tvih Posted September 12, 2016 Author Share Posted September 12, 2016 Holy baloney! After more than three years, my beloved Vindicator finally has a siege shield! Prior to today it was still on the sprue. Now it's attached and basecoated (man, did it once again take a million coats to cover the unevenness of the surfaces, I reaaallly don't like painting vehicles for this reason), but I'm not sure if I'm leaving it black with highlights like the rest of the vehicle currently is, or something else. Also putting together some of the accessories I've been meaning to add - smoke launchers, searchlights and such. And adding the gunner to the multimelta of my LRC, Witchbane, as well as to the storm bolter of my first Rhino, Kharon. And speaking of names, finally getting around to painting the names of marines to their bases. Been scouring through the thread trying to find what names I've already assigned. Not too many such it seems, beyond HQs, but I managed to find the exact models of the first 5 SB I painted, and now they have their original names again, although nowadays they're mere initiates, sadly for them. My original custom EC is reassembled too, although also a mere initiate for a long time now, and I don't think he ever even had a name! In other words, the crusade marches on, even if it strays a bit from the path it should be on Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted September 13, 2016 Author Share Posted September 13, 2016 Gave ol' Kharon also a cross on the roof. I wanted it to have it before too, but didn't want to risk ruining things... almost did, as this was a total pain in the butt to do, and it was a big mistake to make it extend beyond the hatches and caused a heck of a lot of extra work. If I do this for the Razorback Styx's Rhino config, it'll definitely be done for just the hatches - although it has to be regardless or it'd look stupid in the Razorback configuration. Kharon's a plain ol' Rhino so I figured I'd try making the cross a bit bigger, but shouldn't have. Now I gotta redo all the highlights and details for the roof. It looked like a total disaster with the brushed-on fixes of overspills as the Abaddon Black is glossier and less even than the black spray I use, but luckily a coat of matte varnish evened it out. Some problems remain but I dare not touch those further or it'll likely make things worse ;) On the upside the varnish doesn't seem too glossy so I should be able to use it on even the vehicles, so far I had only used it on like 3 metal figures so I wasn't sure how it'd look on a vehicle. Kisada and AndrewChristlieb 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndrewChristlieb Posted September 13, 2016 Share Posted September 13, 2016 Your cross came out looking really nice. I found the roof cross to be more difficult then anticipated too, I went quite large on it though which caused some headaches. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted September 13, 2016 Author Share Posted September 13, 2016 Ack, the cross attempt on Styx ended up much worse. Probably gotta strip the hatches entirely. Templates, masking tape... still doesn't come out right. Bah. Probably the Emperor punishing me for not working on my vow like I'm supposed to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted September 20, 2016 Author Share Posted September 20, 2016 After two painstaking night of painting, my grimdark-painted CF model collection has increased by roughly 50% As usual probably a few touchups needed here and there as well as varnish, but at least some progress. Didn't post the two nearly ready BT terminators since I was still debating the highlighting issue<_< Marshal Mattias 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted September 23, 2016 Author Share Posted September 23, 2016 Hmm... I've been looking around, and I'm likely going to try a new style of black for Templar armor next week based on a tutorial I found by Rob Hawkins Hobby. The end result is much nicer than the gray highlighting (or, as is most often the case, no highlighting) I've done so far, if I get it to work. Minor kink is that the bluish highlighting and whatnot make it look maybe a bit closer to my current CF highlighting than I might like, but not much to be done about that I suppose. My CF would be a bit lighter in color if I had used a non-black primer I guess (Necron Abyss on black in normal indoor lighting isn't easily distinguishable from black), but it's a bit late to change that. The remaining 4 SH CF terminators are now highlighted and starting on the detailing. Anyway, if it works out, I should be able to apply the new style of black+highlights on my existing Templars just fine, though it'll cause plenty of work for sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted September 28, 2016 Author Share Posted September 28, 2016 So, got to try the new black style. The results are... mixed in a sense, I guess. It's not too similar to the CF, which is good, that much can be seen here as the model is sitting in the middle of my CF "assembly line." However, the tutorial's drybrush stage seemed a bit pointless as I see no difference in a model with and without the drybrushing. I'm not sure if it is really a negative as skipping it will save time, but it just feels like I'm doing something wrong. Going lighter on the drybrush paint would probably just make it all too gray. As for the highlights, they're very subtle. I like subtle and it looks nicer than the more pronounced gray highlighting which is why I've wanted to try something like this for some time, but can't help wondering if it's worth the effort as straight matte black works OK too, and the subtle highlights only really