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Rainbow Warriors - Casting! Casting!


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  • 1 month later...

Been a while since I checked in on you Aquilanus. Man have you been busy. Things are looking fantastic! I like the cold one conversion and the army shot on page 5 is really impressive. Keep up the great work!

Thanks! I'll be returning to them after a little break from painting blue (I'm sure you must need the ocassional break from green laugh.png ) Not sure whether to finish off the Assault combat squad or go for more vehicles smile.png

You know, I always find that if I leave too many projects hanging out there half-finished... I tend to lose my enthusiasm.  Right now I'm in the middle of a large "tidying up" where I'm doing a bunch of small things to clear some mental space.  Really helps me enjoy the hobby more when I don't feel like the Sword of Damocles is hanging over my head due to all the half-finished projects lying about.

You know, I always find that if I leave too many projects hanging out there half-finished... I tend to lose my enthusiasm. Right now I'm in the middle of a large "tidying up" where I'm doing a bunch of small things to clear some mental space. Really helps me enjoy the hobby more when I don't feel like the Sword of Damocles is hanging over my head due to all the half-finished projects lying about.

I've just been working out specifically what projects I have:

Rainbow Warriors - 2k points at present (aiming for complete Company based on Ultramarines Fourth Company. Looooooong term - the ENTIRE Chapter!)

Steel Wings - around 1k points (haven't been adjusted for new Codex yet)

Angels of Salvation - (basically the Dark Angels models from the DV set. Only the Tactical squad and one Termi painted as yet)

Bahltimyr Reavers - (Basically the Chaos faction in DV set. Only one Chosen Marine and one Cultist painted as yet)

Ravens of Bahltimyr (the Reavers before they became the Reavers) - one HQ and one combat Tactical squad (with some Marines from an eBay win inbound)

Order of the Dauntless Spirit - Canoness (unpainted) and Celestine (painted)

Sons of Cruor - one HQ (possibly some Marines from eBay win)

Amber Dragons - No models at present (only two models that exisited were stripped for Ravens of Bahltimyr)

Eldar - Biel Tan - Information deleted by the Inquisition!

My main problem is that I see so many projects on B+C and elsewhere and I get a hankering to do something the same or similar. I still have a deep seated need to do a Flesh Tearers and Lamenters army sad.png (Oh, how the visions haunt me! laugh.png ) And then there is the need to go back to my Chaos roots and do Black Legion.

Not enough time, not enough money! blink.png

Edit: Just noticed how many times this topic has been viewed! Over 10k views! blink.png Thanks to everyone who has looked in, posted, given encouragement etc, etc! It really means a lot! happy.png

I get that completely... I just got to the point where I realized that I couldn't possibly do it all & was just spinning my wheels and generally feeling very rushed and unsatisfied no matter how much progress I made.  So, I've selected the projects that mean the most to me.  Some I'm painting myself, some (what I can afford) get farmed out to professionals.  Some models that I don't think I really need are being traded to friends for their painting services.  Some will get dressed up a bit and sold.


I am a *much happier* hobbyist now that I've begun this process.  I'm actually making real progress on several different armies, will eventually have more space and at least a little more money if I can sell off some of the bits I don't need.  I can always buy more stuff later... but for now, I just need less stuff "waiting" to be built and painted.

I get that completely... I just got to the point where I realized that I couldn't possibly do it all & was just spinning my wheels and generally feeling very rushed and unsatisfied no matter how much progress I made. So, I've selected the projects that mean the most to me. Some I'm painting myself, some (what I can afford) get farmed out to professionals. Some models that I don't think I really need are being traded to friends for their painting services. Some will get dressed up a bit and sold.

I am a *much happier* hobbyist now that I've begun this process. I'm actually making real progress on several different armies, will eventually have more space and at least a little more money if I can sell off some of the bits I don't need. I can always buy more stuff later... but for now, I just need less stuff "waiting" to be built and painted.

My priorities are now:

Rainbow Warriors

Ravens of Bahltimyr

Order of the Dauntless Spirit (if/when they get Plastics)

Deleted by the Inquisition

My Steel Wings are used mainly to add a few extra units for my RW's as allies, but the others listed above have been chosen either because they mean the most to me. The remainder will get picked at as and when I feel inclined. I can't afford to get any painted professionally, although if/when I get Ferrus Manus, he will be, as I'd be too terrified to even basecoat him! laugh.png

Anyway, I've decided that the next purchase I get for the Rainbow Warriors will be another five Marine Assault squad to make what I have up to ten. After that, I think I need to get some transports for my Tacticals and Devastators, but I'll get Razorbacks and swap their function as needed. Terminators are a consideration, as are a few Scout squads. Hopefully, I'll be back to painting Blue by the new year (as Christmas etc is a major drain on any spare money I have).

