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eekster does White Scars [LPC]


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Hi folks! I've been lurking here a while, and when I saw the LPC start up, I figured it'd be the perfect chance to motivate myself to finish the White Scars army I have just started.

This thread will follow my vow for the challenge, which is to complete a 1500 point White Scars army. I also have plans to add a couple of extra units, but more on that when I get there.

My LPC vow is as follows:

I, eekster of the Index Astartes, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least one Space Marine Captain and Command Squad on Bikes, 2 squads of 6 Bikers, an Attack Bike, a 10 man Tactical Squad, 3 Land Speeder Tornadoes and 3 Land Speeder Typhoons, all of the White Scars chapter, on or before the 31st of March, 2013. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.

And my 1500 points list is this:

Captain: Power Weapon (Lance), Bike
Command Squad: Standard, Champion, Bikes, Power Weapon x3 (Swords), Meltagun x2
Bike Squad: 6x Bikers, 2x Meltagun
Bike Squad: 6x Bikers, 2x Meltagun
Tactical Squad: 10x Marines, Flamer, Heavy Bolter
Rhino (for Tac Squad): Storm Bolter, Extra Armour
Land Speeder Squadron: 3x Tornado pattern with dual Heavy Bolters
Land Speeder Squadron: 3x Typhoon Pattern with Heavy Bolters

A couple of things in the list are missing from the vow. And that's because they were already finished before the challenge started. Here they are:



The rest is either primed (Captain, 1 Bike Squad, Tactical Squad), assembled (Command Squad, Land Speeders, Attack Bike) or still to be bought.

Now in order to fulfil my vow, I'm going to set myself a schedule. I am going to paint one FOC slot per week, with the exception of the Command Squad & Captain (which will be alloted 2 weeks) and the Land Speeders (which I will paint 2 Speeders per week). That should take 8 weeks out of the 10 remaining in the LPC, giving me two weeks wiggle room for any unexpected hiccups. If I have time before the deadline, I'm going to go back over the whole army and add a bit of weathering.

One expected hiccup at the moment, which I mentioned in the other thread, is that I've recently moved house and my stuff is still being sent bit by bit. I have my paints, the Captain and his Command Squad, a Typhoon, the unpainted Attack Bike and half a Bike Squad, so I'm going to make a start with the Captain and his squad and the rest of my stuff should be here by the time they're done. Some WIP pics of those later today or tomorrow.
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Thanks! smile.png

Work continues on schedule. I finished up on the Captain on Wednesday, he still needs decals, basing and such, but I'm doing that on the whole squad at once. Here's how he looks now:



I'm halfway through the Apothecary and Champion of the Command Squad, pictures of them to come later.

Back today with a bit more progress, this time the Company Champion and Apothecary. Both need just a few more details and some tidying up here and there.




I went with what I understand to be the RT-era Apothecary colours, and I'm very pleased by the result. The white ones I've seen don't stand out enough for my liking. Anyway, should hopefully have these done tonight and make a start on the 2 regular veterans tomorrow. Still waiting on some sheet metal for the Standard Bearer but with a bit of luck, I'll have the whole squad done this week.

Finished these guys up this morning (for now at least, the decals and such will be done on the whole squad at once), and started on the two regular Veterans:


Each left arm is magnetised, and each meltagun attaches to a magnet on the Veteran's right leg.

Made a bit of progress on the White Scars. I managed to model the Company Standard, and get a small pennant added to the Captain:




(in the grim darkness of the far future, healthy eating campaigns are conducted with absolute force)


I also got a bit of work done on the Veterans (the magnetised components are fully painted, but not shown):


Unfortunately, my knife slipped and sliced one of my fingers while converting the banners. Rather than risk the cut reopening and bleeding
over my nice, clean whites, I’m gonna wait until tomorrow to resume painting.

  • 1 year later...
Posted · Hidden by Bryan Blaire, October 9, 2014 - Threadomancy
Hidden by Bryan Blaire, October 9, 2014 - Threadomancy

For a good looking scimitar, what is the best and easiest way to get them? I'd like to get some like yours on your champion and some shields to put on the bikes in my army...maybe even with scabbards mounted to the bikes.


You do nice work and I am inspired to step up my time table kit bashing my scars too.


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