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My Space Marine short stories of the Inferno Guard

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Well hello everyone,

I' ve played in Warhammer 40k for about 12 years now and have been working with a special company for about 7 years. Working with the Warhammer 40k company has helped me model and and design miniatures, but recently I have turned my gaze towards writing. I'm new and have little experience in writing. My grammar does suck , but I still have the ideas for the story. Now to get to the point, all of my short stories will based upon my DIY Chapter "The Inferno Guard". They are a chapter that was made right after the Horus Heresy, even though it is unknown from which Progenitor they descended from, it is known that they have been seen fighting along the Grey Knights and the Inquisition. Their fighting style is shock assault, drop assault and even siege. As far as Imperial records go, they are non existent. The Inferno Guard have two Chapter Masters, and all of their Veterans have a bone like armour. They resemble the Legion of the Damned in many ways. They never utter a word of hate during battle, and are calm and logical during combat. Only time they remove their helmets are within their ships, out of site of all non Astartes. They have no chapter symbol, for they believe that the Emperor is their symbol.

Now usually I like to write my own stories, but since you heard a little bit of my DIY chapter, I would like to know what you... and yes you would like to hear for a short story. I am open to suggestions and options of any kind.

edit: Btw this is a drawing the greyall drew for me. He is a great friend and an awsome drawer, so here it is:


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So I decided write up a short story anyways. This will not be a prequel I promise:


Inferno Diablo Decimus Mortis:

His ceramite encased knee connected to the ground, just as the words left his mouth.


“Lord Domonus”


He gazed up with a smile on his face. A true smile, a rare commodity in this era of constant crusading for Humanity. He saw an even rarer thing, he saw a revenant, not a demagogue, not a ghost of the past. A revenant who cared for all of his peoples. And he was bidding him to rise.


He’s lord gave off an aura of raw power, it seemed as if this Warrior was made from the flesh of the Emperor himself. His armor is black, as the abyss and his it is decorated with bones and scriptures. The right side of his chest plate was torn open. It didn’t seem like the Harbinger lord cared much for the battle damaged armor, flames that were cerulean blue licked out of the gap of his armor, some bones were visible within the flames. The bones didn’t even seem to have blackened by the fire.


“I will have no kneeling among brothers, Infernius Decimus,” Domonus said, his frozen mask of solid determination somehow showing warmth in his rasp voice.


Infernius Decimus rose, made with a short bow, noting the grunts of amusement of Domonus’s Reaper Guard, and took his place among the command pulpit of the war room. Several figures were in the room besides the Harbinger’s Guards and Infernius. Titus, master of the 3rd Destroyer company stood immobile at the far corner of the war room, observing his battle brothers. Karnath, captain of the 5th Reaper company was in deep discussion with his senior lieutenants. And least but all Molog Bal, lord and master of the vaunted 1st company, stood beside his lord and gazed at Infernius, with genuine amusement in his eyes.


Epistolary Scarrus, the most talented psyker of the Chapter and a member of the Harbinger’s command squad, entered the room, he carried a calm air around him, it was as if he cared little about his surroundings and even less about the lives of the ship crewmen. He walked past the mortal crew and straight for Lord Domonus.


“My lord,” Scarrus said coolly, “The Chaplain has arrived”.


“Show the good Chaplain in, Epistolary Scarrus”, The Harbinger said kindly.


Scarrus bowed and, with a gesture of his head, bid the Chaplain inside of the War room of the Infidius imperator.


Infernius would remember the tension in those few seconds of thunderbolt-sounding steps on the ship’s floor that preceded the Chaplain’s entrance.


Chaplain Martellus entered the room, and all eyes save those of Domonus and Scarrus looked in awe at the massive Marine entering the chamber.


The Chaplain was the biggest Marine that Infernius had ever seen – even without the massive fur cloak draped across his shoulders – and, his shoulder pauldrons like murals showing battle-scenes, as did much of the unbelievably ornate armor.


He sported an enormous shield almost the size of a man, and a grand Crozius Arcanum of black and gold.


But there seemed something … unsettling about Martellus’s form, tough Infernius couldn’t quite place it… until he looked at the Chaplain feet. They were claw shaped and the greaves were slightly tilted, making it seem as if Martellus was on reptilian claws. It all made sense.


