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The Doom Skulls


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I edited the OP a little to address some of your concerns. They aren't "stupid evil" by a long shot.

Okay, I re-read the fluff. It's better, although there remain questions of plausibility. For example, if the Doom Skulls attempt to wipe out a hive world- or even an individual hive, the population of which can reach MILLIONS- even with a 1000:1 kill ratio, attrition will wipe out the Doom Skulls first. Best give the Marines techniques and tactics to handle something like that.

At this point in their history, they probably haven't had to deal with a hive world. I don't want to let out too many of their secrets, but there's a pretty good reason why they use so much Crusade-era stuff, but have a recorded history of less than a millennium and have been operational for maybe half. I'll leave that particular scenario open- ended for the time being.


Its also part of why they're such shameless Inquisition lapdogs.

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So my question is, is this chapter a little *too* grimdark in the era of sparkly gold Blood Angels and Grey Knights who operate more like a regular Space Marine chapter than a dedicated Inquisitorial hit squad?


In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war, bro. That means someone is about to get owned by some Marines. :) It is nice to see someone make a chapter of Space Marines that aren't all touchy-feely. Nicely done.

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Here's a fairly grey mashup pic I made of a guy in Mk.IIa armor, with the jump pack harness and everything. I wanted to have some idea of how the armor would look before actually starting to buy and assemble stuff. This is the modern jump pack, though, not the "correct" turboprop version. I did the math on doing Mk.IIa with turboprop jump packs, and it was looking like I'd be doing just as well to buy Mk.II assault squads from ForgeWorld.


Assault marine body pic from the GW website, helmet pic cropped off a larger one from the Anvil Industries website. Hopefully this falls under either fair use, or "sufficiently transformative."


How's it look?

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Got a test image for the chapter badge. I wanted something that could be made into a decal easily enough, but I also wanted to keep a skull that faced slightly left.

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