Captain Cirrius Posted February 18, 2013 Share Posted February 18, 2013 So this will be my first WIP thread anywhere and I have chosen to enter the LPC for the first time to motivate me to get back into painting. seeing as I have little over a month left I chose to keep my vow small with only one squad and a count-as rune priest. The models will be painted for my DIY Chapter, the Sons of Retribution which use the rules of the Space Wolves in Games. For these purposes, Wolf Guard will be called Honor Guard and the Master of Runes will just be reffered to as a librarian. Hopefully after the LPC, I will use this thread to continue to document my progress with this army. Now on to what I am beginning with. As per the rules of the LPC, any models that seem to have a significant amount of paint will be re-underciated save for the shoulderpad on the Librarian. On to the pics!! First three Honor Guard in Power Armor Next two Honor Guard in Terminator Armor And the Librarian. I am going to begin undercoating now, so I should have a small update for you before the end of the day C&C welcome on the kitbashing/conversions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted February 19, 2013 Share Posted February 19, 2013 Some very nicely posed and kit-bashed miniatures at the top there Cirrius. Huzzah to seeing another DIY chapter too! :D Looking forwards to seeing some paint on these guys in future! Cambrius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Cirrius Posted February 21, 2013 Author Share Posted February 21, 2013 Hey everyone I was wondering if someone could link me to a tutorial on painting battledamage/chipping. I want these guys to look really beat up since they are the Honor Guard of my Commander. Anyway, any help would be appreciated. Sorry for no updates. I'm taking things pretty slow right now just doing each model piece by piece. I'm still trying out different things on the marine with the thunderhammer paintwise. LOVE washes :P Anyway anything helps and maybe later I'll post what I've got done so far on that marine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Cirrius Posted February 21, 2013 Author Share Posted February 21, 2013 Ok guys update/advice time :)Here is the model that I've been working on for my vow so far. He is currently my favorite member of the honor guard and is obviously stille WIP Sorry about the crappy pic. Its nighttime here and I don't own any proffesional lights. Thats just two desk lamps.Anyway I was wondering what color you guys think I should use for his hood thing? I'm leaning towards a Kabalite Green base with VERY thin highlints around the edge and then a heacy wash so it looks well worn and used. My other choices are Khorne Red to match the armor, Altdorf Guard Blue, Xerues Purple, or Celestra Grey. I Don't want to make it a generic brown cuz that won't contrast with the face at all and I kind of want it to pop out from the rest of the model. Anyway, I really like the idea of green but if thta seems too christmasy then i could be persuaded otherwise. And if you have a suggested color that I haven't listed I have problem heading to my hobby store and buying new colors. Just let me know.Thanks for the help everyone!c&c always welcome! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Cirrius Posted February 21, 2013 Author Share Posted February 21, 2013 Well I went ahead and finished the first model of my vow... I think he turned out fairly well. I went ahead with the green hood and with the right amount of washes, i don't think it looks very christmasy. Anyway, let me know what you think. I'm basically winging this whole painting thing so any comment, critisism, advice, techniques, color suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated :) Thanks for checking it out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Cirrius Posted February 26, 2013 Author Share Posted February 26, 2013 Well I guess I should just keep pushing on Got all the red done on my next Honor Guard (minus the backpack. I'm thinking of doing a bit of experimenting with this one, maybe find a way of painting the red withough applying the tedious highlights to each armor plate, maybe a VERY fine drybrush of a brighter red before applying the metallics and other details. Anyway, I would love some suggestions for faster painting techniques. Now the other part of my vow was to paint a Librarian. I've been painting this model VERY unefficiently (sp?) as a sort of break from painting my Honor Guard, so I've gotten only a few of the more fun parts done so far. It's nice painting blue for a change. Just noticed there is a chip in the shoulder pad. Gotta fix that Well, this thread hasn't garnered much attention or interest but it is required for my vow so I'll just keep going. Some advice or critisism would be much appreciated. For example, I've never painted concrete before as is required on the base of the second honor guard so if anyone has advice in that regard it would be much appreciated :) cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