In the mean time, I'll get my writing head back on and get a large Chapter done for them smile.png

  • 3 months later...

Well, three months later and my priorities for my armies have changed yet again! Surprise, surprise! laugh.png

Whilst I haven't given up on the others I've started, I've come to the realisation that not one other army that I've started since restarting the hobby has kept me enthused as this one has! So, this project comes to phase two.


A picture of a recent ebay win. Some are missing back packs, but I have spares somewhere in any case. Whilst not painted too thickly, these guys are definitely needing the dunk.

Aside from the above, I also have ten Marines who would have become Ravens of Bahltimyr to strip. That begins tomorrow, as I'm currently getting the work area ready for it. Luckily I still have a full bottle of Power spray to use on them.

Most likely after this lot, I'll be getting into more vehicles, as it's something I currently lack (asides from a Storm Talon and a Razorback/Rhino). I also intend to get my old school Terminators painted (Cyclone, T-Hammers, old School Captain, Inquisitor and Ordo Malleus ones to name but a few! happy.png ) After that, it'll be on to getting the Assault squads up to Company size happy.png

Just waiting on the KR foam I've ordered off ebay as well, so I can house this lot. I'm currently working out a more unique and interesting case to put them in...

You're a braver man than me, Aqs. I always look at lots like that on ebay, think if the gluing is as bad as the painting the models are going to be wrecks, and go back to buying expensive new stuff. tongue.png Maybe I should be braver as they look pretty reasonable (snap fit Marines are a fairly safe bet I guess?)

Definitely nice to see more RW in the pipeline though!

You're a braver man than me, Aqs. I always look at lots like that on ebay, think if the gluing is as bad as the painting the models are going to be wrecks, and go back to buying expensive new stuff. tongue.png Maybe I should be braver as they look pretty reasonable (snap fit Marines are a fairly safe bet I guess?)

These aren't too bad. The superglue tends to weaken and/or dissolve in the power spray. The other Marines I won on ebay are more worrying for me; they seem to have been glued with something other than superglue or plastic cement. If it weren't for the lack of heat warping, I would have said that it was from a hot glue gun. Other than the Rhino being quite large, I don't see too many problems with these! happy.png

Definitely nice to see more RW in the pipeline though!

I've been putting it off for a while, but I feel it's time. I've got nine Rhinos, one and a half Assault squads and a few other bits to put together and I'll have completed a full Company. Having looked at the Ultramarines' Fourth Company that my Company is based upon, I've noticed that they have added a Centurion squad instead of a Devastator. Not sure if I want some or not to be honest, but it's an option I can think about nearer the time smile.png
  • 1 month later...

It's been a while and as usual, real life takes over and the best laid plans...well, they don't happen. The models from the previous topic are a Fething nightmare to strip, so they will be set aside until I can get a hold of an Ultrasonic cleaner, which I'm hearing many Frater give good reviews on. Once I get one myself, I'll be sure to share my findings.

Anyway. This post is something I've been dreaming of since I first saw one. As some readers will know through the "Today in the Hobby, I..." topic I took the plunge and got myself a Contemptor Dreadnought wub.png I got the standard torso, two power fist arms and a Conversion beamer arm. I had also bought some 2x1mm magnets to enable him to swap weapon loadouts, but the ones I ordered may be a little too small. If that is the case, depending on how strong they are, I may use two or three for each weapon instead of one.

Anyway, here is a picture of the FW goodness! happy.png


I haven't opened anything yet (although I will on Saturday after work to check for miscasts etc, everything looks okay in the packages), but this model is both a dream and a nightmare for me. A dream as it's such a gorgeous model, but a nightmare, as I really, really, really want his to stand out to everything else I have. In my army, this Dread is not just an honoured Brother, he is the Original Chapter Master, Candidus, "He who illuminates". In the story I'm writing about the Rainbows, I've only just started writing about him, but he isn't just a death dealer, he is truly a voice from the past, one that every Chapter Master after him bides counsel from, hence the reason I want him to be as awesome as I can make him.

