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I posted a quick article on how I'm going about picking a Horus Heresy Legion at Pensacola Warhammer


I'm mainly relying on the character and fluff of the army as well as appearance, but would love to hear how and why some of you decided on your legion.

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Well for me it's the extention of my 40k Chapter - the Dark Angels. I know they were not protagonists during the Heresy (so far anyway :P) but that's my inspiration. Besides 30k DAs and 40k DAs are different enough to get the feeling that you break away from the ordinary 40k stuff, but still explore the background of your beloved faction.


I think you may find others are getting the opportunity to try something quite different, like play a Traitor Legion if they have a loyal 40k army for example...

I'm intending on going for two legions - Death Guard as I love the fluff behind them, they are purist attrition fighters, it's man, machine and pure grit determination that no matter the cost they will succeed, my other legion will be (when the book for them is released) Salamanders; again it's the fluff behind them, they're the ultimate peace keepers, whilst they herald trophies and feat of arms as much as other legions, they also feel deeply that it's their solemn duty to protect innocents, it's an inbred choice that they will do more to protect the innocent, unarmed citizen than they ever will for the laurels of glory and grandeur.


Whilst I will be doing small forces (based around a Primarch and his bodyguard + transport) I won't be doing more than these two legions, they're also quite different to the 40k armies I am using (Dark Angels Successor, Space Wolves and Imperial Fists Successor).

Edited by Russ Brother 92

Loken, nuff said...


I wanted to do the word bearers at first after reading aurelian, but after HH: betrayer came out I couldn't resist the urge to collect an army strait away, also the grey of the word bearers was a bit off putting, so I decided on Sons of Horus, because of loken who is my favourete Horus Heresy character out of all of them, and also because Horus himself is such a badass (like I imagine(emphasis on imagine) myself to be :nuke:). So I now have a beautifully un-painted sons of horus army sitting half bit on my desk :D (thanks chistmas)!

I'm holding out so far, although I almost went for Luna Wolves, what changed my mind is, I want a PA veraion of Horus, as technically he didn't get his Termi armour until after they were the SoH.


Now, I'm holding out for The Khan, I've always had a soft spot for the Scars, so I'm going to bide my time and stockpile.




Great responses so far. It seems that I'm not only one that has had a problem picking a Legion.



I agree that Loken is a great character. The only problem with that line of thinking is that so far most of the books have had great characters. You can have Saul Tarvitz for an Emperor's Children army. I'm leaning towards Death Guard because of Garro even though he's not in the Horus Heresy rules.



Sadly, I think that's where I'm at. I'm on the verge of tacking a list of the legions on the wall and throwing darts at it.

Blood Angels forever!


25 years ago my inner child told me that's who I want to be when I grow up.


They are noble and tragic.


Aware of their impending death yet always walking towards it and never flinching.


One man, yet the entire Legion.


What's not to love?

My apologies Moderati i will begin my penance *inscribes "Matt Ward jokes with out context or explanation are bad" 1000 times* (please take with a light heart)


Indeed TalonZahn, as soon as i got Codex Angels of Death i read the Dark Angels stuff and thought meh then i read the Blood Angels half.... (should have been more like 3/4)


The whole "we stand on the edge of perfection and damnation, one is but a borrowed memory away" bit is epic, we are the ultimate in nobility we know a beast inside that even our brothers the Space Wolfs fear yet we seek to hold it inside even in battle for the good of the humanity we protect




Was thinking Death Guard since I love they're relentless, stubborn fighters that systematically destroy targets with waves of marines. But reading their pre Mortarion history has me making a Dusk Raider army instead. It'll either be pre Mortarion or maybe the survivors of the Einstein that went back to their old armor colors.


The only other legion that interests me is the Night Lords. Might make a couple of small squads for them.

The choice is clear...

You want an army that turns heads, one that looks the right balance between battle hardened and professional/sexy...

You want an army that is known for being a gang of tough as nails mofo's who get their job done...

You want an army that commands respect and fear...

You want the...

B) my girl is calling, hang on



Despite flirting with iron hands and night lords, I've plumped for Space Wolves. They are the chapter I painted my first marines up as back when I first got rogue trader, but since then have only done the odd one or two modeling projects with rather than do as an army. Wolves in the heresy has the appeal that they seem pretty much not well liked by anyone and have a healthy distrust for any non fenrisiens makining them well placedt scrap with anyone. From reading the BL books I'm also liking their cheeky cunning in bending the rules to keep their rune priests as well as their self appointed position as the emperor's enforcers/expecutioners among the other legions.


Modeling wise I'm mixing mk4 and mk5 with the GW Space wolf kit to give em a less uniform and wild look. Gaming wise its all tactical squads with combat weapons for big blocks of warriors on foot ploughing towards the enemy supported by rune priest, some 'wolf priest medicpapotheppcaries, a praetor and dreadnoughts.

I have been working towards and Alpha Legion army, but I think I may held off until they appear in a book. Until then I may collect a small band of Istvaan III loyalists, just a few different squads from the different legions.


I have also been tempted by a siege of Terra Imperial fist army.

I just have to say before I post my reply that I love how much attention and love is being paid towards 30k.

I got the first heresy books when they came out a good few years ago, you know Horus rising, galaxy in flames etc. and it ignited my love for warhammer having gone through the motions with it for years.

That warhammer 30k is now as much a franchise as 40k, whfb and Lotr/hobbit just makes me feel like a kid again, like stepping into gw for the first time seeing the models, smelling the paint.


Anyway rant over I think I'm sold ok the world eaters. I only finished betrayer about an hour ago and loved it. I've always had a soft spot for the world eaters and even more so since more and more of their fluff and background has been released.

I may go for a pre angron force of war hounds. Although that might take away from what I liked about them in betrayer, what kargos said about how all they have is brotherhood, no love from their gene father, other legions or even from the imperium just each other.


But I'm like the rest of you lady and gents that it doesn't take a lot to change my mind. Probably be iron warriors next week lol

Such a tough decision!


I have been pretty much decided on Thousand Sons, because I loved their novel in the HH series so much. I understand their love of knowledge, mindless of the cost.


I expect the rules for them to be cool, and the model for Magnus should be awesome.


However, after Betrayer, I really want to do Word Bearers. Lorgar is clearly the spiritual seeker of the primarchs and that resonates with me.


Modelling the Gal Vorbak and Vakrah Jal would be a great deal of fun.

I originally wanted to do the Luna Wolves after reading Horus Heresy books. But I wanted to do Luna Wolves not the Sons of Horus. I got Betrayal and liked the early World Eaters but not the heavily modified ones. So I'm doing a relatively early World Eater army, only a few Nails in Rampager units. Or it's a Echelon away from the main Legion that resisted the Nails and stayed loyal. But white is a real pain and I'm not sure how to do it yet.


I'll do some more allies but I'll wait until all the books are out as every book I read makes me want to do another army! Except Emperors Children. Either Saul can't overcome my aversion for them (I'm a Khornite at heart)

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