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Organic-Mechanical Helldrake Hybrid


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This plan also builds two drakes, while maintaining some visual variety between them. Just seems like a win all round. Not sure if I'll use the fiend bits, though, drake + gheist is expensive enough.


Overall, awesome conversions, & I look forward to seeing the next bit of progress on them.

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Thanks, as always, for the wonderful encouragement! It's especially flattering to hear that some of you are thinking of trying this same project too, based just on my WIP shots. If any of you follow through with those plans, you should definitely post pictures of them here so I can enjoy the results of your hard work! :wub:


Haven't done much to the zombie-bodied heldrake, other than finally glue his head on. I'm trying to plan out what to do with his hands and his base. The metal-bodied one is substantially done though. I have some more green-stuff work to do, and I might add little bits of wire or somesuch, plus obviously find a suitable base for him. But you should be able to get a good idea of what he will end up looking like at this point. Unfortunately, my dinky little camera phone doesn't do him justice at all. ^_^ Still... enjoy!











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Whelp, I'm convinced. Come tax return time, it'll be heldrake + zombie dragon time for me.

Heh, same here I guess, this is the best version of the drake I've seen to date...

I agree, great start on the beast :D



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all. I know it's been a while since I posted, and for that I apologize. School's been keeping me busier than I would like. I'm working on getting the zombie-bodied model attached to its base, which is a spare Rhino I had lying around, which he will have ripped open. I haven't made enough progress though to bother posting pictures.


To tide you over until I have something worth reporting, here are some photos of the Forgefiend/Maulerfiend model I built alongside the drakes. It has been magnetized so it can have both gun options or the tendrils. I glued on the ecto head just because it looks so much cooler and more... feral, than the dino/rhino head. The front legs are from a penitent engine, along with tyranid crushing claws.










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I threw this together the other week... figured it would be good to get some more heldrake conversions together in the same place for inspiration. I like how you combined the forgefiend bits with the drake!


My Plaguedrake of Nurgle:

(pustules are beads from an opened BRITA filter, tentacles made from the green stuff industries tentacle maker)






Gallery of more images linked below. Enjoy!



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Very nice model! I'd love to see more pics once it's painted. Oddly, that is the second terrogheist/heldrake kitbash I've seen online today. Great minds think alike, huh? I notice you used a lot more of the terrorgheist on the model than I did. Did you have enough parts left over to make a second model, or were you only able to make a single flyer from the two boxes?

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Aidoneus, on 10 Feb 2013 - 22:24, said:

Very nice model! I'd love to see more pics once it's painted. Oddly, that is the second terrogheist/heldrake kitbash I've seen online today. Great minds think alike, huh? I notice you used a lot more of the terrorgheist on the model than I did. Did you have enough parts left over to make a second model, or were you only able to make a single flyer from the two boxes?

I could probably squeeze out another model from the leftovers, but I would optimally want another skeletal tail and/or heldrake body to make it look fluid. Fortunately, I already have 3x heldrake and 3x terrorgheist boxes smile.png The rest are bitz for the bitz god!

In regards to your dragon flying above the open rhino, I really like how the skeletal shoulder merges into the heldrake body. I cut it off at the neck and didn't even think of trying to go farther, but it makes the dragon and armor look like they are nicely mutated and warped together as one. That's how it should look!

I also like how you have one positioned standing up. Did it actually stay balanced that way, or topple over?

Having the bone spine go from head to tail (instead of broken up by the heldrake metal spine) along with the bone ribcage also looks badass. I want to make my 3 heldrakes each different, so I will have to try some of these structural ideas out and see how they fit together.

A gripe I had with my model was the arms/legs. I either had to go with chicken arms/legs or be happy with the little claws on the zombie dragon wings... it just looked off. Getting a few forgefiend boxes would help for those nice muscular arms/legs. I don't see how else he could realistically "vector strike" a rhino open.

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Thanks all for the encouragement!


Rakarsis, I agree about the heldrake arms and legs. The legs especially bothered me, which is why I didn't use them on either of my models (terrogheist back legs on one, and forgefiend back legs on the other). I think your model looks good with the claws on the zombie wings; it is a more fluid look that what I ended up with. I played around with that idea myself, but ultimately went with the bulkier, more "badass" look using the maulerfiend arms. Also, the zombie-bodied heldrake isn't yet glued on to his base, but once I get him properly pinned and glued in, I obviously expect him to stand on his own.


I've been looking into ways to embellish the drakes more. What do you all think about getting some bass guitar wire and making cables running along the models? I'm particularly thinking of running them through the zombie rib sections, to further incorporate the organic and mechanical components of the models. Do you think that would look good? or would it simply make the models too visually "busy" and confusing?


Also, does anyone have any good recommendations for making a rhino model look like it got ripped open by a heldrake? I previously did something similar on this model. For this though, I really want to convey the sense that it was peeled open by the drake.


In the meantime, here are some more current photos of the zombie-bodied drake, as well as an aerial group shot for size-comparisson purposes.









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