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Blood Angels by Redhorse


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Yep, I will be working on the gun barrels for the guys I have on my desk right now and will eventually go back over the rest of my forces. I just aquired a very small and pointy round file that is working good so far.

Stay tuned folks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to chime in and say I liked your earlier paintjobs, which featured bright blues and yellows to contrast the red, a-la 2nd edition, better than the later more grimdark paintjobs on the scouts, dreadnought and so on.


The former were original, and had character.


The latter, while being good, are nowhere near as catchy.


I tend to paint dark too.. But I wish I had painted like your earlier stuff.

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I paint mine dark as well, with a couple of of good washes of Agrax.  I use to paint mine bright red years ago when my painting skills were nowhere near where they are now, but they just didn't do it for me.  You're reds look great though, probably because you didn't overdue the orange highlights

I like the dirty look you have going on with feet, and the bright yellows are awesome.  They really pop, and all the extra grenades and stuff are cool to see, they always tend to just end up in my bits box, nice work redhorse.

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Hey thanks much appiah5! 

Actually, the assault squads and the devs originally had a darker tone to their helms. However, I was somewhat inspired by CTK to go back to more of a 2nd edition look, making the helms pop more by making them brighter. I agree it looks much better, more eye appealing./catchy to make those guys pop. I think the main reason the dreadnought is not quite as vibrant is due to him being painted from a black undercoat. Everybody else is worked from white. Except for the Death Co....

The scouts, well I just couldn't bring myself to paint them in an 'unrealistic' way, thus I dirtied them up a bunch. I think I'll post a tutorial some time for the camo cloaks, I get a lot of remarks in person over them and it was very easy to do.

Any way, I also have an update to make. I've got some WIP shots for everybody to hopefully enjoy.

First up the RAVEN FLYS.....when its done being painted, have to have a talk with the Master of the Armory: 

Cockpit shot


The Bird and its battle damage


must drill....gun barrels.....ughhhh 

Okay and also on the paint table: 


Plus a Rhino that just needs it tracks, some more dirt and some touch ups. This is for my third tactical squad which will be worked on after my second assault squad  is done


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@Sanguine Eternal

I've been using Ogryn flesh wash and I'm nearly out, which is kinda lame as I've been using the replacement wash for Gryphone Sepia-> Seraphrim sepia and don't like that the finish is glossy. Whats your experince with agrax? Does it give a sheen or is it mat?

Also thanks for the kudo's. Also, since you've been building up grenades and pouches, I say save take them and give a couple tactical's or assault marines a hardcore military look! Make em look kitted out and ready to kick some xenos butt! Or pop them in the post to me...either or really whistlingW.gif

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Haha yeah... I think I'll save em...  Nice try though.  My experience with Agrax has been good.  When I first used it on my vanguard marines, I was stuck in the 1 marine at a time painting style.  Which bit me in the foot.  The first guy I painted, the agrax was slightly glossy, but it looked great.  As I did the second one, it was flat, and really toned the red down.

So to this day, I don't know why that one marine was brighter than everyone else.  Agrax does leave a pretty flat finish, and I like it.  I tend to give the first wash after I have layered up to evil suns scarlet.  Then, I paint all the purity seals, greens, chainmails, and golds.  Then I wash the entire model again.  I like the way it makes the metal kind of stained and slightly rusty.

I like heavy washes, and always soak up the pools on the feet and apply them somewhere else.  After I've used about half of the wash, I find it gets really thick, so I water it down, and fill it to the top, I just find I have to add an extra wash coat, but they still end up looking the same.  In the really deep crevices though, if you put it on heavy with the watered down mix, parts of it dries a little cloudy.  I don't mind though, it just adds to the battle worn armour for me.


I am definitely happy with the way they turn out.  Looks good in the crevices.  I just highlight after my second wash though, I don't layer in more paints.  I learned by trial and error how many washes, and how heavy of a wash I put on to get the consistency with my marines.  The landspeeder I just did I think I added 1 too many layers, but it doesn't matter.  Their would be so much smoke in the air, explosions etc, that I picture the armour is just more battle worn.


Scroll down to the last images I posted, and it will show you the way the watered down agrax dried a bit white in the shoulder pad bottom corners.  But it doesn't dry glossy at all.

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That's a great looking army.  I finally had a bunch of time to read over both pages, and take a look at your models closer.


I love the tacticals.  Very cool campaign worn look, love the excentuated equipment and knee/shoulder markings!


Great battle damage on the vehicles....made me consider it for mine when I actually get one done.


Keep 'em coming!  Can't wait to see more :)

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Hello everybody! 

I've been busy, just finished my first commission and also just started my second, will likely put up a post for that in the WIP forums....but anyway. Back to my Blood Angels, I've got a little update. Nearly done with my second assault marine squad, just need to do the back packs on the three guys pictured. Plus, I've got to do a meltagun and a flamer dude! 

Here are the pics:


The models look very, very pink in the photo, I'll have better pics when they are done.


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