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The Shadow Guard

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Oh, this is so perfect! I had already planned to work on this model this month!


I, IndigoJack, do vow to complete one 275 pt (unless IA: Aeronautica changed that) Caestus Assault Ram in the month of September, this two thousandth and twelfth year of our Emperor as penance for not participating in previous vows.




I spent all day yesterday cleaning it, resculpting parts air bubbles destroyed, and filling gaps. should be ready to have the interior painted this weekend!

  Artemid said:
Good call on the Seargeant's head replacement! I'm thinking of doing the exact same thing. I really don't like the particular sculpt they gave him.


I think the bare head looked nice but I just think that it's tactically stupid to be in the best armor mankind can manufacture and then walk around and command troops without your super advanced helmet on. Not only does it leave the commander of the unit extremely vulnerable, trying to shout over the cacophony of battle versus using a vox/radio inside an insulated, climate controlled helm is dumb. So I try to minimize the number of bare heads just because it irks me in the suspension of belief kind of way.

  Brother Chaplain Kage said:
  Artemid said:
Good call on the Seargeant's head replacement! I'm thinking of doing the exact same thing. I really don't like the particular sculpt they gave him.


I think the bare head looked nice but I just think that it's tactically stupid to be in the best armor mankind can manufacture and then walk around and command troops without your super advanced helmet on. Not only does it leave the commander of the unit extremely vulnerable, trying to shout over the cacophony of battle versus using a vox/radio inside an insulated, climate controlled helm is dumb. So I try to minimize the number of bare heads just because it irks me in the suspension of belief kind of way.


I think I'm gonna roll all my newly built guys that way too (I mostly agree, but sometimes a bare head just looks cool!), but I'm mostly stuck with my old ones. I just really happen to dislike this face in particular :tu:

Alright, I suppose this is as good a way as any (and better than most) to rededicate myself to the unforgiven whispering menacingly at me from my hobby drawers.


To start September, I vow to paint a five man Deathwing Squad with an assault cannon and the Lion only knows what squad weapons (likely a mix of THs, LCs, and SB/PFs).

Having been out of the hobby for a good couple editions, I was excited for the new rules and now the DV box set. So without putting paint to model in over 2 years (I think) I shall once more strive towards my redemption

I, Master Matthius, do vow to complete by the end of September, the Tactical Squad from the DV box set. This will include full 10 man squad with Plasma Cannon, Plasma Gun and Sergeant with Plasma Pistol. These will also be placed on decorative bases as I progress. Also I will be converting the Sergeant to having a helm as I agree with others about the ease of command with the helmet on. This totals 210 points.

Looking forward to this, haven't even snipped the mini's off the sprue yet and I'm excited, sheesh, feels like I won the Lottery... the DV lottery...

My WIP thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=260381

Finished, although really poor picture quality. Sorry all it's with my phone camera. I need to find a cheap but good camera. Anyone have some suggestions?


For too long my Deathwing has collected dust. They are old and in need of a re-build. So...


"I, fearlessgod, tread on the Path to Redemption and vow to build and paint 1 Deathwing Dreadnought with plasma cannon by September 30 2012."


In the coming months, other Deathwing units will follow. My Redemption draws near...

oh go on then!


i, lhg033, vow to complete in the month of september:


test paints schemes using the 'new' gw range

a tactical marine

a company veteran/veteran sergeant

a deathwing terminator

a ravenwing biker


these will, if i keep my motivation going, for the basis for successive vows. helps my playstation died a couple of days ago so cant be distracted by that now.


i have yet to decide on straight DA or succesors. i have lots of DA already so may go AoV though really like red armour (are there any DA successors with a flesh tearer style red?) - let the procrastination, i mean vow, begin!

  lhg033 said:
oh go on then!


i, lhg033, vow to complete in the month of september:


test paints schemes using the 'new' gw range

a tactical marine

a company veteran/veteran sergeant

a deathwing terminator

a ravenwing biker


these will, if i keep my motivation going, for the basis for successive vows. helps my playstation died a couple of days ago so cant be distracted by that now.


i have yet to decide on straight DA or succesors. i have lots of DA already so may go AoV though really like red armour (are there any DA successors with a flesh tearer style red?) - let the procrastination, i mean vow, begin!


Sorry ihg033, the completed entry needs to be codex legal..... :huh:



Ok, I think I figured this out. My vow for September is to paint the 5erminator squad and the Ravenwing squad from D.V.


First half of this months vow complete. Deathwing with AC and CF aproximatly 250 points


Vow completed with this Ravenwing squad. Plasmagun and sergeant with powerfist aprox 160




too busy being nosey at others' vows and models that i managed to forget the criteria by the time i got to writing my vow.


i will update my vow this evening when i decide on which i will do. may even get some pics though lighting may not be the best by the time the kids are in bed

  pueriexdeus said:
I pueriexdeus do swear that the Pueri forges are at peak capacity.


SEPTEMBER OATH: I will complete my seven (7) Land Raiders that were started to compete in a 60000 point DW Apoc game several years ago. 1920 points




Munitorium, power on,,, servitors in place....


Paint,,, re-finish,,,,




4X Crusaders, attach beyond normal parameters,,,, HKM, PMSB... repair Battle damage,,, bling missing from original template.... prepare hand detailing servitors....