The Grand Chaplains’ legs were flexed, and his walk was ponderous and inhuman.


The Helmet was key. Where a death mask would make sense, Martellus donned a Spartan like helmet, but painted in the colours of his office. Martellus Maximus was trying to embody the Colossus of ancient Greek myth, the giant that guarded the gates to Olympia.


“Greeting, brothers,” he simply said, the word devoid of any warmth and laced with threat. Even Martellus’s voice was monstrous.


A menial walked to the Chaplain to relieve him of his arms, but the Chaplain snorted, the sound coming off a beast’s growl from inside a cavern, and the servant returned to his place with his head bowed. Martellus watched the servant closely, and once the incident was over, he turned back to his brothers.


“I took a small detour on my way here, you’ll understand if the Emperor’s Work takes precedence.”


“This is an operation of the highest importance, brother,” Scarrus interjected. “The smallest delay might prove fat…”


“When I speak of the Emperor’s work, and although I do not wield a pen. I expect it to be clear that my actions are sanctioned , Librarian,” there was a dangerous pause, before the last word, which, coupled with the deafening volume with which Martellus spoke, brought the room into silence.

The Grand Chaplain reached for the golden chain at his waist and wrenched free one of the head’s there, tossing it on the floor of the ships deck.


“A most fruitful trip”, the Chaplain growled.


“Infernius?”, the Harbinger asked, the Captain was already examining the severed head. He finally turned around… and hesitated before speaking.


“Master”, he finally said, turning to the Harbinger. “It is… It is Ka Bandha, lord. The bane of the Blood Angles and Greater Daemon of Khorne.”


Infernius knew that, inside his helmet, Martellus Maximus was smiling… and that was even more unsettling.


Just let me know, how you guys like and C&C would be nice. I'm currently writing my second short story, it may been in within the weekend or so... Cheers mates

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So this is my second short story, I think it may be a little bumpy but what the heck. pls C&C whe you view this, so I know how to improve my stories:


The Call of Fire:


The Blood Letter turned as it sensed something behind it, then as fast as lightning a sword shot out and pinned the daemon to a wall – an Irony that Kharlack didn’t fail to notice – holding the creature of blood in place. Turning its baleful gaze at the attacker, it was suddenly pierced by a large talon, it was so large that only 3 of 5 blades fit within its frame.


A flick of a wrist and the spine was severed from the collarbone up, it howled a primal rage at the attacker, until the sword that pinned it to the wall, came slicing into its head. The pure rage that the daemon expressed was still on its face, before it returned to the Warp.


This was a grim defeat, Kharlack had fought Astartes before, and even lost battles, but this was an annihilation, his forces have been completely wiped out. He felt his hearts racing, the sensation filling him with acrid pleasure.


The last time he’d known such a feeling of dread, a Primarch was advancing on him, his eyes those of an Angel of Vengeance who was challenged and then unexpectedly hurt. He fell upon his lesser competitors like a true Angel of death, tearing into them until only Kharlack was left. By the fickle of the gods did the Angel turn its gaze on a worthier foe. A greater daemon of the blood god.


But the look of hate Sanguinius’s threw at Kharlack while he flew away was a killing blow in itself.


Yet a new master accepted the fallen Son of Horus’s service, a master who was ever watching and proud of Kharlack’s service. Yes… Khorne had given him a new existence. And Kharlack had spent much of it killing the Corpse-Gods angels. Every once in a while, he would revive the look in the Angel’s eyes in his mind, the memory enough to jolt his hearts.


The black armoured Marine slowly strode towards Kharlack, his iconography catching light of a fallen dreadnought. The Berserker narrowed his eyes.

“Damned”, hissed Kharlack, his mouth filling with blood, but added some hatred that he was able muster. But there was something different about this one, though. “A lesser breed, I see. You lack wings, little angl..”


“Our is not the long soar of the questing seraph, but the executioners of the Emperor, and the stooping wrath of the Imperium.”

The Astartes’ voice was cracked and riddled with age, it sounded like the grave itself was talking.


“Will you lecture me to death, is it, Guilt-Ridden?”, Kharlack asked, his grin barely masking his irritation.


