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Does Dantes weapon count as an AXE?


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I'm pissed our buffs don't extend to allies, that destroys a lot of cool lists :D


On the positive side, I see no reason to think Dante has a Power Axe. From the section on power weapons, when it lists the different kinds, it says "if a model's wargear says it has a power weapon which has no further special rules, look at the model to tell which type of power weapon it has."


Well, Dante's weapon has special rules, so this doesn't apply.


How much more unique is Dante or Lemartes with master crafted than a frost axe really?

Lemartes got FAQed to having a Power Maul. Bad sign for Dante as well.


I just hope GW answers my email soon, or anyone elses soon. This affects my army for Monday.

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I was told by someone that Tycho got FAQed to being AP3. Can't find it. Is there anything that makes Tycho not Ignores all armor and high initiative?
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- Dante

Axe stikes at Initiative 1 Strength 5 AP2


Heh, some of us dispute this till proven :D


The new big book says "If a model's wargear says it has a power weapon which has no further special rules, look at the model to tell which type...". Since nothing changed for Dante in the FAQ, I'd say his power weapon, since it has master crafted special rule, falls OUT of this category and into the "Unusual power weapons" subsection, i.e. AP3 Melee Weapon (i.e. used as sword).


Also, seems that while BA allies do not get our auras, we will still get the Priest reroll benefit from Codex: Imperial Guard, which is very nice to boost our assault capability further :D


EDIT: Quick update on using IG priests: since he needs to be joined to the unit he boosts he is unable to benefit our jump pack units :( But they would still be very useful with tactical and terminator squads. Also, since I'm running a foot-slogging honor guard, I might add one there (even fits the razor transport nicely).


EDIT2: Damn, allies are not allowed to use primary detachment's transports nor vica versa. That might be a problem with my idea of using the priests...

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nope, as he was never a power weapon, he doesn't fall into the category of now AP3, and his rules just state he ignores armour all saves

Tycho just got massively bumped then.

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indeed... which is nice as he's my only other built HQ hah... (dante and tycho have been my favourites for the past 15 years... every time I've done a BA army (7th time around this time and been working on this one for about 3 years) I've built a tycho and a dante.


here is a scary one...


Commander Oshava of the tau... init 5, WS5, 5 attacks that are just like Tychos - not a power weapon, just ignores all armour saves! thats scary as hell now.


For all we know, this could be just overlooked.

Time will tell us.


True, but i seriously hope it goes the way of Init6 (why even give a character init 6 if he gets an init1 weapon :/ )

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Counts-As Models


How about counts-as Dante?

Can I model a counts-as Dante and give him a sword?


I would assume a GE is a master-crafted 2 handed weapon of the type the model is carrying.

How about a counts-as Sanguinor then? Can I model him with a different weapon and get a different bonus?


I think RAW says yes for both.

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Counts-As Models


How about counts-as Dante?

Can I model a counts-as Dante and give him a sword?


I would assume a GE is a master-crafted 2 handed weapon of the type the model is carrying.

How about a counts-as Sanguinor then? Can I model him with a different weapon and get a different bonus?


I think RAW says yes for both.

In which case, I remodel all my SG to have swords and my Dante rules as he has a sword already.

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nope, as he was never a power weapon, he doesn't fall into the category of now AP3, and his rules just state he ignores armour all saves


I have serious trouble understanding what your trying to articulate. He certainly never was (at least personally :D) a power weapon, but the rules say "Axe Mortalis is a MC power weapon". Why doesn't he fall to AP3 category? Nothing states that his weapon would fall anywhere else. Also, his rules have nothing about ignoring armor saves, it's all in the big book.

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nope, as he was never a power weapon, he doesn't fall into the category of now AP3, and his rules just state he ignores armour all saves


I have serious trouble understanding what your trying to articulate. He certainly never was (at least personally :D) a power weapon, but the rules say "Axe Mortalis is a MC power weapon". Why doesn't he fall to AP3 category? Nothing states that his weapon would fall anywhere else. Also, his rules have nothing about ignoring armor saves, it's all in the big book.


I think Blindhamster is talking about Tycho

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nope, as he was never a power weapon, he doesn't fall into the category of now AP3, and his rules just state he ignores armour all saves


I have serious trouble understanding what your trying to articulate. He certainly never was (at least personally :D) a power weapon, but the rules say "Axe Mortalis is a MC power weapon". Why doesn't he fall to AP3 category? Nothing states that his weapon would fall anywhere else. Also, his rules have nothing about ignoring armor saves, it's all in the big book.


I think Blindhamster is talking about Tycho

yeah, Hamster was answering my Tycho question.

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On Dante / Sanguinary Guard, I think the default stance for ALL weapons unless stated other wise (if it uses the word power weapon) is to look at the weapon, so, go ahead and model your sanguinary guard with swords. It even says in the book. I don't know about dante, master crafted really isn't that special, but at the same time, I can't imagine this legendary relic axe being unwieldy and poorly balanced and being swung by dante I doubt it would be anything but fast and fluid, thats my thoughts on it though, there will be rules lawyers out there who want it to be I1, to them, I will magnetize a sword on him, come at me!


Btw Baal Preds are really really nice now:


.Lots of shots that shred enemy vehicals from rending / hull point beat

. It can scout move

. It can be a scoring unit in one of the 6 battle missions

. It can move flat out 24" now (as can all out vehicals)

. It can move 12" fire the Assault Cannon and 1 HB and then Snap fire the 2nd HB



Also I wouldn't worry about the 50% reserves thing, you can manipulate it by taking things like combat squads (which counts as 2), independant characters that don't reserve count as another 1. Anything that is Forced to reserve doesn't count for your reserves maximum eg: I have 16 units, 8 of which are empty drop pods, half of 16 is 8, I can deploy 8 units therefore in reserve, then the 8 drop pods are forced to deepstrike. (thats just an example, the more realistic one would be storm ravens which have to reserve.)

