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Blood Angels by Redhorse


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Hello all!

I'm a first time poster her on the B&C. I have a ton of blood angels finished, nearly half a battle company! I need only add 3 more tac squads and another devastator squad. I'm posting my first picture to the B&C and I'm not completely familiar with the process and would appreciate the help. 

Photobucket stoof:



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Looking good bud. thumbsup.gif

To post pics you are already half way there. When you're looking at your pics on Photobucket, you're given a few options. Pic the one that is labeled IMG Code. Simple click on it, it should say Copied. If not select it and copy. Then past the code on here. It should start .... And that should be it.


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Awww, okay will do once I've taken more photo's. Ha, you know what's funny? Seeing your stuff on here inspired me to photograph and post! Then your the first person to comment on my stuff???Crazy! Anyway...I need to get back to studying! Thanks for the comment!

PS: I forgot to mention, my company is 3rd.

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Okay so here are some more dudes, any C&C welcome! Before I post anymore, can anybody give me some tips for taking pics? I feel pretty underwhelmed by them now.



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Now the only Dev squad in the army, however I do have alternate load outs. 



That's all for tonight I have to study for my first mid term for my animal behavior class.


Thanks for any looks and comments :)

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One close up coming right...up:



And the second tactical squad lead by Alexion:



Terminator Assault Squad:



Well that's all folks I got to study and I might be getting a job with a local store/company to be a resident painter/artist! Wish me luck! 

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Does anybody have a tutorial of sugestions for free handing skulls. My tactical squads have the corresponding Blue VS Black fields on their left right knee pads, but I have not even tried to free hand skulls....too afraid! :( Also, I would really, really appreciate if some one could direct me to a tutorial on sculpting our chapter symbol.  I like free handing it, and doing it in different ways on each model, but I would also like the ability to sculpt as well. I have a very cool conversion for our primogenitor in the works( in my mind) and would like to sculpt symbols as opposed to free handing onto him.....though that could look cool.

Also, in regards to the armour our primogenitor wore, does any body have ideas as to what Armour he may have worn other than that described in the books or in art work? What I mean is, does anybody buy that the Primarchs would have just ONE suit of Armour?



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Looking great so far, redhorse - looking forward to seeing more! For sculpting the chapter symbol, not sure... you could try the green stuff moulding technique (making a mould by pressing a pre-sculpted symbol into stuff, then using that) which I think there's a tutorial for somewhere in the PCA section.




There was originally a picture of my Baal here, with its freehand skull, but I got bored and did a tutorial of freehand skulls anyway, enjoy! Hope its useful :)



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I like the Termies, especially with the Yellow helms. That's what I've always intended for my Assault Termies. Glad to see I'm not the only one.


As for the skulls, I can't say it any better than Chaplin Admetus :tu:


And I've tried and failed at sculpting skulls and BA symbols. I think it's just one of those things you have to keep practicing.. :/



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Thanks everybody!

@Chaplain : Like the tutorial a lot, I think I'll have a go at it this week! 

Thanks CTK, yellow helmed assualt termies just seems to make sense and they look quite sharp! I'll probably post some more pics later this week, I've got my first midterm coming up for this semester. Plus, I've decided too work for a local mini painting company and will be staring that next week...so I'll be quite busy in the near future!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all!

I've been quite busy, I have some stuff on the painting table which I will photo sometime this week and hopefully post. But first some finished stoof:

Commander Dante


Sniper scouts with a 'special' serg:


Another view: 


Heavily converted Priest, kudos to who can guess where all the parts came from....also the needle from his 'narthecium' is missing it breaks off way to easy



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Nice looking models. I really like how you used the ammo pouches and grenades by putting them on the shoulder pads. I've never thought to put them there.
The camo job on the cloaks is amazing, and your free hand looks great on those shoulder pads. Great work, can't wait to see more. I myself need only 2 more tactical squads, and 1 assault squad for a full company. I see we share the same pic as well, nice choice thumbsup.gif

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I've got a dreadnought and a better view/another view of the priest:



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Quick picture tips.


White bottom

White background

Use daylight bulb for light which give off clear natural light and not yellow unnatural light

Try uploading your pictures to Picasa Web Albums as they provide free photo touch ups to help balance light

Remember to pause for a few seconds to allow the camera to focus


Otherwise your pictures are good quality.

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I like the green power weapons, I use to do that years ago, and I do green purity seals as well,  makes them stand out.  Green really compliments the red. 


As for your priests bits...  I think you used a Sanguinary Guard model for the base, and I think the axe is from the SG kit as well...  The iron halo looking ornament on his jump pack looks like a piece from the terminator assault squad box, I think it's for the sgt.  The bolt pistol looks like its from the DC box, and I'm going to guess the narthecium is from the eversor assassin.  The scrolls on his jp are either handmade, or could be from Astorath?  He looks cool.



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I'd say the legs are regular Assault Marine legs.

The Torso, Shoulder Pads / Upper Arms and Back Pack including Iron Halo are all the Sanguinor model.

The Helm and the Axe are from the Sanguinary Guard set.

The Bolt Pistol I'm not sure about because of the angle. And the loin cloth is either Terminator set, or Captain, or Comand Squad. I'm not sure without raiding my stuff, lol.


Really nice force you have going there Bud. Really like the Dread and the fully stocked Rhino. Top notch :tu:



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CTK has got it right, I got tired of the sanguinor model and so made a priest out of it along with some other bits to make the gene seed extractor on the bolt pistol. 

Here is some stuff I took pictures of recently:

Here is a multi-melta guy that will go into my 3rd tactical squad when they are finished:


Here is one of my favorite Terminators due to the free hand work:


Also some Death company which I plan on adding two more dudes with chainswords to. 


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