“You will not be awarded the pleasure of vengeance, traitor. I will deal with you as I have with you cultists and daemons. No one will waste their time with you.”


Kharlack wanted to answer, but no words left his dry mouth, such as no structure was left in his mind. He was expecting the pageantry that came with every Blood hunt, the hatred and importance they directed at him … for a servant of khorne, being confronted without indifference was a knife wound.


The Angel’s eyes appeared in his minds eye, still burning with rage and betrayal, but there was something more in them this time. A sense of righteousness, of justice have being made… of… relief for another traitor?


Kharlack, a red armoured and bloody monstrosity taller than a Terminator, the slayer and murder of thousands, roared, a roar so full of hatred that it nearly seem the Blood God himself was roaring as well. But this was a desperate scream, so weak that the Berserker still perceived what the charging Astartes spoke, his words the last Kharlackwould ever hear.


“ I’ve come merely to purge the filth.”


Cheers mates, hope you love the story

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Looking good.


You definitely can write - sentences are flowing, not overly repetative, and descriptive. These do read alot like excerpts, however - small parts of a larger store (the first one in particular) - so in future you might consider a story arc easily identifiable to the reader, and more character development. The chaplain was done well - developed perfectly for the length of the story - but the others need some more (or markedly less) work.


Just my thoughts.

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thx, I will be sure to make a story out of this just yet. Most of these are just snips and pieces of my DIY Chapter so I wasn't sure how to start, until I thought well let's just start after the prologue, but your right I need to start from the beginning, or else it will get confusing


thx for the C&C, I hope more people will come and post their comments

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The defense of Gaia:


Infernius placed his black helmet on the glass table and gazed up into his Chapter Master cold eyes. Even in this direst of moments, Domonus’s presence dominated the room, his gold and black marking him like the Emperor’s brand upon his most fervent son.


The demigods eyes were still looking down, even though Infernius now stood to the right of his lord. The second captain was about to talk when a bang at the onyx doors brought the Chapter Master’s and the Captains to their senses.


The black doors opened violently and one of the black clad Marines guarding the doors entered, dragging a flailing, sweating mortal, soldier of the Dark Guard.


“Krugar” , Domonus could barely keep his fury in check “what is this instrusion?”


“Said he wanted to serve under the banner of the Emperor’s shadow”, answered the Veteran coolly


The Chapter Master barely masked his surprise, but Infernius made no effort:


“How is it you know of this ceremony curr? Are you in the league with the daemons that have come to kill us?”


The man seemed to take the suggestion like a blow to the head and sprang to his feet.


“No lord! I was told by the Emperor himself to carry your standard”, he said, his voice still more serene than should be the case for one facing a demigod and three squads of Space Marines Legionaries of the second company. He went on to explain how, while he performed his final oaths that the Emperor appeared before him and spoke of the ceremony and the role he would play in the coming battle.


Domonus was about the order the man, Achilles, thrown out of the room, but Infernius put a hand on his Chapter Master’s arm … and spoke to him of uniting all of the Emperor’s people’s…



Argrax couldn’t hold back a caw of cruel glee as he ignited a whole squad of Inferno Guard Marines on blue eldritch fire. He watched the warriors melt to black pools in seconds, mesmerized with all the power he’d gained since his betrayal against the Emperor.


A glimmer suddenly got his attention, but he’d have noticed its source a second later anyway. A most unusual part was advancing towards him: under one huge banner – the standard was blowing in the winds but Agrax couldn’t quite place it, familiar as it was, - a warrior in magnificent black armour, another Astartes, and a regular man shouting at the forces of Chaos like a madman and a dimunitive of the Adeptus Mechanicus spider like legs trudged through the carnage all around them, the leading champion pointing a tremendous claw at Agrax.


The standard bearer and the Martian adept stopped a few metres from the Daemon Prince, but the figure in black armour kept advancing as if he hadn’t noticed this. Amused, Agrax, tilted his head:


“Yes, human, leave the agony to your comrades and walk into a quick death”, the Daemon Prince said, thrusting with daemonic axe in an impaling move.


No emperor lapdog should’ve moved so fast. The Astartes whirled away from the axe, a trail of fire from the exhaust fumes of his jetpack left a smear of smock where he was a moment ago, and gained the momentum to deliver a devastating knee strike with the bladed laurels on of his leg armour. The effect proving surprising, as well ,Agrax’ leg splitting in two.


