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i like both models. did a bit of digging and found that the pipe organ models are the "original" pattern, lost to time somewhere, and the FW ones that look more like the whirlwind are a newer pattern from a different forge world. i like the idea of owning one of each, to show losses in battle being replaced with what could be found or produced. what i don't like is that the FW model is actually cheaper after currency conversion, taxes, and shipping than the GW model before even taxes are added.


as a result i will likely be using the FW models, because GW is getting more than enough of my money from all these metal ladies anyway.

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Somehow this got posted in the wrong topic, so here it is.....



Well the thing about the GW Exorcist model is that when you buy it, you are also getting the complete Immolator kit with it. You are getting the option of fielding a rhino, Immolator, OR an exorcist. What I end up doing is using the Immolator bits to convert my rhinos into Immolators. I own 2 Immolator kits and 3 GW exorcisms. I can now field 5 Immolators if I wanted. And with my store trying to get an apoc game going, I will be needing them...

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I made mine back when you could order parts, so I used the central organ section twice mounted on a whirlwind arm brace itself built into a modified immolator turret. Nicely ornate but fire missiles in the direction it's pointing instead of upwards!


The forgeworld kit is fine but I would suggest budgeting for some extras like the front plate and doors or making sure you have enough leftovers from immolator accessories to pimp it up otherwise its a very plain vehicle. The marine whirlwind is a reasonable basis for a conversion also, putting its turret on an immolator chassis makes it look sufficiently different.

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I had a question about Exorcist:


I haven't played yet any games with 6th. edition rules or with new "codex" so i must ask for an opinnion. How should i fill those HS slots in 6th. edition in a all rounder list? I can get pretty much anything from SoB, IG and SM heavy lists so what would be your opinnion? I have played with 3 EXO lists in 5th. and i think i tried a plain LR sometimes but are there other suggestions? Like that IG artillery vehicle that ignores cover and has AP3?

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I've found that the best balance depends on the rest of your army, so if you have two units of melta-minions, one Exorcists and two Retributor units is good, but if you only have one or no units of melta-minions, two Exorcists and a unit of HB-Retris can bridge the gap.
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I would have to agree with Furyou Miko-san. It's a good peice of advice. If you are going to run them as an allied detachment, would say one with at least one dominion squad but that is depending on your primary detachment.
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I've found that the best balance depends on the rest of your army, so if you have two units of melta-minions, one Exorcists and two Retributor units is good, but if you only have one or no units of melta-minions, two Exorcists and a unit of HB-Retris can bridge the gap.



Are Retributors that good these days?


Anyway, i used to run with IP seraphims and still had least two Exorcists in my army. Not always enough anti-vehicle firepower but most of the time i was able to kill pretty much everything i ever needed.

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Yes. Retrib's are awesome right now. Stick a squad on them in an Aegis Defence Line and put the Superior on the gun. This allows you to have a rending Str 7 Ap 4, Twin-linked, Heavy 4 weapon. This makes it very good vs. vehicles and people. Couple that with the fact the Quad gun has Interceptor AND Skyfire.... That means you can hit both sky targets and ground targets at full ballistic skill! That makes the Retributor squads rock. I norm take a few extra girls for some extra wounds since Heavy Bolters tend to suffer from attristion pretty bad.


I pretty much always field a squad of them. In small point games, 1000pts and down, they rock. You don't run into nearly as much armor as you do in the larger point games and the vehicles you do see alot have alot lower armor so they can hit it and pen. With rending, it allows for a little extra punch. I would say they are one of the best units in our dex. I have played a few 500pt games with them and they desimate the enemy.

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Are Retributors that good these days?


Anyway, i used to run with IP seraphims and still had least two Exorcists in my army. Not always enough anti-vehicle firepower but most of the time i was able to kill pretty much everything i ever needed.

I guess it depends on what you want from your Retributors. Stock, they do well against infantry and have a 67% chance of getting a rending hit. (12 shots, 8 hits, 1.33 6's to wound, 50% chance of making the Act of Faith to get Rending) Add another girl with a simularcum and you can penitrate light armor regularly. Bring a full squad of 10 and all those bolters will get rending as well (average 2 to 3 per turn) which is good even aganst terminators.