show in quite bright light or when holding the model very close. At any rate, I did do this type of highlighting to the one Space Hulk model as well as converted Grimgard's terminator model to this style as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 5, 2016 Author Share Posted October 5, 2016 The crappiest crusade in the galaxy grows... Two of the terminators that were supposed to be in the BT squad ended up defecting over to the CF squad And Grimgard is strictly looking away to avoid any temptations to smash a certain "undesirable" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Mattias Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 (edited) They're looking awesome, don't knock the Crusade! Those SH minis are so cool - they really give some diversity to the units they end up in. Notice how I didn't even mention the Wit–... *PADDLE SWOOSH* Edited October 5, 2016 by Marshal Mattias Firepower 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 16, 2016 Author Share Posted October 16, 2016 So... Decus was transferred to the Crimson Fists (becoming the first fully painted model I've repainted), and Ironclad Civan also ended up going with him despite original plans to the contrary. However, the Templars are going to get something nice as recompense, hopefully by next weekend Also doing some minor tuneups soon on ol' Kalev (the AoBR dread). Oh, and also did my first decal installation tests (the dread arm being Civan's): DarkCrusader93 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 17, 2016 Author Share Posted October 17, 2016 (edited) I've been taking a rough tally of my current marine forces again, and trying to assign them an army. I come to the realization that at some point my CF(+IF) may actually be more numerous than my BT... BT: Helbrecht Grimaldus Terminator Captain (plastic) Terminator Chaplain DV LE Chaplain Jump Chaplain Techmarine + servitors Lord Executioner 2x Emperor's Champion (old metal + new finecast) Dreadnought (AoBR) Mk IV Ironclad Dreadnought 6 Assault Terminators 5 Terminators 10 Sternguard 12 Honour Guard 5 Jump Vanguard + 2 Foot Vanguard 33+ Initiates 3 CCW scouts 5 Assault Marines Attack Bike 2x Land Speeder Rhino Razorback Stormtalon Stormraven 2x Drop Pod Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer Predator Vindicator Whirlwind CF: Pedro Kantor Darnath Lysander (well, IF obviously but anyways...) Terminator Captain (metal) Chaplain Witch Terminator Witch Ironclad Dreadnought Venerable Dreadnought 9 Terminators 7 Assault Terminators 10 Sternguard 5 Jump Vanguard 27+ Tactical Marines 15 Scouts Drop Pod 5 Assault Marines Assault Bike Land Speeder Storm 2x Land Speeder Stormtalon Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer Predator Razorback Rhino Whirlwind Thunderfire Cannon Deathwatch: Chaplain Captain 6 Terminators 3 Veterans Misc/Unassigned: 15 DV Tactical Marines (most likely to become CF/IF) Something like 10 other Tactical Marines probably (again most likely to be CF) 5 Terminators (planned as IF, but uncertain - would also need 1 more CF to enable second heavy weapon) 5 Assault Terminators Assault Bike 6 Bikes 3 DV Bikes (most DA markings removed) 2 old school Witches old school power axe marine (SW I think) two older metal Captains DA Chapter Master Painted DA Captain 2 TDA Calgars (one painted), PA Calgar, 8 UM Honour Guard some DA Veterans 3 old Legion of the Damned models + additional bits to convert several more if I so choose Planned: Deathwatch Dreadnought (likely double duty as a BT Dread) Deathwatch Razorback Deathwatch Kill Team Devastator Squad (models probably CF, with Grav Cannons likely going to the Templars' armory) Ordo Malleus Inquisitor (planning on making it from GK terminator bits) Centurion Devastator Squad (CF) Vindicator (CF) 10 Mk III Marines (to become CF Honour Guard) Edited October 19, 2016 by tvih AndrewChristlieb 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndrewChristlieb Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Nice sized collection there. Any ideas on what you want to do with your Deathwatch killteam? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 17, 2016 Author Share Posted October 17, 2016 Nice sized collection there. Any ideas on what you want to do with your Deathwatch killteam? Oversized collection given I haven't played in forever :P Originally I planned on simply having a Veteran team going around fragcannoneering in a Rhino, and a Terminator squad with 4-5 heavy weapons. Now it's looking more like a mixed kill team setup in a Black Spear Strike Force, but who knows in the end :P I'm not sure if a few things in Army Builder are entirely correct, and I don't have the codex book yet to confirm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndrewChristlieb Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 Yeah that's going to be a good bit of Deathwatch too. I've been thinking of doing a little something with them. That kit looks too nice not to pick up at some point. Probably something fluffy and horribly ineffective :D Tekman and Honda 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 18, 2016 Author Share Posted October 18, 2016 Not sure why my sprays are wanting to be pains in the rear again (as if severe sciatica wasn't providing me with enough of that). My newer silver spray is being inconsistent, not always giving a smooth finish especially on plastic - for some reason it's about the same as the old one on metal. Go figure. But another problem is that the brand I use sucks if you have to aim the spray at all downwards, which I do since I paint on the floor. You often end up spraying without much actual paint coming out, and then at the end you have a spray bottle