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Building a chaos army for a new player


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I don't think that's ironic. biggrin.png nurglez is a chaos player, so it's hardly ironic for him to think like a chaos character!

Personally, I play to play. Sometimes I lose. As long as I didn't get completely curb-stomped, I usually have fun (although I will rant about how it was "so close!"). If I do win, I tend to go a little crazy-hyperactive unless I'm in one of those truly Tzeentchian moods and start pulling out the Gendo Ikari impressions.

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Fun is always a balance issue imo. Sure, it's fun to win, but only as long as your opponent had fun losing. It's more fun to have fun when winning than losing, but if your opponent has no chance, and thereby no fun, you (or me at least) will not have fun either.

When I play with my toys my purpose is having fun. If my opponent does not field a extremely competitive army, neither of us will have fun if I field the most powerful army I can produce.

And the same thing goes the other way, I will not have fun with my WB themed army containing possessed and a Helbrute if I go up against a tournament-winning GK army, or a vendettaspam IG army.


One simply has to adapt to the players you face. Complaining about getting stomped in a competitive tournament when using a non-competitive army is just silly. The rules of the setting is that you should bring your a-game. But the same thing goes the other way. If those you play with theme their armies around odd tactics or background lore, no one will want to play you if you always bring your most killy force. It's a social game, and social settings require that people adapt to each other and show some consideration.


What speaks in favour of going down the 'softer' path is that it opens up for all sorts of odd armies and ideas. The competitive scene is much more static in comparison. What is best is what is best until the next codex or rulebook comes along.

What is most fun changes from game to game if both players use sub-par units and odd tactics from time to time.

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If anti-TEQ was more expensive than anti-MEQ, I think it would help a lot.


People would have to keep gambling during army creation - do I prepare for Marines, or a wing? Do I balance both? Can I afford to have mostly anti-TEQ weapons if I come up against Sisters, who will outnumber my bullets with their power armour?

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On topic, I say get some plasma gun off ebay for your chosen models, and do some converting. get some 6man squads in a rhino, get huron if you can afford it, then you can scout those rhino's full of plasma up the side and kill some marines! (assuming you're facing the BT player)


Have your 2 30 man cultists squads, one ranged one melee (that's how I'm going with the cultists I've had from 3 DV sets) and you have some cheap objective grabbers. Or get on ebay, grab 10 more (about $15 I think) and go 3 squads of 20.


a vindicator and a drake are worth getting at some point for sure! In the meantime, see if you can convert your hellbrutes to fill specific roles. Or leave them as is and run them all together at the enemy! assuming you're running 2k of points that is, else you'll find you don't have slots available with the chosen as well.


If you want a lord on a bike then ebay is again your friend. buy a set of the 3 DV ravenwing bikers (roughly $20?) and chop one of your lords in half :)


Hope this helps :D

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also on topic:  What are you doing with the dark angels in those 3 box sets and how are your converting skills (especially scraping off aquilla...aquillies..aquillose).  I converted the Termis and bikes from my DV box set for extra stuff.  3 box sets could net you 15 termis and 9 bikes.  Those tactical squads have plasma guns and that squad sergeant is built for easy head/weapon swapping.  There's another thread where folks show what they did with their DV boxes.  You can easily change the weapons on those Chosen to bolters and chain swords or just leave them for champions.

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I don't think that's ironic. biggrin.png nurglez is a chaos player, so it's hardly ironic for him to think like a chaos character!

Personally, I play to play. Sometimes I lose. As long as I didn't get completely curb-stomped, I usually have fun (although I will rant about how it was "so close!"). If I do win, I tend to go a little crazy-hyperactive unless I'm in one of those truly Tzeentchian moods and start pulling out the Gendo Ikari impressions.

Regular Gendo or ReDeath Gendo?

oooooh baby...

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there are people who play to win and only to win

I think that is a clichèe. Like it's counterpart, it not logically possible. Whatever list you bring and whatever happens in a game, you still more or less try to win and have more or less fun doing so. Everything else is not playing the game.

Well that kind of a depands on ones psyche .  technicly what I do is illogical . durning a study on how people scale happines it was found out that slavs have 3 tiers of happy.

unhappy [simple] happy[simple] someone else is unhappy , which makes us ultra happy . [think of it as an extrem version of laughing at someone who falls down . ah and for fun find your parents/spouse , first ask 3 relaxing question . name/what day it is/what is the weather . then tell them to imagine they won in lotto , not top prize something in the middle . lets say 4k$ . wait 10 sec for them to imagine it . then ask them to imagine  their brother/sisters wining the big prize , but losing the ticket . watch their face].

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no , that is not the same . let say this way when they made scans you guys when seeing someone hurt [and not always .not in all situations .for example women didnt find it fun when children cried] well bright yellow . We were bright red , the more he got hurt . And this was both for physical[someone gets beaten] or status lost [someone making a fool of himself].

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Looks like we are still on the fun discussion, so I'll add my 2 kraks.


I enjoy having fun, and to me, there is fun to be found in losing. I learn from my mistakes, and I play to better myself. I have enjoyed losses more then some wins, and I head to tournaments to meet new people and fight new armies.


Back on topic, Cultists are decent objective holders, and tarpits with the addition of a chaos lord or dark apostle (although the common internet opinion is that the DA isn't worth taking), so you could go for kharne, or huron :D


Drakes are rather nice, also bikes are good, so you could convert the DV ones into chaos ones :D

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