But to do this, we need to put more anti-tank out on the table. I usually take 2 Exorcists, 2 melta Battle Sister squads in Rhinos and 2 melta Dominion squads in Mult-Melta Immolators for killing heavy armor. Seraphim with flamers, Retributors with Heavy Bolters and a Battle Conclave are my primary anti-infantry.

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  • 2 months later...

Line of sight from the pipes in a full 360 degrees. And that tall stack of pipes is considered hull as well so if youi have line of sight to them, they will probably have line of sight to you as well.

If you are using the FW model or substituting a whirlwind, ignore all that about the pipes smile.gif

i've been having probles recently with this, because to the best of my knowledge (and internet's skills) this is not explicitely stated anywhere in the new codex or FAQ. and given the current FAQ i have to sit down with my opponent before each game to outline the two interpretations and see which i'll be using.

Interpretation 1: As stated above, however the pipes are consided turrets not hull for the purposes of return fire (as per forge world model)

Interpretation 2: The pipes are "Barrels" ,as the FAQ says barrels for line of sight purposes, thus limiting me to a 45 degree firing arc, however as barrels if that is all the opponent can see i can't be shot.

this came about because one of the games workshop employees in my area is a real pain in the posterior for rules as written, now if it was the forge world version i could say stick it but... well lets just say i'm covering my bases, either way i tend to hear 'thats broken' alot.

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http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v205/KaguraHakubi/Forum%20Comments/MikoUnimpressed-1.png Oh, yes, because of course Sisters' predators can't have 360 degree line of sight. That might actually make us good, and everyone knows the WD dex is cack.

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I did finally get a whirlwind (at a GREAT price, by way of a buddy) I've painted up. I'm on the lookout for fleur-de-lis things to trick it out with.. planning on getting an immolator, soon, and I've heard they have some extra bitz in them, probably use some of those. That single tank has made my army even more terrifying, I love using it. Can't wait to field some melta-crazy dominions next.

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Q: When firing an exorcist launcher, what point on the weapon is
considered to be the ‘barrel’ of the weapon for measuring purposes?
A: Any of the pipes of the organ.

If you sight along the barrel, you can only get LOS to things above the Exorcist. huh.png

Since it is functionally close to being a Predator we usually play it as such. 360 degree turret and LOS goes both ways. But it is a weird modle and does not fit well with the normal rules.

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Ah, it only FAQs for measuring purposes, not for LoS purposes. Take LoS from the organ-player and the loader-servitor. ;) (So you get 90 degrees off the front, and 90 degrees off the back).

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I honestly always imagined that it would work more an ICBM or something. It would fire more or less straight up, then arc back down into the target. The completely vertical organ pipes leave little else to my imagination, lol. That's why I've always preferred the FW model. Though having said that from a mechanics perspective, the GW exorcist is GORGEOUS. And according to the internets, it's the older pattern, the FW one is some thousands of years newer, a different pattern completely, because the old STC has been lost to history.

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The model is set up for vertical launch, however the pipe organ is NOT the launching tubes.  It's almost impossible to see from the GW shots, but there is a circular "hole" just in front of the organ where the loader servitor sits.  In that hole are three launch tubes which are fitted with missiles by the servitor.


The pipe organ really is just an organ that works seperately from the missiles as far as I can tell.  The launches might be triggered by musical notes or something, I don't know.  I just know from looking at the model I'm currently working on that the missiles don't go in the organ tubes.


EDIT: given the official response in the FAQ it really becomes odd... probably due to LOS issues with a missile that is actually below the hull of the model and them trying to make a workable wargame.  The model makes a lot more sense when you're actually looking at it though.

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About the only one I've seen in person is the one that I own whistlingW.gif It'll be nice when I finally get my whole force together and painted and worked up so that I can run around using it and people can see Sisters actually exist!

The Exorcist is a remarkable piece of hardware really, always worth taking. One of the unexpected bright shining stars of our book.

EDIT: I'll try to take a photo of it this weekend while I'm working on painting my own Exorcist for my vow. It's not that difficult to make out when you actually see the model, the GW photographers just kind of well... stink.

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  • 3 weeks later...



You can kind of make out the indented "hole" where the loader and the vertical launch tubes sit.  Sorry for the poor lighting.

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