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Starting Chaos Army


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Started getting into 40k, split a DV box set with a friend of mine. Decided on a warband and really like The Cleaved! So here's one of the Chosen models:


I think I overdid it on the rust and grit, let me know what you think biggrin.png

Edit: The backpack is not painted yet :p

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Looks very nice.  I would leave the backpack black or at least dark, like the guns / loincloth / horn, to balance the overall tone on the armor.  If it matched the armor instead then the armor itself might not stand out as much.


Pretty ambitious color scheme.  As I said, it looks nice, but might prove to be a bit draining once you're painting larger squads.

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Thanks for all the kind feedback!



I was thinking about painting the backpack black for the same reasons you mentioned, however I may try painting it the flesh color as the rest of the armor just to test out. I'm not going to be able to work on my army for about a month, but when I get around it I will post the results!



I plan on painting the entire DV chaos army up, everything in power armor will be done in The Cleaved colors. The cultists will be ragtag and dont really have a uniform look. I'm a bit concerned for the "faces" in power armor (power maul Chosen champion and the Helbrute), as nobody is supposed to have seen their faces before (on the upside this leaves room for creativity). I may replace the Helbrute face with a helm of some sort. Eventually, I would like to expand my army to include more cultists. I've been using proxies to play around with various options and so far I've been fond of the idea of fielding plague marines as well as bikers with mark of nurgle.


I won't be able to work on anything for about a month, but would love to post back when I get back to painting the rest of this army!

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