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First game of 6th Edition


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Earlier today I played my first game of 6th edition, I've played a lot of 5th edition but never bothered with sixth (mainly busy with Rogue Trader). I wasn't confident going into the game as I was playing my first game in a year and the BT codex is old against what looks like a pretty good new DA codex.


The game was 1500pts



My list - BT



Champion - AAC



5x TDA sord brethren - 3xTH, 2xLC


Dread - Venerable, TLLC



10x Initiates - 1xpf, 1xmelta


10x Initiates - 1xpf, 1xmelta


Heavy Support



Predator - Las turret and sponsons


Land Raider Crusader



Opponent's list - DA



Belial - lightning claws



6x Deathwing Knights - some sort of banner


Troops (I think these guy become troops, maybe HQ?)

5x Deathwing Command - Apothecary with Lightning claws

Champion with TH+SS

Heavy flamer + PF

TH+SS carrying another banner

Generic SB+PF


5x Deathwing - sarge with TH+SS

3x SB+PF

1x AC+PF


5xTactical marines - Sarge with Plasma pistol, Plasma cannon

+ Razorback - heavy bolters


Fast Attack

3X Ravenwing Knights - teleport homer, 1 grenade launcher




The table was 4x4 with sparse jungle terrain and a few ruins. We rolled the Big Guns Never Tire mission, scoring heavy support units was great for me. The warlord traits were Emperors champion: Tenacity (Squad gaing feel no pain within 3" of objectives), Belial: some DA trait (+1 victory point for slaying the enemy warlord and something else). Night fight is in effect at the beginning of the game.


There were only 3 objectives so one was placed centre of the table while the others were placed in the centre of our deployment zones.



I deployed my vinicator and predator on the left flank, land raider and dread on the right, with terminators forming a wall in the centre to shield a squad of marines behind with the champion (the second marine squad was in the land raider). Dark angels deploy the tacticals on the objective with the razorback opposite my dreadnaught and ravenwing knights in the centre.


DA Turn 1

The ravenwing knights scout move towards the centre objective and take cover behind trees. As the turn begins the normal deathwing squad deepstrikes on the objective (thanks to the ravenwing teleport homer being close and deathwing assault) and the ravenwing move just past the objective with the deathwing knights and Belial arriving behind a building on the left flank. The shooting phase begins with the ravenwing shooting my sword brethren with plasma but the storm shields hold, a Rad grenade is launched causing -1T and WS on 2 of my termies .The normal deathwing squad opens fire on my sword brethren causing no casualties even with twin-linked weapons on the turn the deep-strike. The deathwing knights run into the open keeping tight formation to maintain their +1T bonus. All the while the tactical marines and razorback sit gaurding the objective. In the assault phase the ravenwing kights fail to assault the sword brethren as they are 10 inches away.


BT Turn 1

All my infantry and the land raider advance towards the deathwing and ravenwing in the centre, my dreadnaught walks towards the razorback. The second squad of initaites disembark from the land raider almost on top of the ravenwing. My first squad of initiates and the champion fire on the ravenwing intending to clear a path for the sword brethren to assault the deathwing but fail miserably (meltagun rolls a one to wound). The land raider picks up the slack and wipes out the ravenwing (FIRST BLOOD BLACK TEMPLARS) while using power of the machine spirit to fire the multi melta at the deathwing, rolling a one to wound. the second squad of initiates fire at the deatwing to no effect with the meltagun rolling a 1 to wound (so many ones). The predator fires at the deathwing killing one ordinary terminator. The vindicator fires at the deathwing knights with the template covering them all including Belial but the shot scatters hitting 3, killing 2. The dreadnaught attempts a shot at the razorback but the darkness obsures his target. In the assault phase the second initiate squad and the sword brethren assault the deathwing, the poor deathwing sargeant is hacked to death by chainswords while 2 others are pummeled by thunderhammers leaving the assualtcannon deathwing termie alone as he drags down one initiate in revenge.


DA Turn 2

Night fight Ends. The deathwing command deep-strikes on the left flank to support the deathwing knights. The deathwing knights move towards the vindicator intending to destroy it. The shooting phase is uneventful as the deathwing command shoot their only storm bolter at the first Initiate squad causing no casualties while the heavy flamer is just out of range due to scattering when they deep-striked. The tactical marines continue to hold their objective with the razorback while the plasma cannon is out of range to shoot the dreadnaught. The deathwing knights assault the vindicator with Belial doing nothing (what was he expecting) and the knights causing 2 penetrating hits, immobilised and weapon destroyed. In the centre of the field the lone deathwing terminator is killed.The templars consolidate towards the deathwing command.


BT Turn 2

The sword brethren and the second initiate squad move further towards the deathwing command while the first Initiate squad and champion head towards the deathwing knights. The first initiate squad fires at the deathwing knights doing no damage (stupid melta rolled a one). Everything but the predator fires at the deathwing command squad killing just the heavy flamer. The predator shoots and fails to kill any deathwing knights. The sword brethren and second initiate squad assault the deathwing command, their apothecary kills one initiate and in return the entire command squad is destroyed. The emperors champion enters a duel with Belial while the first initiate squad destroys the deathwing knights after they fail 4 out of 7 armour saves and deal no damage to the templars (he was saving their S10 Ap2 attacks for the sword brethren).


DA Turn 3

The razorback drives forward shielding the tactical marines and firing at the second initiate squad, killing no one. The tactical marines stay gaurding the objective, while Belial is wounded in the duel.


BT Turn 3

The sword brethren move towards the centre objective while the second initiate squad go to cheer the champion on in his duel. With 18 marines watching the champion wounds Belial again.The dreadnaught moves forward. All the vehicles fire at the razorback with the dreadnaught causing an explodes result.


DA Turn 4

Belial fights to a stalemate. The tactical marines fire the plasma cannon at the sword brethren killing one.


BT Turn 4

The predator moves to claim the home objective, the sword brethren shelter in the land raider and move to claim the centre objective. The land raider and dreadnaught kill the tactical marines. The champion kills Belial.



Overall I feel the game went well, but mainly due to poor luck on my opponents part as I know he's a good player. The game ended 8-0 in my favour and I didn't expect to do so well against that many terminators with my meltas constantly rolling ones (lucky I don't use plasma weapons).


Go Black Templars

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While it's sad that your meltas rolled 1's all day, I'm glad that I now know that I'm not the only one this happens to. And for me, it's not just one game. It's every game. GJ killing the newest codex! =)
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Did you not have a second HQ? A second HQ is mandatory for BT right now. You have to have a warlord and our champion CANNOT be a warlord.


This is true.


However, this was his first game of 6th. We had a terrible time transitioning. So much so, that Ace had to set up that FAQ thread because we kept getting Emperor's Champion questions involving this new Detachments system. Therefore, I'd allow this as an official win for Marine.


And good job! As soon as I read "Belial" in your opponents list, I assumed the worst for you. However, I strongly believe the Dice Gods love Terminators... The only time I ever roll ones constantly, is when there's a 2+ involved.

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