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nope, as he was never a power weapon, he doesn't fall into the category of now AP3, and his rules just state he ignores armour all saves


I have serious trouble understanding what your trying to articulate. He certainly never was (at least personally ;)) a power weapon, but the rules say "Axe Mortalis is a MC power weapon". Why doesn't he fall to AP3 category? Nothing states that his weapon would fall anywhere else. Also, his rules have nothing about ignoring armor saves, it's all in the big book.


I think Blindhamster is talking about Tycho

yeah, Hamster was answering my Tycho question.


Aa... that explains my difficulties, thanks :D

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I'm reading other people have issues with their FAQs as well, for example:


DE faq - no assault from a webway portal, no allies can use webway portal, Inqubi nerf.



Eldar faq - farseers are psyker mastery 1! Banshees big time nerf, no assault vehicles, harlequins nerf.


BT FAQ - lost preffered enemy for rage


DA FAQ - Ezekiel psyker mastery 1!


Necron FAQ - Warsithes are AP1


Also, something about our BAs, what's the deal with Storm Ravens?

Are they flyers or skimmers?

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Also, something about our BAs, what's the deal with Storm Ravens?

Are they flyers or skimmers?

That's what I was wondering, I checked the Guard FAQ as they are my other force and they have a specific note that the Valks & Vendettas become fliers, but we have nothing.


Is the Raven in a generic armoury in the big book because the Knights use it to or did it just get shafted?

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I'm reading other people have issues with their FAQs as well, for example:


DE faq - no assault from a webway portal, no allies can use webway portal, Inqubi nerf.



Eldar faq - farseers are psyker mastery 1! Banshees big time nerf, no assault vehicles, harlequins nerf.


BT FAQ - lost preffered enemy for rage


DA FAQ - Ezekiel psyker mastery 1!


Necron FAQ - Warsithes are AP1


Also, something about our BAs, what's the deal with Storm Ravens?

Are they flyers or skimmers?


Looks like we got a few things against us but on the whole


Our Sanguinary Guard with a priest are now awesome flying terminators


Terminators are still awesome


Death Company either JP or podded are really dangerous


Lemartes and Astorath these two are serious badasses now


Our priests are still ours


Imaginative BA gamers get some good allies


Our scouting Baals are good


Our flyers are awesome


Mephiston is even more dangerous


Yes AP3 power weapons are now an issue and made terminators a go to but termies are also going to have to walk to get there look at all the buffs to shooting out there its not looking great for bullet magnets like them. The new name for a terminator is target.


Our FNP is a very very strong buff I am glad it was kept to us only


I am building DC and Sang Guard along with VV and of course our RAS we have done well overall hell look at the problems even GKGM's face with only AP#3 power swords

Might even buy a third Stormraven

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Something else I noticed is that the paragraph about psykers is a classic example of copy - paste in every SM FAQ with the addition in brackets of each Chapter's SC.

Also Mephiston has a Mastery of 3 thus meaning he gets 3 powers right?


Our flyers are awesome


Yes, but are they really flyers? :)

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In which case, I remodel all my SG to have swords and my Dante rules as he has a sword already.

Don't be so quick to dump the axes. If we still had +1 I from furious charge it would be a no brainer to go with swords. But since we no longer have an Initiative advantage over Marines, I think it would be worthwhile to go over an exhaustive situational list of when Axes are better than swords. Off the top of my head the Axes seem better against anything with a 2+ save, most characters, GK in general, Eldar, DE, et cetera. If the meta becomes heavy on Terminators, GK halberds, or Eldar you are going to want to keep some axes in there.


I too am leaning towards swords, but I also have to make sure not to be too hasty in making this decision.


P.S. My BRB is taking its sweet time to get to me so I don't know if we can use power lances (or whatever they are called) but they might be great for SG. Put 1-2 in, and then once you have already charged try to allocate wounds to the lance holders first (with whatever wound allocation shenanigans develop for 6th like putting them next to a SP to use them for the LOSir roll.).


P.P.S. If you are doing the hit-and-run thing with Dante, lances might be amazing across the whole squad. (but I'd have to run the math before I came to this conclusion).

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Also Mephiston has a Mastery of 3 thus meaning he gets 3 powers right?



He can keep the three powers he has. But if he decides to pic from the new powers he only gets two (our FAQ is very specific about this). Mastery 3 means (I believe) that he can use 3 powers per turn.

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Also Mephiston has a Mastery of 3 thus meaning he gets 3 powers right?



He can keep the three powers he has. But if he decides to pic from the new powers he only gets two (our FAQ is very specific about this). Mastery 3 means (I believe) that he can use 3 powers per turn.


Or cast a warp one and a warp two power in the same turn.

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Also Mephiston has a Mastery of 3 thus meaning he gets 3 powers right?



He can keep the three powers he has. But if he decides to pic from the new powers he only gets two (our FAQ is very specific about this). Mastery 3 means (I believe) that he can use 3 powers per turn.


Or cast a warp one and a warp two power in the same turn.


I think I missed this... What is a warp two power?


P.S. - What am I missing with Dante and his beloved axe? He seemed subpar to Mephiston as an HQ choice to me... *ducks flying objects thrown in his direction*

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