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KBA's Plague Wolves


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Next up is Strom Deathwind.

Strom is one of Thorsen Ironbelly's Plague Rider Calvary. His Thunderwolf, Grey Heart, holds the distinction of having his soul in service longest to Nurgle amongst the lost company. Long before concocting the ailment that would bend the knee of a Space Wolf Astartes, the Grandfather began work on the caged Fenrisian wolves aboard the Allfather's Fury when he was welcomed in, unraveling the commonalities of their genetic code. Pleased with how easily the creatures took to his subtle gifts, Nurgle looked ahead to the larger Thunder wolves. The Plague God was met with frustration at the beasts' resiliency as he returned to his garden to gather more potent ingredients. Upon returning to the crippled Space Wolves ship, he let out a chuckle that would shake the immaterium itself. Alpha to the inferior Fenrisian wolves, the Thunderwolf, Grey Heart, had smelt out the rot that had gone unnoticed amongst others. Killing the smaller wolves in a frenzy to protect his masters, Grey Heart had unknowingly doomed the entire ship. His wounds from the killing began to fester. Within hours, he was a slave to Nurgle. Strom would lead a hunt across the starship for his diseased mount, but it would all be in vain: through Grey Heart the Grandfather would unlock the secrets of the resilient Canis Helix and poison the ale stocks.











Count-as bikes! I wanted to incorporate the Thunderwolves into my force in some way, and bikes seemed to be the best option. I went for a bunch of cues on the wolf that would hint at the corruption: antlers from a plague bearer head, river troll throw-up, sores in the Mark of Nurgle fashion, and last but not least: a nurgling busting out the side of the wolf :)

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Thanks guys! I think I may position Strom a little more upright after looking at these blu-tac'd pics.

Anaziel: When I was thinking about what differentiates the appearance of a Space Wolf marine to other gene lines, the helmet-less look was up there with pelts for me. I like how the half-helms tread the line between Space Wolf and Nurgle Marine quite nicely :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

As a recent convert to chaos from the Vika Fenrika, finding this thread and viewing your creations has me pleased beyond any amount of ecstasy the Prince of Pleasure could install!!


I am drawn to the Nurglewolf cavalry in particular, what a gorgeously grotesque vision they are!! Just...wow!! I will be 'borrowing' this idea, after all it's not like I have 13 TWC models gathering dust...




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