The Daemon Prince dropped to the ground, immediately, followed by the sharp bladed tips of his talons. Agrax barely had time to feel humiliated as his spine was severed.

Then suddenly, as the world disappeared in black, a metallic sting brought the world back into focus. A trophy, Agrax was being held as a trophy by that ridiculous Mechanicus adept, somehow being kept alive to witness whatever was going to take place. Though he was loathe to admit, a panic took hold of him, and it only got worse then the black clad champion picked his head up.


“Daemonic filth! I am Infernius, Second Company Captain of the Inferno Guard and Champion to the Emperor and Domonus. Behold your near future, and know that you are but the first to be cleansed from my Lord’s domain. Come then, taste the righteousness of the Just, and their crusade.”

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The Inquisitor strode past the Immobile Space Marines like they were imperial Guard menials,, black plating and a mantle made of some wolfish thing constrasted with the black of their armour.


“You will yield”, he said through clenched teeth. “Your bloated pride will not save from the judgement of Terra, Infernius.”


Captain Infernius sat on a throne, as immobile as his Space Marines, his armour was black with a golden trim, an ash grey mantle spilling onto the floor from his back.


“Relinquish the neuro-conditioning mechanism to me. NOW!” the Inquisitor yelled, eyes bloodshot, then in a much lower but menacing tone, “ And your Inferno Guard might yet live.”


Slowly… so very slowly, Captain Infernius shook his head. He was midway through the process of facing the Inquisitor once again when his head was engulfed by a ball of blue plasma.


The Inquisitor holstered his plasma pistol and turned to face the Marines, who stood there as decorative armours. Normal to soldiers subjected to heavy neuro-conditioning, of course, they’d never raise a hand against an Inquisitor, Imperial hierarchy embedded in their minds.


The Inquisitor heard one of the Marines chuckle, the helmet making it more of a growl. Then another. Then two more. In a few seconds he was surrounded, by laughing statues.


“Cease this immediately!” he yelled, but barely heard his own voice among the thunderous roar of the assembled warriors.


The next voice, though he heard perfectly clear, though it sounded like a whisper.


“One can only laugh at you, pitiful traitor.”


Infernius’s ghost had come for him.


The figure hovered above the headless corpse on the throne. The same profusely decorated armour, but so damaged it was a miracle how it still held together. The ashen cloak now hung from below the waist, ragged, hiding the … Marines… feet – if it had any. Instead of the Captains power sword, this wraith sported a gigantic power talon.

No face was visible with the hood pulled up, a single red glowing orb defying the utter darkness.


But the wings .. the wings were the most revolting part. Pinions of jagged metal slowly rising and falling a rusted parody of real wings. Oath parchments hung from the wings, like flayed flesh.


The Inquisitor knew this was a Space Marine, flesh and bone, but something within his gene-enhanced mind, something primal, remained doubtful of what this ghost was. It looked exactly what meant to: a wraith wearing the wargear of a fallen warrior, a dark parody of it. And yet it was majestic, as imposing and awe inspiring as any Aquila wearing Captain.


It spoke again, and its voice, the Inquisitor noted, wasn’t so much a whisper as it seemed spoken through clouds of ash.


“Your vessels have been found. Your operatives terminated.” It leaned closer, and the Inquisitor noted, with racing hearts, that he still couldn’t see the wraiths face.. even though it was inches from his own. Its voice cam e coarser this time, “Your life … Alpha Legionnary.. is mine.”


The power talon flared purple. The wraith moved. For all his millennia of experience, Ralgorus Mallius, a master plotter, in a legion of plotters, screamed.


He barely had time to notice the Marines were still laughing.

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So this is a new story, I just finished. Took me all night to do. Its about the Chaplain MArtellus that I wrote about earlier and his battle at a planet with his brother Grulgor. Enjoy!


