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Thousand Sons Killteam - Help request


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Hi all,


I am thinking of getting back into 40K, but wanted to start off small and I heard about killteams.


Since I have always loved the idea of a sorcerer and his bodyguard of empty suits of armour, wandering the warp and striving for knowledge. Sadly I am a few editions behind on the rules. What sort of collect of figures would I need to make a good 200 point Killteam.


My thought was a sorcerer, rhino and bodyguard of 1K Sons.


Any help or thoughts would be great.



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Thousand Sons lack any real unit upgrades; the only things they can do is buy extra unit members or a Rhino, they can't even take Wargear on the Sorceror...

Since they are so expensive at their base points value you'd only be looking at 5 Thousand Sons models + Rhino with 15 pts spare (for Gift of Mutation and maybe Melta bombs on the Sorceror, or an Icon of Flame for the unit).

In this edition Thousand Sons are unfortunately a bit over priced; they die just as quickly as regular Space Marine/ Chaos Space Marine equivalents, but cost nearly twice as much pinch.gif

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I dunno, I think the Thousand Sons might have some advantages in kill team, especially over standard Marines and other power-armoured types. Terminators are out of the question in Kill Team, so AP3 bolters are probably some of the best weapons you can have, and a Sorcerer with the right power, maybe a mace just in case, can handle everything else, including the AV11 vehicles that are the scariest you're going to encounter at that level.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I dunno, I think the Thousand Sons might have some advantages in kill team, especially over standard Marines and other power-armoured types. Terminators are out of the question in Kill Team, so AP3 bolters are probably some of the best weapons you can have, and a Sorcerer with the right power, maybe a mace just in case, can handle everything else, including the AV11 vehicles that are the scariest you're going to encounter at that level.

You do come across terminators (or other things with 2+ saves)... Space Wolves for example will drop things in terminator armor. Venerable dreadnoughts are pretty tough as well, but they are THE Kill-team. IG Vet squads in Chimeras have been fairly popular in the past in my area. I remember playing in a tournament and half of the armies I played were IG Vets in chimeras. I like to play DE Warriors or Trueborn in a Raider/Venom and play cat and mouse in the terrain... Not such an issue as bolters can destroy Raiders and Venoms.

Cheers for the thoughts guys.

So the thoughts are 1 sorc. + 5 Thousand sons with a rhino and sweet frak all.

Also that actually making a Kill Team from them would be a bad plan tongue.png

Yeah... In a friendly game where you've limited yourself it wouldn't be a problem. However if you went to a tournament (which are quick and fun) you would probably find yourself against forces that you either can't hurt or will find it very difficult to hurt.


Kill-team favors units that can kill anything and that have endurance. My Dark Eldar Kill-Team for example (I haven't bothered changing it for 6th) has 3 AP2 lance weapons and can put out 24 poison shots a turn. The problem is it consists of 6 models with the best save being 5+ and the best AV being 10. 6th has hurt me a bit with how my KT would operate, however, my plan is to sneak around terrain in my Venom (trying to get cover saves) and use my night shield to try and keep weapons with 24 inch range out of range (especially things like plasma guns) while putting as much damage as I can onto models with ranged weapons that are a threat to my Venom. Once I've taken out weapons with longer range I would move onto plasma guns and the like. Once I was onto bolters (standard infantry) and close combat models I would just start picking people off at my leisure.

Obviously a venerable dread Kill-team is totally different. It just sits there trying to kill anything that can harm it before they kill it... Once it manages that it can also just mop-up.

The other extreme of Kill-team is massed blobs of IG or Orks... The Doom of Malantai with Eternal Warrior can be pretty fun XD... I'm not sure if you can fit a Tervigon into a 200pt Kill-team or not but I guess that could also cause some problems if I can spawn enough Termigaunts.

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I seem to recall that you were allowed to "break" these rules. It just gives your opponent more points. Actually I believe the Sorcerer leading the squad would violate one of the basic killteam rules, since you were not allowed to take psykers at the basic kill team level.
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Aren't those the old Kill-team rules? I can't find the rules right now, but I seem to remember those restrictions being removed. The restrictions as I can recall them are now...


- 200pts

-  Up to 1 Elite choice

-  Up to 1 Fast attack choice

-  Up to 2 Troop choices

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