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Deathwing is coming

Sir Tancrede

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Hi, brothers !


I'm back with a new gaming/painting project for the coming months : a deathwing army. I always loved terminators and dreadnoughts, but when I was young i haven't enough money to buy me this army. But now I can, so I will buy and paint my long dreamed Deathwing, an entirely metal one with V2/V3 minis (and maybe some FW goodness...)


Here are the first minis on the workdesk :


- the librarian (finished and based) :



- and the first dreadnought, still WIP:





Hope you'll enjoy, and stay tuned as I have more terminators coming ! ^^

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Thanks for comments, brothers.

It's really a joy to paint those old minis, as they are really cool models and I'm currently in a "old school" mood : I'm painting mordian and V2 cadian IG at the same time, and my empire and bretonnian armies are full of old models. I think those old models are full of character, and they have not the "too much bling-bling"-ness of the current models.

And, of course, they remind me the old days of my humble beginnings in Gw games, more than 20 years ago ! ^^


@Isiah :

thank you for the invitation, I've joined the challenge to finish my army ! ^^

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As promised, here are the current WIPs :


- Belial :



- shooty squad :



- assault squad :



- and the groupshot of the september vow :




Hope you'll enjoy, and I'll try to finish those minis (minus basing) this week-end.

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Sir Tancrede, whenever you post new minis up I feel like my minis are staring at me judging and thinking "see he cares enough to paint his stuff to a super high standard"


Mine do that too, at which point I'll threaten them with my modeling knife and tell them their going to become "chaos" models if they don't shut up!


@Sir Tancrede: marvelously inspiring. I couldn't even notice the bare bases.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry brother, but dur to distractions (commission work essentially), the september vow is not complete yet (still to paint the base and fix them on the minis, and few details to paint).


But for october, I vow :

- to complete the september vow

- to paint and base Asmodaï.



And for proof of my willingness, here is Asmodaï after this week-end painting session (I've found some time to begin it between tons of Tau painting for commission... ;) ) :




So keep an eye on me, Brothers, to keep me motivated to finish my september and october vow ! :P

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Sir Tancrede, these models look fantastic! I really love the way you've done all the weathering, it enhances the realism of these models do much without going over the top.


I know they are still WiP in the photos, the only suggestions I would have is that there are a couple of green spots on the dagger's scabbard on 'Belial' and the power swords look very plain as solid black compared to your fantastic work on the Librarian's force axe. Also, the transition on the power fist fingers on the front squad member of the "shooty" squad seem pretty stark compared to your other blending, and while I don't think this looks bad, given other smooth transitions, it may not be up to the quality standard you were working on.


That said, Asmodai's robe is awesome! All your blending, the icons and cruxes on the Terminators, and the hazard stripes are amazing. The Dread and Deathwing Librarian are sublime, so it's obvious these will all be completed to a wonderfully high standard. Great job, they will be great pieces when you are done, plus the awesome-ness that is an old-school Deathwing!

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Thanks for comments, brother.


For your questions :

- Belial's scabard wasn't done on the previous pics, but is now done since yesterday.

- Belial and Asmodaï's swords waren't done too, but are now finished (this morning, before I leave to work)

- and I agree with you, the fingers of the prower gloves are not very well blended, but I think they will stay as they are, as I don't have time atm to redo things on the minis (too much commission work coming, and i must follow my planning for the PotR).


For the coming work :

- all the minis of the september vow are nearly done (still to do : optics, power weapons on the CC squad and pigments).

- Asmodaï is half done

- I've begun to work on the november vow (another dreadnought) with the base and the first colors (airbrush session on Asmodaï, the dread, and lots of other minis).


So stay tuned, as I will post pics of the september vow finished before next monday.

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Thanks for comments, Leandred.

As my army is an old school project, it was an evidence for me to paint the crux as stone ! ^^



And as promised, here are some updates :


First, the finished minis (september vow) :



And the WIP minis :

- second terminator squad (september vow) :



- Asmodaï (october vow) :



As I have 2 weeks to finish those minis, I hope to complete both my september and october vow ! ^^

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Simply brilliant work Sir Tancrede, your detailing and weathering certainly among the best I've seen and I love your shade of bone, love it.

Please keep it coming so we can steal your ideas!!! (even if I can't see your pics at work ^_^ ).

Don't worry about those pesky commissions unless they are more DA that you can share pics of with us ^_^

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Asmodai is still great after what, 17ish years? nice work.



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My dear battle brothers, I'm happy to say I've completed my september and october vow !



Here are the last minis of the september vow, 5 close combat terminators :



And for october, Asmodaï is now ready to watch on his brother's souls :




And I present you the next minis coming : terminators for november's vow, and the second dread of the army for december (base colors were done at the same time as for Asmodaï)



@Stobz :

I know, but I will paint more commission work, as it allows me to buy more old DA minis ! ^^

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