The dry, hissing roar of the jump pack turbines became a whining squeal as Grand Chaplain Martellus ran at full speed towards the traitor marine’s position and leapt into the air, white-hot flames spraying backwards behind him as he catapulted high into the sky. Identifying his target’s exact position with the tactical readout inside his helmet’s internal display, he marked his opponent and dove forwards. Smashing into the ground next to the Black Legionnaire like a plummeting comet, the shockwave knocking the Chaos Marine backwards, Martellus leapt from his kneeling stance into a full attack, slicing his enemy twice in an arcing advance with his holy Crozius Arcanum. Miniscule fragments of sundered power armour sprayed in a burst of shrapnel and wet, crimson liquid spewing from his enemy served as an immediate reward and confirmation that his furious assault had been successful. As his foe gurgled a final curse and flailed backwards dropping his ancient bolter, Martellus steadied himself and shot a charged energy bolt from his plasma pistol into the falling traitor, the blast fusing and melting the black armour as the Chaos Marine crumpled and bounced across the scorched plascrete.


The Chaplain caught his breath and scanned the huge, gothic ruin of the monolithic bridge complex the fighting had taken place on. Drop pods and Thunderhawk engines flickered in the distance, and a hulking Titan ponderously brought destruction to its enemies far below. Warring forces of the Imperium and a black crusader army of Chaos traitor legions sought to obliterate each other on a grim, dry landscape littered with the skeletons of cities.


In the distance, bolter shots echoed and the faint, guttural cry of a dying Astartes rang across the battlefield. Martellus looked around and realized that the fire fight had taken a heavy toll. While no Black Legion Chaos Marines remained in the gun-nest, they had fought viciously, and Martellus was the only surviving member of the 2nd Company Inferno Guard Veteran Assault Squad that had been deployed to exterminate them. He patched into the Inferno Guard assault force comm channel. “Brother Marines of the 2nd Company, this is the Grand Chaplain. Black Legion gun-nest in sector Alpha Septem has been purged, but with heavy losses. I am the only survivor. Requesting immediate extraction.” A static hiss was his only reply, even after several attempts to hail his comrades.


He was beginning to think his comm was faulty when suddenly a broken, garbled reply filtered through the distant explosions to the north of his position.


“Grand Chaplain, this is Veteran-Sergeant Grulgor of the 2nd Company. My squad has fallen; I am pinned down by enemy fire in sector Alpha Novum. Require immediate assistance.”


Martellus instantly recognized the voice of his friend and brother marine Grulgor. Grulgor was a Devastator, who specialized in the use of the Heavy Bolter, a decidedly different specialty from the Martellus’ artful skill in assault with jetpack and crozius.


The two were close, as they had been recruited from the same city and served as Inferno Guard scouts in the same squad before their inception as fully-fledged Space Marines.


“Acknowledged brother, locking on to your position. I am en route.”


With a beep his helmet display provided him with Grulgors’ position on the tactical readout of the battlefield and Martellus engaged his jump pack turbines once more, roaring into the sky and hurtling towards his brother and friend.


Leapfrogging across the strewn rubble of the battlefield, Martellus scanned the area ahead and saw Grulgor backed into a corner. The booming thud of the Heavy Bolter echoed across the field and tracer fire slashed into approaching Black Legion traitor marines. A black, spiked warrior with a red topknot pluming from his helmet broke cover and screamed an animalistic cry as he ran towards Grulgor, firing an ancient bolt pistol and hefting a menacing battleaxe above his head. The Devastator levelled his huge weapon at the advancing Chaos marine and unleashed a stream of bolts that sent the monstrous creature spinning backwards in a spray of dark blood. Martellus fired his jetpack and took a position above Grulgor on a semi-collapsed bridge behind him. From his vantage point he could clearly see several Black Legion Chaos marines taking cover. While a few squad members drew Grulgors’ fire, a lone traitor crouched low and attempted to sneak around behind the Devastator’s position, creeping close to the huge chunks of plascrete spread across the ruined surface. Martellus kicked in his jets once more and flew up high, before targeting the subversive marine and flying down at a speed so intense the sky cracked and boomed as he broke the sound barrier in a matter of mere seconds. Hitting the ground so hard that it split beneath him and sent billowing dust and small rocks in the air, Martellus landed directly before the Chaos marine and brought down his Crozius in a heavy arc that split the monster’s helmet in two and sprayed visceral, lumpy grey and red liquids across the Inferno Guard’s white robes.


Grulgor’ voice crackled onto the comm channel. “It’s about time you showed up, brother!” his tone was friendly, mocking, but the Chaplain detected urgency and even relief.


