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Grey Mage

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I think the main problem with those list is, that they would only work against other such lists. With a normal 40k list from whatever other codex i don´t wanna play against the Betrayal list, cause they´re in comparision overpowered. So much special equipment and weapons. Most people will only play once against those lists and that´s it.

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Overpowered by the meaning of the weapon options. The Volkite weapons for example. Or legion heavy support squads. It´s a big difference if you have 4 heavy bolters or 10. And it´s only a difference of 70 points.

Cataphractii Terminator squads. A shooty TDA squad with granade harness and 4+ inv save and combi weapons. And all for less points then a CSM TDA squad with combiweapons and MoT.

And i can go on with it. The Betrayal list are made for battles amoung legions. Then they´re on equal terms. But against any other codex you would be in advance.

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I don´t wanna play against the Betrayal list, cause they´re in comparision overpowered. So much special equipment and weapons. Most people will only play once against those lists and that´s it.


the exact opposite is true: the legion list is underpowered compared to 40k codices. Even the FAQ states this implicitly, as many HH units pay premium prices for certain abilities that just aren't worth it in a 40k environment. 


firstly, your example of cataphractii terminator squads is off. 5 TDA with 4++ and combi-weapons is 210 in HH, 209 in C:CSM, but remember the cataphractii may not overwatch (S&P) nor deepstrike (unless taken with a praetor and the appropriate battle rite). compare them to justaerin, I dare you, see what you pay for WS5 and stubborn!


HH list gets :cussty S5 AP5 volkites, CSM get baleflamers and sonic weapons. win CSM.

10 man heavy/support squads is not overpowered, they just ditch the ablative wounds - it's not like they are cheaper or something. don't get specials/heavies in tacticals in HH.

20 man tacticals? get that in CSM, too (for 20pts less), with MORE options.

assault squads for 250/10 (!) compared to 180/10 for raptors?

HH gets artillery, 40k gets allies.


overall, more options does not equal better. just that HH allows for tons of stuff to be bought (fluffy stuff, because that is the point of this list) doesn't mean that your 130pts sergeant won't die to a bolter round.


besides, "I don't wanna play this" arguments are pretty moot. Maybe I don't want to play your CSM because you field stuff other than cultists?


Nevertheless (to answer the OP's question), HH is the golden egg of Legion rules. Especially the non-cult legions are much better to repesent with these rules than with the kellydex. plus: it has the first official mechanicum list ever. I just hope as books go on some of the more "chaosy" stuff will find it's way in (obliterators!).

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None of my friends have an issue with me playing the HH stuff, they just think it's cool.


GW shops aren't gonna let you play instore, and tourneys will have a specific category.


So if your friends/gaming club doesn't wanna let you play using the HH lists, you either find new players who are more interested in having some fun, or you persuade them to give it a go, maybe swap lists/armies and see what they say

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Where can I find these HH rules ?

I dont find the C:csm very interesting. Some of my friends will prob let me use it others will not, I know the game store wont.


I can see ppl's reluctance about playing none codex list, once years ago the eldar player in our group got some none codex eldar army rules that were supposedly approvrd and all that, the army was insanely strong. No one even had a close game against him, it was always just a blow-out with him losing almost no models and his opponent having almost none left. We soon told him he had to use the codex.

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