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Maulerfiends are the assault-oriented version. They seem to have a bit of wargear which gives them bonus hits/attacks with a meltagun profile based on whether 1 or all their other attacks hit. Not sure how useful it is to a Str 6/10 Dreadnought, but nice. The wargear pages in White Dwarf include a rule called Siege Crawler which mentions this. I think I've seen somewhere that this refers to Maulerfeinds, and I can't think what else it would refer to.


Cmdr Shepherd, yeah Hatred on anything that you can get it on will be good to have. I wonder if it make horde marine viable? 20 CSM assaulting with a good amount of attacks, and rerolling 1s.


A Maulerfiend or two with it's Lasher Whips would also be quite nice, they'd really cut down the number of attacks those TH/SS termies get out.


Can you guess that I like the Daemon Engines? :)


Edited for just plain sense.

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As a transformers fan, I am appalled by the fact that people are negatively referring to the new daemon engines as dinobots. The dinobots are among the most bad ass transformer teams! I personally really like those models, and if I ever had the money I'd build a list revolving around the "dinobots" and have them all converted and named after each character.


..My god.


The Helldrake is Swoop.

3HS choices get you Slag Sludge and Snarl.


Grimlock is just too OP for 40k. Maybe 30k where Primarchs can fight him.

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I forget, Maulerfiends the ranged or melee? The melee would likely be tough enough to crack AV 14 if they got close enough. Has it been confirmed they move like beasts? The forgefiends (the ranged ones) are going to be neat, alot like rifelmen except a bit better strength and lower accuracy.


We'll have to see how we do against Assault Termis. The daemon weapons might come in handy here. It'd be nice if we got some version of the old dreadaxe back...


IIRC maulerfiends will have multiple STR10 hits at initiative 3 so they may be the best AV14 cracking melee unit we can get.

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Maulerfiends are the assault-oriented version. They seem to have a bit of wargear which gives them bonus hits/attacks with a meltagun profile based on whether 1 or all their other attacks hit. Not sure how useful it is to a Str 6/10 Dreadnought, but nice. The wargear pages in White Dwarf include a rule called Siege Crawler which mentions this. I think I've seen somewhere that this refers to Maulerfeinds, and I can't think what else it would refer to.


Cmdr Shepherd, yeah Hatred on anything that you can get it on will be good to have. I wonder if it make horde marine viable? 20 CSM assaulting with a good amount of attacks, and rerolling 1s.


A Maulerfiend or two with it's Lasher Whips would also be quite nice, they'd really cut down the number of attacks those TH/SS termies get out.


Can you guess that I like the Daemon Engines? :lol:


Edited for just plain sense.


Its for the Fiends, feste. They completly ignore difficult terrain and move as beasts. The melta attack is also at strenght 8 and not 6,but at Init step 1.

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Consider that many CSM can have Hatred against those Assault Terminators. If you fight them with your own Chaos TDA you re roll everything you fail. Since the rule seems to say you re roll even failed saves with a MoT you have a re-rollable 4++ save... not bad. :)
Ummm...what? The rule says nothing about saves, or wounds, or anything other than hits. This is just plain wrong.


"...rerolls all misses during the first round of each combat..."


You can only get a miss if you were trying to hit something. Thus, Hatred only applies to close combat attacks and hitting with them. It's a chaplain reroll that doesn't require the charge. This is exactly how it works in WHFB, and there's no reason it'd be so rebonkulously broken and different in 40k.

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Consider that many CSM can have Hatred against those Assault Terminators. If you fight them with your own Chaos TDA you re roll everything you fail. Since the rule seems to say you re roll even failed saves with a MoT you have a re-rollable 4++ save... not bad. :rolleyes:
Ummm...what? The rule says nothing about saves, or wounds, or anything other than hits. This is just plain wrong.


"...rerolls all misses during the first round of each combat..."


You can only get a miss if you were trying to hit something. Thus, Hatred only applies to close combat attacks and hitting with them. It's a chaplain reroll that doesn't require the charge. This is exactly how it works in WHFB, and there's no reason it'd be so rebonkulously broken and different in 40k.


I was reading the text in my languange and it used a word that does not refers only to "hit" (it acually translate with "failed rolls")

The question is: if they wanted to allow to reroll failed rolls to hit why didn't they use "re roll to hit" as they do in every other similar rule (see Preferred enemy: re roll 1s to hit and wound, not every 1 rolled).


I suppose there is not a FAQ on it yet. The text of the rule will create a lot of troubles at local gaming store since not everyone have acess to the English version of the rulebook and in my language it mention "failed rolls").


I think GW just made things uneasy for my game experience...once more ;)

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Ahh, okay. Yea, for the English book, it is "misses", which makes a gigantic difference between texts!


I suppose they figured that the "misses" would be easy to translate, like I did in my post above (misses mean you were trying to hit and nothing else). Naturally, the best laid plans...

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Ahh, okay. Yea, for the English book, it is "misses", which makes a gigantic difference between texts!


I suppose they figured that the "misses" would be easy to translate, like I did in my post above (misses mean you were trying to hit and nothing else). Naturally, the best laid plans...


It would be very easy but they used "failed rolls during first turn of combat".... it's not so difficult to translate such text. There are a lot of skilled translators from English in my country but I suspect GW prefer some of its local employees who is clearly not very skilled.

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Wish I played there so I could get the crazy bonus! :cuss


Sounds like they'll need to errata your version. Send GW a message saying how wrong it is.


The problem will rise when other players decide to use the new Chaos dex. When I'll play I'll inform my opponent they will reroll only "misses".


I mentioned before: rerolling those 2+ saves would be insane... cleary beyond broken...

How in the known universe can you kill enough of those Terminators if they have a "twin-linked" 2+ armour save?


I'll talk with the owner of local store. He will ask local GW next time he talks with them. Then the entire gaming group will apply the "true rule".

I still believe GW could make a better work in writing and translating rules. I know there are issues even in several rules' orginal language texts too.


Luckily I have the Collector edition rulebook (in English, of course) so I can check the rules. I simply hadn't the chance to do it when I started to talk about "Hatred: Space Marines" ;)

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