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Scrolls of Magnus


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Ok so the rules regarding who can take the Scrolls is pretty darn clear, "Models with the Mark of Tzeentch only" and the effect of the Scrolls are pretty clear, each turn at risk of injury you gain a new random power if you choose to do so. Now here is the question, a non-psychic character can take the scrolls, does he now generate the appropriate Warp Charge required to cast the powers or is it a pointless buy?
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Allow me to elaborate upon why I decided to present the question. Personally I am of the opinion that it is pointless to take and bares no effect for a non-psyker. However I question why if this is so did they decide to allow non-psykers to take this? Why not add a little wording in the final release of the book to make such a pointless buy possible by simply replacing the word Models with Psykers. I have noticed too that the Spell Familiar is also available to non-psykers.
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I would vote for left over. Surely the codex must go through a lot of iteration before the final version and maybe at some point it was useful. But they change things around and forgot to remove it from some place.


Just my guess.

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