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KBA's Plague Wolves


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Thanks for the compliment, Xin Ceithan! smile.png. The Thunderfiend is the sorest loss of it all, but making a new one should be fun. The rebirth continues! Sorry guys for the :cuss photos. I need to snap some in the day light, but I've got the ball rolling and sharing is fun.

Next up is The Bellmaster.

Formerly a Bloodclaw renowned for his deafening war cry, Mika Thunder-Howl, this Plague Wolf flowered to Nurgle's Rot much richer than his other brothers. So strong was Nurgle's gift to his young pup, upon the boarding of Thousand Sons light cruiser, The Sight of Prospero, Mika let out his most thunderous howl yet. The scream wasn't the only thing that flew from Mika's maw; a potent machine virus infected and crippled the sorcerer ship before the first shot was fired. The event, notoriously remembered as The Last Howl, is retold with fond nostalgia at poison drinking contests, but not by Thunder-Howl. The venom of his cry had collapsed much of his advanced respiratory system. Now a hulking mute, The Bellmaster creates new thunder with the clang of his deadly bells on the bones of his victims.



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Thanks guys :) Always appreciated.


Next up is Dark Angel Brother Asterix The Betrayed.


Asterix represented Master Balthasar's 5th Company in the customary duel of The Lion and The Wolf before the Wolves turned from Russ. After the defense of Vlanx II was won, the Dark Angel and Space Wolf contingents chose their respective champions and terms. Losing a hard fought duel to Ironbelly's champion, now Raoul Bloatedfist, Asterix, as penance commanded by Balthasar, would serve with the Wolves for 10 Terran standard years. Twenty-fold that time has passed, and Asterix, a bloated shadow of his former self, does not rest until vengeance is brought upon Balthasar The Betrayer. Upon his right shoulder heraldry, a declaration has been strewn across renouncing The Emperor, The Lion, the Dark Angels, and Balthasar.





I decided to add a Dark Angle as I was hollowing out the head socket of a FW Death Guard torso. The lower face plate of the original Death Guard was the only part of the head that remained from the original bore with my drill. It looked cool, so I shaved a little more off and started testing out different bare heads which the face mask would lend itself to. The shrouded Dark Angel's head won the day, and the story fit right in with my fluff. Happy with him. I may chop the skull on the shoulder pad off as it looks a little busy to me.

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The curled in claw of black tooth gives him a bear like appearance. Not sure of its too late to do anything about that. Looks really awesome though.

All those models from my old place are lost, as per the post from a few days ago. That was, though, always something I wanted to address with Black Tooth. When I remake him, I'll do so! :)

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Knocked out my second Champion, Raoul Bloatedfist :)


Raoul Bloatedfist, formerly Krakenfist, had been one of Thorsen Ironbelly's most trusted brothers decades before the fall. Joining the Wolf Guard late in his astartes career, the Long Fang sergeant took full advantage of his new rank, saving Ironbelly's life numerous occasions to become his champion. Famously defeating Asterix of the Dark Angels in the now Cub's Lesson duel, Bloatedfist was one of the last to fall to Nurgle when the Geller fields of the Allfather's Fury failed. Ironically, he was the first Plague Guard appointed by Ironbelly, the Nurgle Lord jesting that he was killing Bloatedfist's 'better late than never' curse.






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Next up is Haldor The False-Scent.


A textbook, loyal Grey Hunter in his previous life, Haldor represents the Plague Wolves' dying sentiment towards their Primarch, Leman Russ. Convinced that upon his chase of the traitor legions into the eye, Russ, —just as the Plague Wolves— found the power he needed to battle Tzeentch, Magnus, and his Thousand Sons in Grandfather Nurgle, Haldor still howls the same cries he did as a Space Wolf. He is Ironbelly's youngest Plague Guard.






Boring out the head of the deathguard like before, I wanted to shove a wolfy head in this time around. I think the result looks pretty bad ass!

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Next up is Brandt Change Hunter.

Renowned for his tracking skills as a Grey Hunter —which would see him recommended to the Wolf Scouts— Brandt has since honed his art against Tzeentch, gaining favor from Grandfather Nurgle in the process. The Change Hunter has personally taken feathers from two heralds of the Hated God, and currently tracks Bryzknelth, greater demon of Tzeentch.









I built the model, and thought, 'what's this guy's backstory?'. Originally I wanted a pose that said Come, assault me. I won't even overwatch, and I think that was achieved, but it didn't really tell a good story. So, inspired by the pose which reminded me of a proud hunter, I took a look in the bitz box and found a couple feathers and slapped them on the shoulder pad and took another photo: he takes trophies from hunted feathery Tzeentch demons! Done :)

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Next up is Ivar Plaguesong. Loved by erstwhile pack brothers for his unyielding spirit, this Grey Hunter would go beyond the traditions of verbal story-telling amongst the Sky Warriors into song, especially when the pack would fall under times of duress or hardship. It was in this talent which Nurgle planted his seeds when Allfather's Fury was defenseless so long in the immaterium. As the crimson light of the emergency beacons flashed on the ghostly faces of his brothers, Ivar would begin to sing. The songs, cheery at first, fell steadily in octave and pace as time passed, until one night, the bard-warrior's breath drew in icy air from the ship confines and out a foul, putrid haze in a manic tune of words from a language he didn't speak. Tradition among his pack was Ivar would sing and you would listen. For the first time that night, one by one, his brothers joined in verse. 






One of the biggest criticisms of mine for these guys are the wolf pelts. I've never really gone Nurgle on the spacewolf bits, so with Ivar, I overhauled the old Spacewolves pelt replacing the head with the wolf skull from the Wolf Guard kit. I also bored three holes on the pelt and filled them with green stuff to create one giant mark of Nurgle on it. Happy with the results! For the shoulder pad, I put in one of those toothed sores that come with the Chaos Spawn kit. Ultimately, I want to have some sort of dust spilling out of the helmet socket of the Thousand Son :)

Also, sorry guys for the :cuss picture quality. I was looking at my phone, and noticed a huge scratch on the camera lense which explains my ass quality pics lately. Light seems to be getting refracted back into crap screwing up the lighting and creating a ton of unnecessary glare. Next time it's back to the good old point and click.

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Thanks Jasp. I'm looking forward to contributing a couple short stories to this thread to flesh out some of the background of Ironbelly's poor lot :)

Darth Potato: Thanks! The wolf pelt worked out nicely, I'm looking forward to desecrating more SW bits. Paint is soon to come, just waiting on my GW effects set to arrive as the paint scheme is going to rely heavily on rust and pus effects. Going to go for the Space Wolves colors but heavily dilapidated and suitably worn. It will be a nice contrast to my Ravens.

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Feel free brother! I'd love to see some of the murders of the 15th Company in a face mask along these lines (or any of your work really lol). The exciting thing is, theoretically, the method will work with any helm of your choice, not just the fixed torso ones :)

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Not gonna lie, man. I really love these guys. The models and posing are superb and I just love the simple concept of itself. Wolves are such a worthy vassal for Grand Father Nurgle when you think about it that it just isn't funny.


When can we see some paint?

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