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Angels Encarmine WIP


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Hi everyone!



This is my first time sharing something in this forum. I am in the process of making an army of angels encarmines. I have painted a librarian, a chaplain and five assault marines.
Currently I am painting a squad of five scouts and five Death Company marines. Also I have primed one Furioso Dreadnought and a Sanguinary Priest.
I'll go posting my progress and my future purchases.
Assault Squad with Meltagun
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Thank you for supporting Brother Dallo.


I always liked the successors Chapters, especially when there is little background around them. For the Angels Encarmine, what I liked most is the paint scheme of the Death Company and Sanguinary Guards.

In my army lists I always include the Death Company, this is the first spacemarine I paint with this scheme:





Good start and it's nice to see someone doing alabaster death company.


2 things that will help you take it to the next level.

1. Thin your paints.

2. Washes. A red or brown wash in the armour recesses will add some depth to that red.

If you're feeling extra ambitious try some highlights, but I know I personally took 7 months of painting to get there.

Thanks for your advice sockwithaticket.


I made my first attempt with lights and washes with a scout. For my first miniature I'm pretty happy with the result. I have to finish the face and hair. Then I will continue with the rest of the scout squad.





Mate, for your first attempt at highlights that's fething brilliant! The lines look a little thick in places, but you can always sort that out by going back and tidying up with your base colour.One problem with highlighting is that once you start you have to keep going! The bolter could do with some grey edges. 


I found these two articles amazingly useful when I was starting out, there's a ton of useful stuff in the How To archive for other painting and modellin tips too.



The paint on his armour looks much smoother than on some of the assault marines and the trousers look great. Kepp it up, you're doing well.

Hi, I'm back. I practiced the highlight with the bolter thumbsup.gif .

I also started to paint the rest of the scouts. The two articles were very useful for me too. Once I finish painting the scouts, I will upload more photos.


Looking good.  I'll just echo the advice you've already been given. Washes are your friend. Well done on the highlights, they are looking much better than mine. The scout is looking great. I like how you've painted his face... Now find him some  (fully painted) friends. ;)



These days I've been working a lot with the scouts. I finished two more companions with bolter, and I'm giving the highlights to the scout with heavy bolter. In a few days I'll upload the photos. I'm also going to start painting the Furioso Dreadnought and the rest of the Death Company.

I hope more tips!!


I painted the skin very easily, white primer, then Devlan Mud ink, and finally another layer of Ogryn Flesh ink, and that's all.


Herre are the pics.





The alabaster Death Company primed



The Furioso Dreadnought also primed


Hi, this is a small update of this day. I started painting the dreadnought no.gif , I will try to finish it for next Sunday.


This is my scouts sergeant with plasma pistol and CC weapon:


Hi again, this week really made ​​little progress. But I'm almost finished the first arm of the Furioso Dreadnought, I only have to finish the washes and highlights. Tomorrow is my day off, so I hope to finish the other arm. Greetings to all!!


Dreadnought Arm and Backpack without flash


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! After two weeks of hard study for my exams, I came back to paint. I made few progress with the Furioso Dreadnought cry.gif . But i finish the scouts squad, and I almost finished two other Death Company Marines. I continued practicing the highlights, but I have to improve a lot yet.





  • 1 month later...

I was a bit lazy the last months, and made very little progress in my army, so I've made ​​the decision to make a vow for ETL II. You can see my progress on the following link!!



  • 2 weeks later...

After a time without posting anything, here are the progress I made this time. All these models are not able to enter my ETL II vow because I had begun painting before May 15.


This is my Captain Karlaen which count as Seth






  • 3 months later...

Just began the event in our subforum of the Blood Angels and I'll post my progress here, this is my first vow:


I, Mandaloriano of the proud Angels Encarmine, vow on the honour of the Primarch Sanguinius and our Primogenitor Legion to paint and present a Death Company, a Tactical Squad and a scout squad before the 30th of November.

I vow to bear the CARCERES IRA badge in my signature, should I fail to complete my pledge. May Sanguinius guide my paint brush.


Tomorrow I will upload the pics

  • 7 months later...

Here is my first vow for the ETL III:


I Mandaloriano answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a Reclusiarch (Jump pack and a bolt pistol), one squad of five honor guard (company champion, company standard, sanguinary novitiate, two power weapon, one hand flamer and jump packs), and one ten tactical marines squad (plasma gun, heavy bolter and a power fist), from the Blood Angel Codex of total value 600 on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to Sanguinius and the Angels Encarmine and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.



Good to see you posting again brother. There hasn't been a great deal of love for the Angels Encarmine lately. We'll have to change that. This years ETL has given me the motivation to finally start my own thread, which should be up within the next few days.


I'm going to take it slow and am only pledging my counts as Mephiston for my first vow, but I have a tactical squad I'm working on, if I get him done.


What company are you going to choose? I've gone with 4th company. Good luck with your vow. I'll be keeping an eye on your thread.

Thanks for all your support comments, the dreadnought has not been finished yet cry.gif .

But I have finished the unit of Death Company (5 Marines), I'll upload the photos these days.

@ Brother Dallo: no matter how many pledged points. Every pledge helps us to fulfill the cause of the Sons of Sanguinius. In the ETL II, I Pledged three vows totaling 880 points (Not so much). I chose the 5th Company.


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