Martellus answered as he shot skyward once more, the enemy squad sending bolts screaming after him. “I couldn’t let you keep all the kills to yourself, Devastator.”


Grulgor chuckled in reply and took the moment to attach a new ammo feed and take a braced stance. Martellus landed high up on the bridge again and covered him with sizzling shots of blue energy from his plasma pistol. Below, the Black Legion squad hissed and hurled guttural insults with deep, daemonic voices.


Sensing that the enemy was preparing to take the advantage of Grulgors’ lapse in suppressive fire as he was reloading, Martellus switched his vox channel to broadcast and roared a battle cry before jumping up into the darkened skies above.


“For the Emperor!” he screamed as he smashed into the ground behind the entrenched Chaos Marines and swung his Crozius Arcanum in slashing, circular arcs. The Black Legion were ancient and wise, and anticipated his attack, leaping clear from his assault and evading his reach. Martellus compensated immediately by firing a short burst from his jets that charged him forwards in a shoulder barge into the three traitors before him, knocking one of them off his feet and throwing the other two off balance. As he swung his glowing weapon out to decapitate the foe to his right in a fountain of gore he realized he had over-extended himself, losing his center of gravity and surging forwards. As he recovered and regained his footing he swallowed hard inside his helmet, realizing that the two surviving Chaos Marines had also recovered and were leveling their cursed bolters at him. He began to mumble a prayers of protection to the Golden Throne of Terra, and committed his soul to the Emperor as he prepared to sell his life dearly.


Before he could lift his weapons, a thunderous clamour filled the air and the two Black Legionnaires popped and gushed in explosions of blood and black armour, a solid stream of smoking heavy bolter shots tearing them to pieces. Evidently Grulgor had finished reloading. As they crumpled and gurgled their final defiance, plumes of grey smoke drifted up from the grievous wounds the mighty weapon had inflicted.


“Still angry with me for keeping all the kills to myself, brother?” chuckled Grulgor over the vox channel.


“You robbed me of a good death, you owe me now.” Laughed Martellus in reply.


The Grand Chaplain walked towards the hulking Devastator and hefted his Crozius on his shoulder as he holstered his plasma pistol.


“We need to get a comm out to a Thunderhawk to come and pick us up. My signal is no good up on this bridge.”


“Mine neither.” Grunted Grulgor as he pulled his deadly weapon close to his chest and lumbered over to the Chaplain.


The two froze as they heard a heavy, clanking ruckus. The ground trembled and the sounds of pistons pumping and scraping metal filled the air accompanied by a grating, mechanical roar of howling rage.


“Defiler!” barked Grulgor as he took position behind a collapsed pillar, Martellus already bounding into the air above him.


“Damn Legion has set one of their daemon-haunted machines on us!” replied Martellus.


The Defiler stomped into view, it’s scorpion-like black armour bearing the searing brand of the Black Legion, the baleful eye of Horus. It’s central mounted cannon was fashioned into a foreboding daemon’s helm, and it flexed it’s mighty power claws which crackled with energy. Spears and spikes mounted on the top of it’s armour were decorated with punctured skulls and the empty helmets of Space Marine heroes of ages past.


Levelling the twin-linked autocannon that served as it’s other appendage at the two Inferno Guard, it roared a tortured battle cry before unleashing a torrent of withering fire. Martellus knew this thing, this gruesome and unholy relic of the Heresy would be a true test of strength. Within that shell of ancient metal a daemon writhed in chains, went insane by his entombment and plagued not being able to free itself.


Masonry exploded under the relentless barrage and Grulgor had to duck low as the pillar he was squatting behind shook with the sheer force of the shots. The clamouring beat stopped for a moment and the creature growled like a predatory feline as it scanned the area for targets. It clutched the base of the huge collapsed pylon that Grulgor was hiding behind with it’s sizzling claws and moved it’s torso side to side as it looked for the Devastator. Howling in frustration it slammed it’s fist against the scorched stonework and stomped forward again.


“Distract it for me brother, I’ll hit it hard from behind.” Yelled Grulgor over the vox.


“Aye brother, for the Emperor.” Martellus replied.


“And for Gaia.” The Devastator shouted back.