with plenty of paint left but no propellant. The black spray suffers from the propellant issue as well, but also at times inconsistent level of glossiness. It's a matte spray, and most of the times it's very matte indeed just like I want it, but other times it ends up rather glossy. Go figure². Also my two Forgeworld BT shields that I'm currently trying to paint are acting wonky. The spray just pools on them, not really sticking, despite having washed them to remove mold removal residue and whatnot. I guess I have no choice but to try to base them with Imperial Primer by brush and hope that works. Oddly the previous two I had based with spray came out better. I just hate inconsistent results! /rant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 21, 2016 Author Share Posted October 21, 2016 IFE IV vow 2 completion: With that done, onwards to vow 3! Finally working on getting a drop pod properly done beyond just a blu-tacked one :P Such a pain trying to get the doors to close. I guess I need to carve the doors a bit on their bottoms, which sucks since they're already basecoated. It's still not glued for the most part so I can work on the highlighting etc easier once I get the door function sorted. As it is, only one door closes without using force and also actually stays closed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 26, 2016 Author Share Posted October 26, 2016 (edited) May I present the reason why the Ironclad above ended up in CF colors... Ol' Razorback-disguised-as-Rhino Styx also got a facelift, as did the CF Razorback currently in progress. In the front we see some tuned up terminators waiting to be repainted as CF. The CF pads would look awesome on the SH models, but those have "integrated" shoulders and I'd rather not start carving them off Edited October 26, 2016 by tvih DarkCrusader93 and Brother Christopher 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 26, 2016 Author Share Posted October 26, 2016 Oh and by the way, I thought FW dread arms were supposed to be directly compatible with GW dreads? Doesn't look like it, the holes in them are too big for the pegs on the AoBR dread yet too small for the ones in the Venerable and Ironclad Dreads, plus the hole for the peg isn't deep enough. Which kinda sucks, as I'd rather not have to magnetize the arms on all my plastic dreads just because of a pair of FW arms, yet getting the arms to snugly fit the regular dreads would be a pain to convert too. Easier for the AoBR Dread I suppose. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndrewChristlieb Posted October 26, 2016 Share Posted October 26, 2016 Really if the holes are too small for the standard dread (not AoBR) I'd just drill them out to fit the normal package. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 26, 2016 Author Share Posted October 26, 2016 Problem is not having a drill that'd be the right size. I have nothing bigger than 3mm. And enlarging with a small drill or a knife is a pain. In semi-related news... has science gone too far? Marshal Mattias and Cognative 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zeller Posted October 28, 2016 Share Posted October 28, 2016 "Stick'em up!" To be honest, I kind of think you should magnetize those tiny arms on the dread and run it as normal. For some reason it doesn't look as absurd as I thought it would. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 28, 2016 Author Share Posted October 28, 2016 They are magnetized. Though I suppose I should put an assault cannon and powerfist on it. Haha. Although currently the dread body is ongoing paint removal, after my spray can once more messed things up :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 28, 2016 Author Share Posted October 28, 2016 Not the most aerodynamic shield for a jump character, but I think I like it The normal Vanguard storm shields look a bit wimpy for a HQ, plus lack BT iconography, which is meh especially since the model is already lacking them on his armor. The challenge is in magnetizing him, or mainly his original axe, since the hands on that axe are so small, putting 2mm magnets on them is going to be tricky. I do have two a smaller third-party shields which I could give him but alas those are "plain" and I'd need to either custom-make or get a brass-etch templar symbol for it to be proper. But as I have these spare FW shields (I have 7, of which my termies only really use 4) I suppose this is easier. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvih Posted October 28, 2016 Author Share Posted October 28, 2016 (edited) Well, managed to do the magnetization. The axe hands took a bit of damage as expected, but I suppose painted up it won't be noticeable except with very close examination... so good enough, I suppose. Although one slightly annoying thing is that the hand on the thunder hammer is so big compared to the model's arms and normal hand, since for some reason the model is rather "slim". Edited October 28, 2016 by tvih Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Christopher Posted October 28, 2016 Share Posted October 28, 2016 Fingers crossed for the axe after painting. I'm sure any damage won't be noticeable, especially after you leave the model for a couple of months. Regarding the model, I like it very much, despite that it's finecast. Also, I've been quite surprised to see that the shield you've picked looks rather well in the photo. I generally think that these shields are too large for PA models, but it really seems fine with this particular model (or maybe this is due to a very advantageous angle of the shot). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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