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Gc08 scout/sisters themed army


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so as promised heres some WIP pics of my army.

im taking a 1k army to a doubles event next sunday, ive still got a fair bit of work to do before then, but given the months ive already put in it would be a shame to miss out having a completed army.

so intend to not let that happen.


so those who dont know my rough 1k doubles list is


2 x 10 sob with dual melta and rhinos

2 x 10 rets with quad HB

10 seraphim with 2x2 hand flamer and a power maul


heres some pics.





cassius is my counts as celestine, he has the ornate armour, power weapon and combi-flamer to match her wargear, but also an innate ability/stubborness not to die.

very fitting IMO


SOB squad one:




SOB squad two:




RET squad one:




RET squad two:





as you can see these need finishing, hope to have these done by monday to spend the week finishing my transports.










so thats my 1k list..

in terms of my theme, i have more irons in the fire, heres some WIP pics



this is my counts as uriah jacobus, i have some general fluff ideas laid out for the inclusion of a battle conclave, its ased around the cult of guilliman (imperium secondus fanatics), this guy is the head of the warrior priests of macragge.. i havent named him yet though.

as for battle conclave i did try some ideas out using slimmed down scout models




as much as i like that model, its not really what i was looking for was warrior priests of macragge, using hammers/maces etc (power mauls in rules)

so figured the empire fantasy models would be great.


some WIP celestians, armed with bolter and gladius (or will be)


i had a load of GK swords left over from previous conversions, so whittled them down into gladii, pretty fitting for the SOB veterans.


some other minis ready to go if needed, including flamer swaps for basic squads



so there you go, C+C welcome, back to the painting table i go.

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Amazing conversions... really like them!


Looks kind of like an Ultramarine "demi-Marine" PDF that bridges the gap between IG regiments and Ultramarines when they are too in demand somewhere else.


So, what is the other half of your doubles army? Regular UMs from C:SM?


Also, just out of curiousity, what is the backstory that you are using to make the UM scouts have SoB rules (i.e. what is the "counts as" for Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith, etc.)?


Agains, awesome work... love to see more in the future!

So, what is the other half of your doubles army? Regular UMs from C:SM?


nah my doubles partner is bringing blood angels.


2 ravens

2 5 man RAS squads in lascannn razorbacks


Also, just out of curiousity, what is the backstory that you are using to make the UM scouts have SoB rules (i.e. what is the "counts as" for Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith, etc.)?


i intend to use drills and order to explain alot of the bonuses tbh, you have to roll for whether faith is activated, so its easy to substitute "faith" for "order"

regular SOBs have a re-roll of 1's in shooting and combat

dominions have twin linked

i was thinking for rets to use special issue ammo as an order in order to get rending.


for seraphim its re-rolls to wound with shooting, so that would be a "drill" as opposed to an order.. marksmanship or something like that


the 6+ save shield of faith rule is a difficult one to carry across, i was content to call it a version of a stealth save, as they are scouts after all.

thanks chaps appreciating the great comments


Absolutely beautiful blue!!! may i ask how you done it?



basecoat black

ultramarines blue, watered down a little, two coats normally does the job.

enchanted blue large highlight

ice blue sharp highlight.


of course im still using the old paint set, so you may need the conversion graph.

and here are the seraphim finished.





ive got to go through and pick out bits ive missed as yet, but that wont take long.




wrath and fury, nearly done, just on the highlighting stage, fury on the right has its front wheel done to see how it would work.. looks alright to me.

will hopefully get these finished tonight, even if i have to touch up on saturday ill definately be done for sundays event.

Man those trucks are amazing! Bit big of course, for AV11 vehicles and all, but they still a worthwhile edition to your collection of art. (and your stuff is art!)


What can I say, again you've done great!

Man those trucks are amazing! Bit big of course, for AV11 vehicles and all, but they still a worthwhile edition to your collection of art. (and your stuff is art!)


