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Does Dantes weapon count as an AXE?


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Where exactly does it say that Dante has an axe rules-wise, though? From what I see, he has a mastercrafted powerweapon, that looks like an axe...so I could exchange his axe for a sword and be fine. That's a bit unclear right now. Gonna play him like he's got a normal powerweapon.





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Sucks bigtime for Vanguard, though. No Hammer of Wrath. :)


From what I can tell on page 47 it says that jump infantry using their jump packs to charge gain the hammer of wrath special rule. Though I might be understanding the rules around jump packs and charging wrong.

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Sucks bigtime for Vanguard, though. No Hammer of Wrath. :)


From what I can tell on page 47 it says that jump infantry using their jump packs to charge gain the hammer of wrath special rule. Though I might be understanding the rules around jump packs and charging wrong.


Haven't got my copy yet...but that would be awesome!

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Ahh sorry I hadn't read the entire segment but you can only use your jump packs once per turn. Heroic intervention counts as a use of your jump pack so you can't use them for the following assault.

Using jump packs during movement grants 12" movement.

Using it during charge grants reroll on charge distance + hammer of wrath.

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Where exactly does it say that Dante has an axe rules-wise, though? From what I see, he has a mastercrafted powerweapon, that looks like an axe...so I could exchange his axe for a sword and be fine. That's a bit unclear right now. Gonna play him like he's got a normal powerweapon.





I just emailed this exact point to GW. My Dante has a sword. Does this mean that my Dante is Initiative 6 when everyone elses is Initiative 1 (and since I modeled mine that way two years ago, I doubt any one can accuse me of modeling for advantage.)


Just because the name of the weapons is The Axe Mortalis, does that mean it has to be an axe?

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No FnP and FC for our allies! Actually no boni for anyone besides Blood Angels. Some faith in humanity GW has been restored! I'm a happy panda right now. only that I'm not fat or furry. :)


Sucks bigtime for Vanguard, though. No Hammer of Wrath. :(

Meph has Mastery Level 3, all good.






PS: I'm a damn happy panda!


Yeah i saw that about mephy but was alittle confused. Although hes mastery lvl 3 he canonly take 2 new powers ?? I guess the last is left for the sword

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Have dropped them an email as well, can't hurt to make it clear that their rules are not clear.




your FAQ doesn't cover a couple of issues that many blood angel players were having.


Glaive Encarmines - what are they under the new rules? swords? axes? whatever we like?

Dante - Is he now I1 S5 AP2? or is he still I6 S4 AP3? The latter makes more sense as unlike all the other marine characters that are I1 he lacks eternal warrior, and as he has a higher I than any standard character making his melee weapon drop him to I1 just seems horribly wrong.


An update to the FAQ or at least a reply to this that I can post on the bolter and chainsword (and print for games) would be really appreciated.




Alisdair Smith


I'd probably settle for him being I1 if he got eternal warrior to balance it out <_<

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Where exactly does it say that Dante has an axe rules-wise, though? From what I see, he has a mastercrafted powerweapon, that looks like an axe...so I could exchange his axe for a sword and be fine. That's a bit unclear right now. Gonna play him like he's got a normal powerweapon.






BA special characters have been addressed and where ambiguous FAQ direction has been given. Lemartes, Astorath, The Sanguinor, Tycho and others get cleared up. Dante is not mentioned I guess you could leave him as he is at AP3? you can try to play him either way its how others let you use him that counts.


I liked him the way he was at least he chopped up TDA armour. Now he is what ? I may try playing him either way he has a 2+ and a 4++ and a 5+FNP how are SG affected are they normal I or have they been turned into drudges.


There are others around, Draigo does not have a nemisis sword. He has a force weapon technically he is in an AP3 grey area too. If it good enough for Mephiston and The Sanguinor to be AP3 its good enough for Draigo and Abaddon too.

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Just a thought the Sanguinor uses a glaive encarmine and his initiative has been untouched. It should be safe enough to surmise that the Sanguinary Guard who also use Glaives are normal Initiave.

This could be a model issue. Some have axes, some swords. Sanguinor clearly has a sword.


I asked this question in my email too. Because I would hate to need to rip apart my Sanguinary Guard to give them swords.

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One piece of potential bad news is Khârn the betrayer was ruled to have a power axe. Could be a sign against Dante.


Hmm, I'll actually take that as a sign for Dante, as Khârn the betrayer's weapon has been amended? Yet Dante's weapon has not.

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as an aside... as they seem to have borrowed heavily from deathwatch this edition, in deathwatch a glaive encarmine is the only two handed weapon that is 'balanced' it also lacks the usual unwieldy rule that similar weapons have. So maybe they'll do something similar when they answer our queries... i can only hope i guess. Will be very miffed if my custom dante is a wasted effort (he'll never see the table again if he's I1 without eternal warrior)
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Interesting. For sake of consistency (not GWs strong point) I am running out of arguments against the I1 DAnte (other than I modeled mine with a sword


Surrender Dorothy its gonna be fine :D



Dante is still a guy to take and the Sanguinary Guard who use Glaive Encarmines keep their initiative at 4 they strike first agianst things that can hurt Dante. Unless Dante is dueling he will be fairly safe at 2+ 4++ FNP5+.

JP troops at AP2 will pick the skirmish site .. keep that in mind

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I'm pissed our buffs don't extend to allies, that destroys a lot of cool lists :D


On the positive side, I see no reason to think Dante has a Power Axe. From the section on power weapons, when it lists the different kinds, it says "if a model's wargear says it has a power weapon which has no further special rules, look at the model to tell which type of power weapon it has."


Well, Dante's weapon has special rules, so this doesn't apply.

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I'm pissed our buffs don't extend to allies, that destroys a lot of cool lists :D


On the positive side, I see no reason to think Dante has a Power Axe. From the section on power weapons, when it lists the different kinds, it says "if a model's wargear says it has a power weapon which has no further special rules, look at the model to tell which type of power weapon it has."


Well, Dante's weapon has special rules, so this doesn't apply.


How much more unique is Dante or Lemartes with master crafted than a frost axe really?

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