War Angel Posted February 26, 2013 Share Posted February 26, 2013 I think this looks great, it's just a little one colored, you need something to break it up a bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Cirrius Posted February 26, 2013 Author Share Posted February 26, 2013 I think this looks great, it's just a little one colored, you need something to break it up a bit. I agree. I've been throwing in spots of green such as on the wax of purity seals and on the first Honor Guard's hood, but not in too great of quantity because I don't want it to look too christmas-y. Any suggestions for an added color? One thing I was considering was keeping the simpler paint scheme for rank and file troops but painting the Honor Guard and HQ in a Half-and-half paint sceme with another color, to distinguish them but also make them fit in with the rest of army. Just thoughts, but please give suggestions of any kind that you have :) I am here to learn. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
War Angel Posted February 26, 2013 Share Posted February 26, 2013 I know a lot of chapters paint shoulder pads/helms or even their hands or legs a different color to distinguish veterans. Maybe adding some white will help? That or possibly increase the amount of highlighting you've done? Maybe some orange or yellow would look good... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Cirrius Posted February 26, 2013 Author Share Posted February 26, 2013 I know a lot of chapters paint shoulder pads/helms or even their hands or legs a different color to distinguish veterans. Maybe adding some white will help? That or possibly increase the amount of highlighting you've done? Maybe some orange or yellow would look good... I'll do some experimenting on a test model. Thanks for the suggestions. They are much appreciated!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Cirrius Posted February 28, 2013 Author Share Posted February 28, 2013 Next Honor Guard finished!! I tried simplifying my technique with this model. After applying the initial red, I drybrushed the whole model with a lighter shade of red rather than tediously highlighting each armor plate, and honestly i think it looks better. I don't know if you can tell just from pics but compared to the last guy (who was edge highlighted) he looks much more organized paintwise. It also allowed for the details to command more attention. So I am very proud of this model. Simpler, quicker, and better I am also much more proud of the face as that process has been simplified as well As you can see, the base is not finished, but I have been experimenting and just CANNOT come up with a decent looking slab of concrete on my own, so if anyone has a tutorial link for painting terrain/base concrete (or can even just explain it to me [go ahead and post pics if you like]) that would be very helpful!C&C is very very encouraged :) don't go easy on me, I want to get better! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Cirrius Posted March 1, 2013 Author Share Posted March 1, 2013 Sorry for the double (third or fourth double post in this thread ), but I have rebuilt the thrid and Honor Guard (which have been renamed to Champions of Retribution) and would like opinions. I also thought I'd add some fluff on these characters so far, but anyone reading probably wants pics more so i'll bring those in first. Waiting to add backpack until after body is painted (something I should have been doing all along ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok now for fluff on the unit: The Champions of Retribution are Chapter Master Amyntas' personal guard and advisors. The most oustanding warriors hand picked from throughout the chapter! They bring swift justice upon their foes with the best equipment the chapter has to offer, and are Amyntas' hand with which to strike vengeance upon the traitor and persecution upon the alien. Aside from being the most skilled killers in the chapter, they also serve the purpose of guard to their Commander, and each is reminded of this by a small decorative shield that each dons somewhere on their armor or wargear.Chapter Master Amyntas: Amyntas is the current Chapter Master of the Sons of Retribution, leading them foreward in the aftermath of the loss of their homeworld to the forces of chaos and the death of the previous Commander. In these conflicts, he has sustained many wounds, and therefore relies heavily on his bionics to keep him fit for battle. He is described as a cunning individual with a driving passion for veangence that consumes his personality. None besides his Champions are known to have heard him speak since his wounds were inflicted upon him.Champion Marculus: Known simply as 'The Hammer', Marculus is the oldest Astarte in the chapter, save for those entombed in a Dreadnaught. He is also considered the wisest, and is the only Champion not to have been born and recruited from the chapters detroyed homeplanet of Parsus IV. He is one of the original members transferred into the chapter from another. Marculus acts as Amyntas' top advisor, imparting his wisdom of war upon the Commander just as he did for all those who came before.Champion Vindex: Vindex is the youngest of the Champions. He is brash and uninhibited in his acts of valor. He frequently clashes with Marculus, who he views as a kind of relic of war whereas his generation are the future, and he is not afraid to voice such opinions. Amyntas encourages this form of rivalry in his ranks, and especially in his guard, for each member is an advisor whispering council to their commander and Amyntas prefers to surround himself with differing opinions to better grasp the whole spectrum of a situation. Champion Volo: *image will be replaced when painted* Volo was inducted into the champions early in his career, taken from the ranks of the Assault Marines. He is a humble and understanding soldier, accepting criticism gratiously for his unorthodox approaches to war. Volo understands that a battle is an ever changing environment and prefers to counter a situation with otherwise unforseen approaches. While accepted by his squadmates in the Champions, the rest of the chapter are skeptical of Volo, though Amyntas finds his alternate council invaluable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you guys liked the fluff and the new model, again C&C is very encouraged. Let me know what you think and thanks for checking this out And I like the way Vindex turned out with the gold details, what do you guys think of me making gold a permanent thing for Champions and "more distinguished units" (i.e. counts-as Grey Hunters and Long Fangs)? