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The Grey Knight

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This is the first story of the Grey Knights and follows the character Justicar Lionus Ishmael and his squad of Battle Brothers. The Grey Knights: A story eternal servitude and strife.

It is not necessary to read the COIWWOF even though it might help, for the character bio is on the first page.

As with my previous non secussful works, I will strive to make a high level of both writing and story-telling throughout The Grey Knight, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do writing. To be honest, I try to take breaks from writing from time to time, but I am so hooked on this story that I really can't stop. Anyways, I will try to make a weekly update if life doesn't get in the way. Enjoy!




*prologue*: Wrath of the Emperor

It felt like he had been fighting for years. The tide of traitors and daemonic spawn kept coming relentlessly at him and his brothers. Like an ocean of Blood, the sons of Angron and their allies swept over the land crushing everything under their feet, trampling the dead and wounded to the ground. Already the streets were filled with the blood of the slain and the dying, countless men and women had given their lives to protect this city. Fighting with bravery and faith, they had fought to the last, but ultimately failed. Fires were raging all around the Metropolis, entire skyscrapers had been sundered and the great Mausoleum of the Emperor was ablaze. In just a month an entire world was conquered by the World Eaters, they came in a wave of blood crazed cultists and Astartes. The fallen angels were driven beyond madness, because of their psychotic surgeries to their brains. Only a well-placed bolt round to the head could kill them indefinitely.

Lionus was standing at the front gates of the Space Port, fighting alongside him were his brothers. They were a shining beckon of pure silver among a tide of blood. Rebalias a battle brother of Titan was parrying chainaxes and hellblades with his pair of Nemesis Falchions. Every thrust and parry was a shimmering blue bluer of psychic power that was channeled into a blade. He cut heads from enemies and arms from daemons with every swing, and he never faltered in his dance of death. Ajax another fellow squad mate of his team, was swinging his Psi-sword in murderous arcs at the enemy, like a wrathful god from the greeco myths of ancient Terra, he dispatched his foes with one swing, cleaving enemies in twain. Moving forwards in a slow pace, he didn’t even seem to be unsettled by the sheer number of hostiles arrayed against the Grey Knights, firing his storm bolter in point blank range in the enemies ranks, he didn’t even look back to see how is brother marines were fairing, he was intent on bringing the Emperors wrath. Lionus looked to the left finding Morden and Alaric fighting back to back. Morden was holding back a group of Blood Letters, swinging his Psi-Sword back and forth, he cut limbs from bodies and heads from shoulders with a swordsman’s grace. Alaric in the other hand was dispatching his foes in lethal arcs with his Nemesis Halberd. Stabbing, thrusting and swinging it in powerful arcs; he killed World Eaters and daemons alike.

Looking away from his fellow battle-brothers he concentrated on his own problems, World Eaters were climbing over the mound of their fallen, caring not if their Brothers were still alive. Letting out a burst of psychic lightning, the forward ranks of the traitors began to crumple and fall. But before even the first Traitors could fall, the next wave pushed past them, shoving them brutally to the ground , eager to shed the blood of the Emperor’s finest. Chainaxes raised and screaming the word of their bloody god, they charged on, Lionus wrenched his mastercrafted Halberd out of one of the dead World Eaters next him. Lifting the weapon once more, he was prepared to repel the next wave of bezerkers, muttering the litanies of hate under his breath he stormed forward, shouting “FOR THE EMPEROR!” he hacked left and right, and cutting limbs from bodies and cleaved others in half. One World Eaters swung his screaming chainaxe at Lionus’s head, intent on taking it as a trophy. Instead of the blade biting flesh, Lionus jumped back and brought his blade up, cutting off the hand that wielded the axe. Making sure the fallen Marine won’t pose a threat anymore; he turned gracefully and with one swipe of his halberd he took off the head of the traitor.

“Justicar, we can’t keeping fighting like this, eventually we will be overrun!” yelled Rebalias over the vox. Before anyone else could reply a deafening howl came from the far side of the gate, a giant monstrosity was making its way to the Grey Knights, crushing bodies under its giant cloven hooves it looked at its pray with murderous intent. Eyes that showed pure hatred and armour that was forged from ancient bronze, the gigantic Bloodthirster made its way to the warriors. Looking at it coolly , he opened the vox to the ship in orbit, “Titans Wrath, this is Justicar Lionus, you have permission to proceed bombardment on Tralax Prime, acknowledge?”

