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Lexington's Word Bearers - [4.19.19 - CSMs and Dreads!]


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Fantastic conversions!

I'd love to see a comparison between your Terminators and PA Marines. I've been wondering if I should pick up a box of Termies at some point, because all though I think they're totally awesome, I'm not sure how I'd scale them to my PA Marines. (They're scaled in the same manner that yours are).



Love the conversion work here. Makes me want to get a moving on my Word Bearers warband!! It's just that the VIIIth keep scaring me away from them!!

Your fluff is also very fitting, and well written.


Keep up the good work and I will be watching as well.


End of Line

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

More updates from the creaky madness of my desktop...

Some time back, I signed up for a challenge here on the BnC - Call of Chaos, if memory serves - and promised to complete a full Hellcult dataslate's worth of models. I didn't get it finished, entirely, but it did get somewhere:


Now, these are Word Bearer Cultists, so the obvious choice is to do up a lot of robes and religious imagery, but that just wasn't doing it for me. As I see it, these folks aren't necessarily "cultists," per se - Esarhaddon's not exactly picky about his human chattle, and really doesn't care enough to instill religious devotion in anyone who doesn't have so much as a Larraman's Organ. So, these guys are more likely a hodge-podge collective of small-time traitors, mutants and assorted hive scum who have, willingly or not, been scooped up in some raid by the Sicarii and left in the cargo holds with a minimum amount of food, life support and weaponry. Whatever good intentions and humanity they might've gone in with have long since withered away and left them as gangs of near-feral madmen whose only real joy is the occasional chance to go planetside and wreck mayhem on the local populations. So, I'm trying for an aesthetic closer to that of post-apocalyptic punks and weirdos, with one foot in Fury Road/Road Warrior regalia. For the Hellcult specifically, I like the idea of a group so hopped up on adrenaline and hive narcotics that they'll run into battle alongside a screaming, insane Dreadnought who would pay them exactly as much mind as a gnat. He probably ends up squishing a few of them underfoot during every battle.

So, I gathered up some strange miniatures from Necromunda, Malifaux, Trollforged Minis and even an ancient, defunct favorite of mine called VOR: The Maelstrom and tossed them together. Since then, we've had some pretty brilliant Imperial quasi-military troops such as the Skitarii and Genestealer Cultists Hybrids come out from GW, and future Cultists will definitely see them integrated into the band.

Not a lot of conversion in there, obviously, but I rather like how this guy turned out:


Also, the star of that little show, the Dreadnought himself:


More coming later this week!

  • 3 weeks later...

So, you might remember the Plague Marine Champion from the original post (a whole page back!), and how it was difficult to come up with models that had the same bulky, implacable weight to them. In the five years since, the Blightkings hit and answered my dark, dirty prayers, and I immediately bought some to complete the unit. Finding suitable Marine parts to mix them with ended up being a problem, so the unit was shelved for a while, but with Dark Imperium, I've finally got the necessary parts to complete these guys. It's been a fun week for my modeling urges.





Still some work to go - mold lines need scraping, bits held together by the thinnest of glue spots that need bulking up with greenstuff, and the work on the bases is still to come, but I'm pretty pleased with how they're coming along.

  • 2 weeks later...

Been moving house over the past couple of weeks, which has slowed down the schedule, but I did manage to start up on a bunch of very simple Poxwalker conversions, heavily inspired by Wilhelm Miniatures amazing Black Pox Pestigors.


  • 3 months later...

Haven't been keeping up like I should here, but work has continued apace. Finished a full Poxwalker unit, did more work on the Plague Marines (and their attendant Plague Mage, now that the DG Codex is out), but my focus is now on a Contemptor Dreadnought for BCK's November Conversion Challenge:


Just parts for now, still deciding on a few parts (which banner, do I use a Decimator Butcher Cannon, etc), plus there's always random inspiration as the building and converting process goes on. Still, good to be back posting!

  • 3 weeks later...


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