What can I say, again you've done great!


thanks Cap'n, great praise here.

the vehicles are a little bigger than a rhino, but its really only the rails and the bars on the troop section, most angles will allow LoS through there so its not a huge issue.

they are about an inch longer than rhinos, but are a little slimmer. swings and roundabouts i guess.

however i use them, ill err on the side of fairplay.. you know me and themes, ill readily handicap myself to accomodate the army.


i finished the army 2am on saturday morning, theres still a few more bits i could do, but i need my rest.

im hoping ive done enough to make a play for best army, i won my last doubles tournament but have never managed better than 2nd place in an army painting competition.

of course we know ive been there before, expecting a half decent score and was terribly dissapointed

Lovely work, GC; do some of the models actually fit inside the truck; they look like they might!


yip, i can get three or four in the back ;)


What are the 'Dave Taylor Templates' you referred to; are they public domain?


he never completed the set though, the templates were for a counts as chimera.

aswell as being incomplete, its overly complex in places.. the back/troop section, is 100% his, the cab section i pretty much threw away his templates and made them by eye myself.

becuase i did that it was then easier to make it a rhino as opposed to the chimera, no turret gunner in sight.


i have to give it to him though, its a nice template to use as a starters guide

hi guys, just got back from the tournament.

there was some serious armies on show, including two daemon players who between them put out 6 units of flamers and 6 of screamers.

needless to say they didnt make many friends.

apart from that we saw GK/Sw allies, dual necrons with wraith heavy armies, necrons with massed flyers and lots of imperial guard armies

people had some hardcore armies, but they were all really decent chaps.


our first game saw us come up against imperial guard and chaos

it was a close game, it came down to the final turn and a single roll of the dice to see if our opponents could run onto an objective, we lost that one.

the second game was against an almost identical imperial guard list but with dark eldar allies, very strange game, celestine and seraphim rolled outflank for traits, they came on and put over 40 wounds on an imperial guard squad.. shame it wasnt a blob ;)

we won that one, but was very close in places during the course of the game


game three put us against a deathwing and blood angel combo with 3 land raiders and belial with deathwing command squad.

it was the strangest game ive ever played, for the first four turns, we got owned, every dice roll failed, they made every save and cover save, one land raider took over 8 meltagun hits without taking damage, it was crazy.

we were down to our last few models when for some reason we managed to start clawing back..

as it was a single objective each we only had to clear theres and hold our own,

with a good flame roll the seraphim took two wounds off belial and killed a couple of his guys inc the unit sergeant, so celestine challenged belial and killed him, earning the extra VP (celestine rolled the VP trait for killing characters) and slay the warlord.

they had first blood and an objective so would have won, it went all the way to turn 7, where mephiston single handedly kicked the marines off thier objective and celestine rose from the dead at the bottom of turn 7 to contest the objective from the last two deathwing.. winning us the game by a single VP

goes to show, you must never give up.


so we ended up with 2 wins and a loss, but becuase they were all close games, our VP total was small and came 8th from 16 teams.

we were invited to showcase our models for best army judging, shortlisted from the best four teams.. i was happy to even have that.. but when they called my name for best painted army winner i was chuffed to bits.

everyone loved the army, and made a point to tell me so and congratulate me on the award.


thansk to the guys here, positive comments and followers keep the interest going.


anyway one thing that was blaringly obvious in this tournament was the number of flyers, each doubles team had on average of 3 at least.. some necrons teams had 4 or 5 between them.

there was a BA/GK combo with 3 stormravens..

alot of people were also running aegis lines and the two IG lists we faced had two hydras each.

apparently aircraft was more popular than i thought.

also there was waaay more armour than id thought too, my 4 meltaguns were not enough, if anyone else runs in a similar event, id suggest taking more

  • 2 weeks later...

Just want to add my congratulations into the mix matey. Well deserved best army (finally!).


Looking at the spread of armies I found it reassuring you won 2 games despite such a heavy flier presence, though were you lucky and just avoid them as opponents?8

Just want to add my congratulations into the mix matey. Well deserved best army (finally!).


Looking at the spread of armies I found it reassuring you won 2 games despite such a heavy flier presence, though were you lucky and just avoid them as opponents?8


thanks mate.

the first two of our opponents had flyers.

in the first ganme it was two helldrakes and a vendetta, which IMO as we were running infantry heavy were extremely damaging, the second game they have two vendettas (lascannons ahoy) and a dark eldar dakka flyer.

we narrowly lost the first and won the second.. once my rets started rending they really made the flyers cry, in the first game i failed nearly every faith roll for them and the flyers minced me up.


a couple of exorcists would have really helped, our stormraven was superb in all games.. thankfully we avoided the two armies i was fearing, the massed daemon armies (6 squads of flamer and 6 of screamers) and the necron air force (think they had 5 death ray flyers and the rest in wraiths)


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