With the Emperor’s name still on his lips, Grulgor backed away from the Defiler and moved behind the fallen pillar out of sight. Martellus blasted into view, his plasma pistol pointed at the daemonic construct and flashing bright as a charged flare of crackling blue energy landed on the thing’s ‘face’. The blob of plasma splashed across it’s helm burned brightly for a moment and it clawed at its sarcophagus in rage. The explosion rocked it back a step, and it screamed like a wounded reptile as blue smoke poured from its daemonic shaped visor. Martellus landed on top of it, holding on to a trophy rack of Astartes heads and hacking at the monster’s menacing visage. Armour dented as the crozius ground into the rusted metal plate, and the Chaplain flailed savagely as the Defiler thrashed its arm around trying to knock him off. The Grand Chaplain remained on top of it, hacking again and again. The hulking machine tilted forward and Martellus slipped, giving it the opportunity to snatch him in its claws. It held the Inferno Guard up to its faceplate, and he smelt the rank stench of decay blast from its sarcophagus as it bellowed at him. The humming energy flowing through it’s jagged blades sent jolts of agony running up and down his body as they cut into his armour with crushing force.


Just when he thought he would be squashed by the pressure, the Defiler lifted him high and threw him with unnatural strength. Martellus flew backwards and smashed into a pile of huge boulders and urban rubble, his jetpack cracking in two and detonating. The double impact of the fall and the jetpack explosion hurled the Chaplains’ limp form forward onto the ground, his power armour cracked and smoldering. The Defiler snarled and stomped forward hungrily, focused on tearing the Marine’s body in half. The Chaplain tried to get up but ended up on one knee, blood leaking from his broken, scorched armour before his Astartes organs clotted the blood immediately to stop him from bleeding out. He lifted his pistol weakly and squeezed the trigger, activating a grenade as a last act of defiance and rolling it between the oncoming Defiler’s spiders like legs. The explosion threw black smoke up and a burst of shrapnel sprayed in all directions. Still the beast came on through the settling clouds, firing its heavy guns and blasting the landscape around the prostrate Space Marine into vapor. Martellus gazed up at the hellish thing before him and prepared to meet his demise as it lifted its power claw to deliver the final blow. Its roar of victory became a gurgling howl of pain as Grulgor appeared from a position directly behind it, buffeting it’s exposed back with the full fury of the Heavy Bolter. The Defiler stumbled forward under the powerful bombardment and tried to turn around. Sensing his chance, and feeling the reviving combat stimulants surging through his body thanks to his Astartes implants, Martellus scooped up his Crozius and ran hard at the war machine before leaping onto its faceplate.


Plunging the glowing weapon into the helm’s visor Martellus cried out with fury and pried open the front of the sarcophagus. The Defiler toppled backwards, firing into the air and flinging it’s clawed fist around. With a crash it landed heavily on its back and the Chaplain tore the faceplate free and flung it aside.


Grulgor ran up and climbed onto the fallen creature, pointing the Heavy Bolter in the gaping maw of twisted metal. Inside, a withered and mutilated daemon-thing struggled and tugged at the spiked chains that held it in place. The sickly glistening of its skin and bubbling croaks of rage sickened Martellus to the core, but the stench of rotting meat and rancid fluids was even worse.


Grulgor fired his weapon and pulverized the revolting abomination with loud shots that echoed through the Defiler’s shell and across the bridge like the laughter of a dark god.


The Chaplain collapsed and slumped against the plated armour of the doomed monstrosity as Grulgor jumped down beside him. The Grand Chaplain coughed and blood stained his black armour. The Devastator at his side put a hand on his shoulder plate and tried the comm channel again.


“Veteran-Sergeant Grulgor of 2nd Company calling any outbound Thunderhawk gunships. Require immediate extraction from sector Alpha Novum. Marine down and Apothecary required…”


The comm channel squawked and the gruff voice of a Thunderhawk pilot crackled through the speakers inside the Devastator’s helmet.


“Brother Marine Gargus of the Thunderhawk Shadow’s Claw here. Unable to comply, reports of a Defiler in Alpha Novum. We won’t be able to land with that thing roaming around.”


Grulgor and Martellus looked at each other and laughed.


“We’ve taken care of it, Pilot.”

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