2X God Hammer, attach beyond normal parameters,,,, HKM, PMSB... repair Battle damage,,, bling missing from original template.... prepare hand detailing servitors....


1X Prometheus, attach beyond normal parameters,,,, HKM, PMSB... repair Battle damage,,, bling missing from original template.... prepare hand detailing servitors.... warning, warning, warning,,,, additional services needed,,, communications (Damocles) upgrades....


Incoming communication... The Master of the Forge is in-route to the secured facility.... prepare multiple upgrade/detailing servitors........

+++++++++++End of Transmission+++++++++


When I return home (3000 miles away) I'll post some starting pictures of the first month (September) project. Time - 96 hours...


@Stobz, my Thunder Hawk will be leaning toward the Bomb Pylon/TLD config. HMMM December???

I'm back to the Forge.

Before Pic; as you can see they are in various states of assembly, painting, and in need of repair.



Vow Complete 20120923









Well I think they came out pretty good, now I just need to find an Apoc game so I can field them all.


One week left I'll add on to this. I'm off to a 40K game using my 2000 point RW/SM Allies w/Storm Talon. I'll post September Pt II before pics later tonight

  pueriexdeus said:
  pueriexdeus said:
I pueriexdeus do swear that the Pueri forges are at peak capacity.


SEPTEMBER OATH: I will complete my seven (7) Land Raiders that were started to compete in a 60000 point DW Apoc game several years ago. 1920 points




Munitorium, power on,,, servitors in place....


Paint,,, re-finish,,,,




4X Crusaders, attach beyond normal parameters,,,, HKM, PMSB... repair Battle damage,,, bling missing from original template.... prepare hand detailing servitors....


2X God Hammer, attach beyond normal parameters,,,, HKM, PMSB... repair Battle damage,,, bling missing from original template.... prepare hand detailing servitors....


1X Prometheus, attach beyond normal parameters,,,, HKM, PMSB... repair Battle damage,,, bling missing from original template.... prepare hand detailing servitors.... warning, warning, warning,,,, additional services needed,,, communications (Damocles) upgrades....


Incoming communication... The Master of the Forge is in-route to the secured facility.... prepare multiple upgrade/detailing servitors........

+++++++++++End of Transmission+++++++++


When I return home (3000 miles away) I'll post some starting pictures of the first month (September) project. Time - 96 hours...


@Stobz, my Thunder Hawk will be leaning toward the Bomb Pylon/TLD config. HMMM December???

I'm back to the Forge.

Before Pic; as you can see they are in various states of assembly, painting, and in need of repair.



That is one heckuva oath puri.... <_< :eek ... there is a madman in the house...but our kind of a madman!!! :devil:

I, Caietan, wish to redeem myself from my previous failure to complete painting the armies that I started. I truly am Unforgiven in the eyes of Him on Earth and thus

VOW for the month of SEPTEMBER:

To clean up and paint a combat squad of Tactical Marines (90 points) from the Dark Vengeance set as pictured below.


Right now these are just cut from the sprue and snap-fitted together. And yes, I know they're missing the sergeant, but since I will be using the new paints for the first time, I want to practice on some "grunts" before I move on to the signature models. The rest of the squad will follow in October or as a follow-up September vow, depending on my progress.

brothers hear my vow....


before this month of thirty days endth, I shall haveth 5 brethern of the deathwing painted and ready for battle...eth.



that'll be 215 points then..eth




ok vow completed :P first paint job in 7 years :)

I farfromsam vow to complete an interrogator chaplain with plasma pistol.



completed forward into october

October completed!


Now onto November

November completed!


Look to December!

December completed!



January completed!





The whole squad now




Now we look to February!


This month is done  






  pueriexdeus said:
I'm back to the Forge.

Before Pic; as you can see they are in various states of assembly, painting, and in need of repair.


By the Lion's Holy Catnip?!!


Uh, no sir, pueriexdeus, sir... I'm not a Fallen. I'm a... successor chapter. Yeah, that's it.

*running away from a hungry line of land raiders*


I'm still waiting on my DV models (grrr, GW, grrr!) so I may take Aquilanus' advice of making a DIY successor.


@SG: As we can make more than one oath, the primary importance is finishing at least one a month, right? Or would it be okay if I change the one I made to another?

Guest Azeikel

Well I haven't lifted a brush since January, mainly due to University life getting in the way, so this should be the motivation I need in order to get started again.

In penance for my sins of not fulfilling one of the three cornerstones of the hobby I hereby solemnly pledge to complete by months end: 1 Company Master Belail (PS/SB), and his Deathwing Command Squad of 5 Terminators (1 PW/SW, 1 SB/PF w/ standard, 1 Apocathery w/ SB/PF, 1 SB/PF w/ CML & 1 SB/PF).


They are half painted at the moment but since I started them 2 years ago my tastes have changed, so I am going to strip them and start again. Is that permitted?





Edit: Update 30/9

Well it appears I shall remain thoroughly unredeemed as I only managed to complete 1 terminator.

I don't have a real camera so the picture was taken with my phone. Please forgive the quite frankly atrocious quality.




I have not uploaded a before shot since the vow is failed anyway.





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