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Cirrius Posted March 1, 2013 Author Share Posted March 1, 2013 Well I spent the night painting and I finished Volo: I gotta I think he is the best so far! Thats my first attempt that magma effect. I saw a tutorial around here a while ago but I forget who wrote it otherwise I would credit that person. Sorry. I think it turned out better on the sword than the shield because on the sword their is a darker background.That last pic display his decorative shield, the badge of the Chamions of Retribution. I learned a lot with this model. Mostly more efficient ways to paint as well as the importance of assembling certain areas after painting! C&C is much appreciated! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Cirrius Posted March 2, 2013 Author Share Posted March 2, 2013 Sorry for posting so many in a row! Finished the first Terminator. Here are the pics. Please let me know what you think, even if its just a "good job" or a "could be better". And here is his fluff: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Champion Telum: Telum is a soldier through and through. Duty trumps all other motivations, even honor and vengeance. He does not advise or council Amyntas as do most of his squadmates for in his mind, he is simply a shield. His duty is to guard his commander and he sees this as being of the utmost importance. Because of this dedication, he was given the honor of donning one of the chapter's few sets of Terminator Armor. Amyntas keeps Telum close at all times and considers his dedication and performace in battle to be invaluable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C&C is much appreciated! Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Cirrius Posted March 4, 2013 Author Share Posted March 4, 2013 Well apparently I signed up for the LPC too late. I feel there shouldn't be a signup deadline, more of an "enter at your own risk" metality, but I don't make the rules. So this is just a WIP log now, and I really hate to sound complainy, but some any kind of response would be nice. The LPC got me more motivated about painting than anything else so it would be nice to have something to keep me going. So really, wether you like what you see or don't any replies would be awesome :) Ok so I finished the last member of the Champion squad, which marks my FIRST EVER COMPLETED SQUAD! So first the pics/fluff of the last Champion: Champion EquesEques was selected by Amyntas from the ranks of the Devestators. His understanding of heavy weaponry is second to none within the chapter and his council on the use of such equipment in combat has proven very useful time and again. Like Champion Telum, Eques' past accomplishments in battle have earned him the right to don a suit the chapter's rare Terminator Armor into battle. He acts as both weapon and shield to Amyntas and is credited with saving the Chapter Master's life on multiple ocassions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now the whole squad together in order of completion from left to right: And now, since this is a WIP thread, I thought I'd post pictures of what is on the work table to complete my 1500 pt army: HQChapter Master Amyntas is in dire need of a repaint and added details: The as-of-yet-unnamed Librarian is going to move along very slowly now that I do not need to finish him for the LPC: ELITES Champions of Retribution (wolf guard)(pics above) Elite scouts. I bought these models on Ebay last year and I hate them to no end, but they are all I have and I want to include them in the list so they will get painted. Maybe the kitbash will grow on my with some paint: Dreadnaught. In 1500 pt list, I do not run him as venerable: TROOPSThe first "Grey Hunters" squad. Includes Champion (wg) Squad Leader, Counts-as MoTW (represented but double chainswords), "wolf banner", and 2x Plasma gun: Second "Grey Hunters" squad. Includes Champion, MoTW, Banner, 2x Flamers: HEAVY SUPPORT "long fangs". Includes Squadleader, 3x Lascannon, 2x Missile Launcher: So that is whats on the workbench as of right now wow. C&C is appreciated :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redwunzgofasta Posted April 5, 2013 Share Posted April 5, 2013 Congrats on getting your first squad done! I think you've got a really good eye for kit-bashing, I particularly like the chaos knight lance head used on Volo! Keep them coming! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Cirrius Posted April 7, 2013 Author Share Posted April 7, 2013 Thanks!! Working on some stuff for Grotsmasha's kit-bash competition Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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