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get the tally to 20


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I think most armies should have some cheap throw away troops. These are the guys you are aiming for first. In order to rack up the tally fast you need to have a good combination of heavy weapon for opening up transports and blast weapons to frag away the juicy content =)
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The only downside is that you have to be in cc, so it won't happen in your first turn.
I don't think that you have to be in CC.


The Destroyer Hive is a Nova power iirc.


"once per game, in any assault phase, Typhus can unleash the destroyer hive instead of attacking, at the start of his initiative step blah blah"


Which would imply he has to be in assault with an enemy unit, in order to reach his initiative step.


Best way to get the tally up is to use nurgle obliterators or nurgle havocs, and as the tally is based on models, good luck if you ever face a Draigowing :)

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Granted I do not have the books with me here so if you can cite pages + rules bits that contradict the following, I would appreciate it.

Here goes:


Which would imply he has to be in assault with an enemy unit, in order to reach his initiative step.
Surely you have an assault phase even though you do not have any models in B2B with the enemy?


And since the power is instead of attacking an enemy, is initiative handled or skipped?

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Well, its an ability that replaces his melee attacks (basically). In order to attack in melee you have to have a viable target right? I believe that if it was intended to allow him to kill cultists, then it would be an ability that happened in the assault phase, as opposed to one that happened instead of making an attack.



From a quick scan of the rulebook. Page 22 Fight sub phase > choose a combat > fight close combat > then initiative steps.


So without being in a combat you can't reach your initiative step.

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I think most armies should have some cheap throw away troops. These are the guys you are aiming for first. In order to rack up the tally fast you need to have a good combination of heavy weapon for opening up transports and blast weapons to frag away the juicy content =)



But I don't think you can only do it with heavy support.

Maybe 10 in a turn but that's not 20


remember that if you get 20 kills in turn 2 the tally does his work on turn 3

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you can use nurgles rot. i particularly enjoy this as it doesn't effect nurgle's followers but according to the logic of FOOLS zombies are not followers of nurgle :)

plague wind will do too but its not as pleasing


the biggest failing of the epi list is that he has to be on the table for the kills to be added to the tally and he has to deploy via daemonic assault so there is a 1/3 chance he will not be coming in 1st turn. also the instinct is to castle him somewhere nice and safe on your edge of the board but then there are the pretty majpr problems of mishaps when trying o get into a small space like that.

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Yeah, why zombies are not 'Nurgle' units officially is beyond me. What else could they be?


Some people claim this is a game balance issue, but I doubt that. It seems like more poorly thought out writing to me.


Anyway, back on topic, I am planning on using my daemon princes to rack up a bunch of kills rapidly. 6 attacks on the charge with poisonous 2+ attacks? Yes please.

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you can use nurgles rot. i particularly enjoy this as it doesn't effect nurgle's followers but according to the logic of FOOLS zombies are not followers of nurgle :P

plague wind will do too but its not as pleasing


Only problem with a Nova power is that it only effects enemy units, and its short ranged (nurgles rot from the chaos marine codex that is).


In a epi daemon list people generally used nurgle princes to get the tally started. 2-3 of them with wings and breath of chaos (flamer template, wound on a 4+ no armour saves allowed) really messes up units :D

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you can use nurgles rot. i particularly enjoy this as it doesn't effect nurgle's followers but according to the logic of FOOLS zombies are not followers of nurgle :(

plague wind will do too but its not as pleasing


the biggest failing of the epi list is that he has to be on the table for the kills to be added to the tally and he has to deploy via daemonic assault so there is a 1/3 chance he will not be coming in 1st turn. also the instinct is to castle him somewhere nice and safe on your edge of the board but then there are the pretty majpr problems of mishaps when trying o get into a small space like that.


But if you only have one group ei plague bearers and joined tallyman, they all arrive on turn one.