“Acknowledged Justicar, bombardment commences in 10 seconds.” Said a feminine voice back over the link. Looking over the blood red plain, that was filled with the worshippers of the Blood God he knew it was only a few more moments before the Emperors Judgment rained on Tralax Prime, not being able to cleanse this red stain from the Imperium with a swift attack, they would have to baptize it in holy fire. Taking his gaze from the scene in front of him, he looked at his brothers and sent a psychic message to them, +prepare for teleportation to the ship, on my mark+ . As he said that, the sky started to turn bright orange, it looked like a massive eye had opened and was letting the inhabitants know that its gaze fell upon them. As it opened a bright beam came from the heavens, slamming into the metropolis with the fury of a god. The ground shook with a deafening detonation, the beams destruction spread from the metropolise and it came in a wave of holy and cleansing fire. +NOW! + Lionus told his squad, with a loud noise and bright light, they were gone. Where before there were five silver clad warriors, now there were none. Leaving behind the desperate battle, they had teleported back to their ship; the wave had finally hit their position, destroying everything in its path.

Only the righteous survive, and the deluded and heretic will be swept away in fire.

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Faith in Duty


*Part 1*


2 months earlier


They say the Ordo Malleus makes cold and Unforgiving men and women. How much of that sentiment was true, Lionus didn’t know, but the Ordo did leave something cold in the blood of every Inquisitor that it has bred. For better or for worse, we all serve the Holy Ordo in the Emperor’s name.


Salaria wielded her authority with curious ease. Lionus was never a good judge at describing a human, but the closest thing he could come up with was that she commanded respect with an economy of effort, as if she expected her every word to be obeyed by the letter and at all times. The day Lionus and his squad stepped foot on Chuchanca, he had himself thinking of that phrase again as he watched Salaria work. Reading the mind of his battle-brothers, he noticed that they felt admiration for the Inquisitor.


Salaria was tall, but not unusually so. Her world bred its children tall and strong, and she was no exception. The dark brown hair that flowed from her head was like oil and it was rare to see Inquisitors wear their hair long. Her skin was a healthy pale colour, the white of winter cliffs rather than the pallid bleach of a consumptive. The Ice blues of her eyes were piercing and were enough to make people uncomfortable. Lionus had seen this type of shade matched once, on his own homeworld. The cryovolcanoes on Titan breathed liquid ammonia and nitrogen into the sky, and in the low gravity, their exhalations freeze into crystals that hang high in the atmosphere and beyond. The irises of her eyes could have been cut from those crystals – they were the same clear glass turned cerulean blue by the night.


They were artificial, of course. Despite the exquisite craftsmanship to shape them in absolute mimicry of human eyes. He could still hear the softest clicks when she would use her bio-optics to take pictures. He often wondered if she had chosen the colour for its inhuman hue. They didn’t talk often, so the chance to ask had never arisen. She no longer dressed as a warrior maiden of her birth world, preferring to go clad in the bodysuits and jackets worn by so many high ranking Imperial agents. Still some trace of her origins remained: at her hip was a throwing knife of dark wood in red patina stains. Lionus sensed a theatrical edge in why she bore the antiquated weapon, but she claimed she’d used it in the line of duty several times before. He’d never tried to read her mind to seek the truth.


On her back was a bolter, and this gave him pause each time he saw it. She carried no scale-down weapon to fit well with human hands. Hers was a mass-caliber Adeptus Astartes boltgun, Mk Vb Godwyn pattern, hefted like a cannon when she held it in her gloved hands. Evidence of its craftsmanship was in every contour along the weapon’s body: an artisan of rare skill had wrought the black iron alloy with jagged Fenrisian runes of dirty gold.

The weapon, so monstrous in delicate human hands, was rendered usable by a streak of thumbnail-sized suspensors attached to the stock. The rare antigravitic coins – three tiny thimbles of bronze – buoyed the weapon by countering its weight.


She carried the bolter slung over her back, on a thick leather strap. ‘My lord regent,’ she said, not bothering to smile. ‘We must speak.’ The Imperial Regent of Chuchanca nodded. His expression showed warmth, as if he would welcome her in open arms. ‘Yes, Inquisitor. Indeed we must.’ He was fat to the point of being grotesque. By Lionus’s estimate, he had fewer than thirty seconds to live.

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A good start CMO ;) aside from a few spelling mistakes (and I suffer from them a lot, so I can't talk :lol: ), I like it. Your descriptions of characters are good, especially the Inquisitor.


I'll be watching ;)

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A good start CMO ^_^ aside from a few spelling mistakes (and I suffer from them a lot, so I can't talk :devil: ), I like it. Your descriptions of characters are good, especially the Inquisitor.


I'll be watching ;)


Thx, I've been known to have some spelling mistakes here and there, but mainly because I typ fast, and I never look up when doing so. So usually I recheck the spelling, but I don't see everything, but as long as the story is enjoyable to read and to picture in your mind, then I am happy. But that doesn't mean I won't improve on it. ;)

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