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Ludovic's Iron Warriors - ETL II vow included


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This thread will document my newest project: an Iron Warrior army.

He's not yet finished. He's obviously missing a head and he hasn't been based. He has to dry a bit too, but even now I'm pretty damn happy with him thumbsup.gif





Look! Drilled barrel! biggrin.gif


I really enjoyed painting this chap, so hopefully the rest of the squad will be a blast too msn-wink.gif



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I love the blue corrosion marks on the copper, but they seem a little over done in some spots or maybe a little too consistent. I see it and sort of get stuck wondering why every rivet rusted so symmetrically. The backpack is the exception, the corrosion around the pipes there is a tiny bit uneven. It's fantastic all the same, and that's my only possible complaint. The flaked look that's highly visible on the thighs is really nice. Was the blue added in sort of like a wash? Was it done before or after the brown wash(es)?
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Cheers minionboy and zyl- :devil: For the blue corrosion, it was a bit of an experiment so there was bound to be something that was off. I see what you mean and I think that it wasn't runny enough to make it a little more inconsistent from rivet to rivet. Or maybe I was trying to be a bit too careful because it was so new to me to use that technique. I'll see how it goes for the second goon and I'll try and make it a bit more natural and maybe a bit more runny to have some running down away from the corroded parts.





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Apologies for the double post, but he's finally finished.




And the second member of the squad, who is waiting mold line removal and assembly:




Hopefully he'll be finished and I'll have some pictures to show by Tuesday :)


Thanks for looking!



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  • 4 months later...

Seeing as I never actually replied to a couple of questions and the kinds words, I'll ressurect this thread. It'll also be the thread I use for my ETL II vow, which is currently at 120 points and includes a single 5-man CSM squad with power weapon and flamer. Naturally, they will painted up in the Iron Warrior colours seen above, with a couple of changes (such as a couple of extra highlights to the metallics.


Now, to answer above posts:


Darr'kir: Thanks! Not sure how long the painting took me. I remember that it included a lot of waiting for the washes to dry, but I'll try and provide you with an approximate duration when I next get back to painting :) And for the blue, I think it was a mix of GW Hawk Turquoise with some Ice Blue mixed in, but I'm unsure of the exact proportions. Again, I'll get back to you about this when I next do some painting :)


minigun: Glad you like 'em, because they're not easy to paint (which is also why I'm limiting them to weapons and weapons only :lol:)!


Iron_Within: It was achieved by laying down 4 layers of various washes: 1 wash of black, 2 washes of brown and finally a sepia wash. The exact brands that you use aren't important though (personally, I have a mix of different brands).


Prot: Thanks :)


Sith'ari: Thanks! Not sure about the basing right now. I may go with urban rubble/ruins, but that could change.


Chaeron: Thanks :) I'm glad that the effort can be seen!


Hopefully I'll be able to get to my FLGS within the next few days to pick up some CSM bits and pieces, so expect my next update within the next few days :)


Thanks for looking!

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