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I think most armies should have some cheap throw away troops. These are the guys you are aiming for first. In order to rack up the tally fast you need to have a good combination of heavy weapon for opening up transports and blast weapons to frag away the juicy content =)



But I don't think you can only do it with heavy support.

Maybe 10 in a turn but that's not 20


remember that if you get 20 kills in turn 2 the tally does his work on turn 3


I'm pretty sure the tally takes effect immediately.

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I'm pretty sure the tally takes effect immediately.


Unfortunately it does not.


From the codex:

At the start of each of your turns, consult the table below to determine the effect of the Tally of Pestilence. From the beginning of that turn, and as long as Epidemius is on the table, these cumulative bonuses effect all followers of Nurgle (friend and foe!).
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As mentioned with the blight drone post if people allow you to use them and agree they count as followers of nurgle then Plague Hulks are also worth looking at.


A large blast with a S6, AP3 and rending all at the range of 36" should help.

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The only issue I can see with Plague Hulks and Blight Drones is that they do not have the "Mark of Nurgle" in their profile, so this may draw some debate. I'd personally use Chaos Contemptors or Decimators. Butcher Cannons can do a whole lot of damage.
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you can use nurgles rot. i particularly enjoy this as it doesn't effect nurgle's followers but according to the logic of FOOLS zombies are not followers of nurgle :)

plague wind will do too but its not as pleasing


the biggest failing of the epi list is that he has to be on the table for the kills to be added to the tally and he has to deploy via daemonic assault so there is a 1/3 chance he will not be coming in 1st turn. also the instinct is to castle him somewhere nice and safe on your edge of the board but then there are the pretty majpr problems of mishaps when trying o get into a small space like that.


But if you only have one group ei plague bearers and joined tallyman, they all arrive on turn one.


i believe that still on a 3456 they come in first turn and on a 12 they go into reserves


i'd love to be wrong though

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I'm pretty sure the tally takes effect immediately.


Unfortunately it does not.


From the codex:

At the start of each of your turns, consult the table below to determine the effect of the Tally of Pestilence. From the beginning of that turn, and as long as Epidemius is on the table, these cumulative bonuses effect all followers of Nurgle (friend and foe!).


Ah, thank you. Always glad to be corrected. As long as it's not by Seahawk :).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Firstly, you can kill your own cultists/zombies on turn 1 by attacking your own quadgun/comms relay. Then Destroyer Hive, etc...


Secondly, that shouldn't be necessary. With marked Oblits, Havocs, Blight Drones, and plasma toting Plagues you should be able to get 20 on turn one reasonably often. I get about 60/30/10 turn 1/2/other. Plague Hulk also work, and bikers and winged DP with Black Mace all reinforce your turn 2 shot.

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The only issue I can see with Plague Hulks and Blight Drones is that they do not have the "Mark of Nurgle" in their profile, so this may draw some debate.


They don't require Mark of Nurgle. The rule says they are required to be "Followers of Nurgle". It then goes on to give as examples "any Daemon of Nurgle", and "any model with the "Mark of Nurgle". The use of 'ie:' makes it clear they are examples, not a definitive list.


If that's not enough for you, then, the units in question aren't called Plague Drone or Blight Drone, nor Plague Hulk. Look at the actual entries in the ForgeWorld books, they are:


Blight Drone of Nurgle (IAA p65)

Plague Hulk of Nurgle (IAA p72)


Now to be honest the unit names should be enough to satisfy the tally rule, but just for a bonus, they both have the Daemonic rule. Given that there is no unit in the game that is called 'Daemon of Nurgle' (and that wasn't keyworded attribute until last month, several years after that piece of text was written) they are as close as anything is. It's also been ruled that way in various 5th Tournaments, and I don't see any reason that's likely to change.


Now Plague Zombies aren't so clearcut. Fluffwise, yeah they should count, and I'd rule they did under the 'Followers' clause, but if it's important to you then you should get a TO ruling before submitting an army list. I could definitely see a 50/50 split from TO's on it...

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