I intend to bash out a few designs for Aztec style glyphs etc that I feel comfortable drawing/painting on his armour. I think that pencilling the designs on will help me a lot. Any free-handers out there who could pass on a few hints? It would be massively appreciated! happy.png

Conversion Beamer COOL!!!

I know, right? happy.png I'm very glad that GW/FW brought them back, as they are a fondly remembered weapon from Rogue Trader times. I do intend to get as many (if not all) of the other weapon variants as possible, but for now, it's enough happy.png I also intend to properly base this model, and will serve as the template for every other base I need to get done (as in, everything dry.png ) for the army. I do have a GW basing kit, but haven't even had a go at using it.

One question I do have, is, I take it FW products have a release agent left on them, and that they will need washing? I wouldn't want to get to priming them and ruin it!

Assuming I get on well enough with this model, it will act as a stepping stone to something else I've pondered over for quite some time - a foray into getting some 30k Ultramarines! happy.png

Since my last post, I found out that there was a fault with the Conversion Beamer sad.png I have contacted FW, so hopefully, I'll be getting a replacement soon. I also rushed taking the various parts from the sprues and I've damaged the Shoulder guards somewhat. It is possible to repair with GS, so I'll have to get around to that once I've established whether the GS I have is still viable (it's about a year old)

Edit: FW sent an email after this was posted - the replacement is on it's way! happy.png


I bring light to dark places... - Candidus, first Chapter Master of the Rainbow Warriors.

Candidus, the first Chapter Master of the Rainbow Warriors, led his Chapter for over three hundred years before succumbing to fatal injuries fighting the Eldar of the Lugganath Craftworld. In an uncharacteristic move, the Xenos had decided to destroy a world in a system near Pochutec [imperial designation: Prism]. Facing the leader and his retinue, Candidus had fought to his very last breath, before Xeno magicks ravaged his body. Seeing their leader fall, the Marines around him renewed their fervour, desperate to save him. Acting according to their capricious way, the Eldar withdrew, the world known as Ultra Mundanus finally free of their taint. The cost, however, was high. The Rainbow Warriors themselves had significant casualties, their Chapter Master among them. It was unanimously decided that he should be the first recipient of the only Contemptor Dreadnought shell donated by their parent Chapter, the Ultramarines. Over the centuries, his participation in the affairs of the Chapter has waned, preferring to remain dormant until such time that he is truly needed. In times of great need, his counsel is invaluable, and a private meeting with him is always the first task a newly appointed Chapter Master undertakes.

Not much to see so far. It's taken some time to get the pose the way I want it. I'm still not quite convinced by the base (the brown bits are foam sheet. The remaining part and the gaps between the foam will get filled with the basing kit I bought sometime ago), but for now I'll go with it. The arms are going to be magnetised, I just need to work out where I want the magnets to go (and to get the correct drill bits to drill out the holes). Despite being daunted by this model, it's such a lovely sculpt. I'm definitely getting more. In fact, I'm currently watching two torsos on ebay (they're both around the £10 mark at the moment, so if I get at least one at that price, I'd only need to get one more arm from FW, as I bought two power fist arms) Fingers crossed! happy.png



Very interesting. See this went a bit quiet for a while but a Contemptor is always a good way back ✌

I decided I wanted a break from painting so much blue blink.png but the other projects I have in various states of completion don't seem to keep my interest sad.png so, after a spell, I'm back with 'em happy.png

I did forget to add in the last post that I ordered some Lizard men bitz to add some "Aztec" feel to him. I do have a Lizard man head dress that just fits above the armour above his head. Hopefully that will add credence to his status. I'll add a picture of it when I do a dry run fitting it.

A Good start can"t wait to see Candidus done.yes.gif

Thanks smile.png I spent quite some time just looking at the thing, terrifed of making a mistake with it, but after the damage to the shoulders, I thought, well, I can't do much worse than that laugh.png I hope to get at least the basecoat done by weekend, as I'm back to work next week dry.png

cool about the AZTEC bits. Hey I went to the Bakery After The Hospital this morning:lol: .

I resisted in the end, although now you've mentioned it, I want a doughnut now! Grrrr! laugh.png

More Aztec bits eh. Nice. Totally understand about taking a break. I could never manage an army in the same scheme. Unless I absolutely had to and was speed painting.

My main trouble is that, now I've started four different armies, I really want to get them to at least 1k points, but when I actually sit down with them in front of me... sad.png

The Rainbows are the only army since I came back to the hobby that has really kept my interest laugh.png Oh well, I'll get there in the end...


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