessel, several figures deliberated the mission at hand.


“Are you going to keep me in the dark on this matter permanently, inquisitors?” The voice was powerful and inspired authority to all around. “The Ultramarines seldom engage in their duties blind!”


“Don’t worry yourself, Captain Aries” Said the impassive inquisitor. His rosette was displayed proudly for all to see, a mark of his absolute authority within the realm of the Imperium. “You and your… brothers are here simply as a show of mutual respect.”


“Come now, Beaumont…” a woman cut in. She turned to face the two men, her hand reaching in to her front pocket to stroke her own rosette before continuing. “I think we’ve kept the good captain in the dark long enough.” She was a relatively tall woman and a beauty to the men around her. Her hair was long, dark and it framed her proportioned features well. Her skin was pale, a contrast to her defined eyes. She was an inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos.


Her compatriot was a short, stout man. He wore expensive clothes supplemented by a silk cloak that was draped around the back of his neck by a golden manacle. His hair was thinning, but his age was not easily defined. Indeed medical innovations have made it possible for the privileged to revel in life spans many times longer than what nature intended. He was of the Ordo Hereticus.


The third figure was physically far more imposing. The Space Marine captain towered over the inquisitors. Even now he was vigilant and ready for battle, his power armour moving on cue with his body. Any foe would tremble in fear when faced with the might and fury of the Astartes.


“I am thankful, inquisitor Shanxi.” He bowed his head, eliciting a smile from the woman. Silence followed for more than a few moments.


“Very well” Beaumont started. “Captain, by now you must have heard the rumours emerging from Holy Terra.”


“I have heard whispers…” The super-soldier suddenly looked apprehensive. “They greatly concern me and my brothers”


Beaumont looked up at the Captain. “I’m afraid these rumours ring true…”


“For decades the Adeptus Mechanicus has tirelessly laboured to try and restore the damage the ages have caused to the golden throne.” Shanxi interceded.


“The God-Emperor will die… and with him the beacon that guides us through the Immaterium. It’s only a matter of time now.” Beaumont concluded, in a whispered voice.


A giant fist slammed against the wall, leaving an indentation in the armoured hull of the space craft. “IT IS HERECY TO SPEAK SUCH THINGS!!!” Aries screamed as he cut the distance between himself and the short inquisitor. “I could kill you where you stand for uttering such words.”


“Calm yourself, Captain!” Shanxi said, stepping between the men. “Beaumont is an agent of the holy inquisition… and his words on this matter are true.”


“Why have you called upon the Ultramarines?” Aries demanded. “Where is this ship headed?”


“Our orders come from the High Lords of terra. Our assignment is simple, but carrying it out may well prove difficult.” Beaumont continued. He looked at Shanxi, and she nodded as she began to speak.


“For years now the High Lords of Terra have been assigning scribes to study records of the Imperium from the ages of the great crusades. As a matter of fact the Ultramarines were picked for this assignment in no small part thanks to the efforts of your great Primarch following the Horus Heresy. He helped bring order to chaos.”


Shanxi looked up at the captain. “We have uncovered information regarding the true purpose of the golden throne. It seems that the Emperor had plans to use it as a bridge to the fabled Eldar webway.”


“Do not blaspheme against the God Emperor with this filth!” boomed the Ultramarine. “Mankind stands alone, now and forever! We don’t need Xenos ideas and filth to dilute our faith.”


“Drastic steps must be taken, Captain” countered Shanxi.


“She is correct” continued Beaumont. “The Imperium must change if it is to survive. This trip is being made out of necessity. One can go as far to say that we are continuing the Emperor’s great work.”


“And what is it that we’re doing out here - In some God-Emperor forsaken system on the very edge of our borders!?”

Both Inquisitors looked out in to the great void. “With each passing day our enemies multiply. Today we are strong. Today we can fight.”


“The Ultramarines stand ever ready to defend our worlds, as do all Legions of the Astar-“


“And what if we can no longer travel through the immaterium, Captain?!” Beaumont interrupted. “Our worlds will fall to starvation, Xenos or Chaos. This is what we are here to prevent!”


The grand star ship came to a halt in a non-descript part of the system. The Void Shields were activated and the weapon systems were put on standby. “We have arrived at the designated co-ordinated” Came the voice of the ship’s captain through a vox terminal.


The Inquisitors and the Ultramarine made their way to the bridge of the craft, where the scanners and systems had just come alive as they detected the signature of a Xenos ship approaching their position.


The small craft danced around like a firefly as it made its way towards the imperial cruiser. It changed direction in a volley of impossible manoeuvres that made it hard for the human eye to follow, however it was evident that it was not instigating any form of hostilities. The Ultramarine captain recognised the small, agile vessel as an Eldar space-craft.


A second ship was detected as it approached from a different direction. This ship was larger, but also much slower. It gradually glided in to view and it was identified as a cruiser from the Tau Empire.


“Disengage the void shields and allow both vessels to dock” was the command issued by the Shanxi.




Shanxi then spun to face the Ultramarine. “You and your men will meet our… guests in the docking area and escort them to the observation deck.”




To Be Continued…

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