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Okey, I didn't know that, only been in the hobby since just before 5th was released. Still my point stands, but mayby they will do the same as before and "unlock" them as Troops with the right mark and Abbadon unlocks all due to the fact that he is the "boss", or what do you think?


The rumor right now is that a Lord with a mark will unlock the same elites (Mark of Khorne = Berzerkers ect ect). Abby is rumored to make chosen troop choices, so you should still be able to run your mono army if you wish.

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most of that stuff looks lame. im usually pretty optimistic but that stuff just looks like GW trying to steal market share from warmachine


whats up with the hell chicken.


the raptors are great, the warsmith is great and the dark apostle looks good, although im sure all of those flappy pieces will snap off in the first 5 seconds.....


ill give the release a 2 out of 5

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Does anyone know if the new chaos stuff is the only new units we are getting or are there some new stuff which will be released later????

I am also a very sad devotee of Nurgle not a single cool new Nurgle model I mean they could of at least made a plastic Chaos Lord/ sorcerer kit (not terminator) with enough options to have him dedicated to one of the main legions or gods

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Does anyone know if the new chaos stuff is the only new units we are getting or are there some new stuff which will be released later????

I am also a very sad devotee of Nurgle not a single cool new Nurgle model I mean they could of at least made a plastic Chaos Lord/ sorcerer kit (not terminator) with enough options to have him dedicated to one of the main legions or gods


I'm still hopeful for cultist boxes as an eventual release. I'm not holding my breath, but hopeful. There's probably just as good a chance that they leave that to forgeworld, though.


There is going to be a second wave of releases. November, you say?

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Hopefully it is otherwise I will be annoyed, also since in the new white dwarf on pg 140 how they say if you take a Nurgle Lord you can take plague marines as troops is it only lords who can take them as troops or can sorcerers take them as well if not I will be sad as I like Sorcerers more
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about the possible/rumoured 2nd wave, which should be end october/november (next white dwarf will most likely tell us). Considering they just made a new battleforce, we can basicly rule out new possessed, csm and new bikers. Everything now released in finecast (previously metal) will also not get a new model, like the HQ, havocs and upgrade kits.


However, we still need a new Hellbrute (since the old dreadnought just NOT respresent the new lore around it) and cultists, since there just NO models availble outside the starterkit. I think we can also assume, that those 2 are not the only new stuff in 2nd wave, but what else would then be in there, i have no idea.


And i think iam one of the few, but i actually like the Forgefiend/mauler kits, but hate the Dark apostle & Sorcerer. The Warpsmith is alright, still feels like a Techmarine with spikes.. The raptors are good, thinking of ways to maybe make additional chosen out of Raptors/possessed/normal csm. Might be a nice little project along the way. THe dragon.. meh.. he has the hugest rectum.

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Hopefully it is otherwise I will be annoyed, also since in the new white dwarf on pg 140 how they say if you take a Nurgle Lord you can take plague marines as troops is it only lords who can take them as troops or can sorcerers take them as well if not I will be sad as I like Sorcerers more

That, sir, is the question that keeps me up at night.

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The "new" battleforce doesn't strike me as a proof that those units won't be redone, they just couldn't keep the zerkers in it ( one troop, two elites, and the zerkers being very god specific now ) It's much more consistent like this. There are plenty of models deserving a recast ( bikers, termies, basic marines, chosen, zerkers, noise marines) GW has to release some of those units at some point.
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this must be a late april fools joke.... it has to be. $60cdn for the codex $100 for the limited edition. $90 for the hell turkey and $63 for 3 clayface wannabe's. After the release of the necrons and the dark eldar, im feeling shocked at what chaos is getting. Yes chaos is getting some love, but it's the dirty love that makes you ashamed afterwards


It feels like the love you rent for a hour or so...

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Has there been any FOC changes besides the whole Cult troops to elites? While I really like the Raptors/Warp Talons, I've gone out of my way to de-horn the majority of my CSMs, and have 16 raptors (2 units of 8) and I'm using the loyalist jump packs and all so they wouldn't fit with the asthetics of my current army.


Has there been anything on any new kind of dedicated transport or teleportation/deep strike for normal CSMs?

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I'll buy the dex (and hope for some nice pictures), probably some raptors and give the rest of my money to FW's pre heresy stuff and build a small World Eaters army.


And why did they build a turkey? Of all the awesome animals out there they built a turkey!!!


Oh well, at least it's some new stuff to loose battles with.

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Well, my army will be getting a new direction. I just can't resist those Raptors. I might get the Aspiring Chap too, but the rest isn't so great. Not too keen on £18 for the warpsmith, otherwise I'd be getting one.


The Thousand Sons pack strikes me as odd, there isn't enough heads to go with the amount of torso conversions, I'd be having to find a further three heads from somewhere. Way to go GW.

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The Thousand Sons pack strikes me as odd, there isn't enough heads to go with the amount of torso conversions, I'd be having to find a further three heads from somewhere. Way to go GW.



It's 31 pieces, which is 8 torso bits, 6 shoulder pads, 2 bolters, 4 arms, sorcerer (main part, backpack, pistol hand) leaving 8 pieces which would be heads.

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One big disapointment. The two fiends look a bit better than expected but the rest is, with the exception of the raptors, either deeply mediocre ( sorcerer, champion, doc ock )or downright ugly ( Faildragon, Mutiliators ). Finecast is more expensive than the metal versions ( why exactly? ), miniatures which realy required a facelift got non ( all cult troops, csm, bikers, havocs, the old hq choices ) and the prices are, more often than not, a bad joke (31 euros for the finecast prince? 29 for the heretical armours set? 20 for Typhus? and 52 for the fiends, realy? ).


With far superior upgrade and daemon engine kits from Forgeworld, which on top of it are no longer (much) more expensive, and no redesigns of the old kits i seriously have to wonder why i should buy anything from GW's new chaos line.

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