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The Fallen


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Recently an old friend of mine started playing 40k and he wanted to build an army quickly and cheaply so he could start playing. As such I advised him to pick up Dark Vengeance and use everything inside of it for a CSM force in the theme of the Fallen Dark Angels.

To add to what he had I have put together some characters to lead his force:





I am planning on working out some fluff for each of these characters to tie their Dark Angel heritage to the particular chaos characters.

- Martok

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Great job.  Have you through about taking the Dark Angel Knight terminator shoulders with either the angel or the chapter symbol and adding the shoulder edgings with either plasti-card or greenstuff?


Interestingly the DA Knight pads are already on them both although the alternate pads are different as I did not want the Crux Terminatus on them. The edging is a good idea and could make Typhus look more imposing, thanks!


Very cool conversions, one thing I would do though is to fill in the gap in the broken sword motif of the DW badge, since fallen are generally from before the Lion sword was broken.


Yeah that is definitely something i had in mind. Not sure best way to fill something that small though i was considering just painting it complete but that could look a tad rubbish. Liquid greenstuff, regular or what would you suggest?


- Martok

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Great job.  Have you through about taking the Dark Angel Knight terminator shoulders with either the angel or the chapter symbol and adding the shoulder edgings with either plasti-card or greenstuff?


Interestingly the DA Knight pads are already on them both although the alternate pads are different as I did not want the Crux Terminatus on them. The edging is a good idea and could make Typhus look more imposing, thanks!


>Very cool conversions, one thing I would do though is to fill in the gap in the broken sword motif of the DW badge, since fallen are generally from before the Lion sword was broken.


Yeah that is definitely something i had in mind. Not sure best way to fill something that small though i was considering just painting it complete but that could look a tad rubbish. Liquid greenstuff, regular or what would you suggest?


- Martok



I have to agree with filling in the broken sword gaps.  I am planning that on my two small Fallen Angel terminator squads. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

They have some paint!



The key ring of skulls... totem.. thing is a representation of the Destroyer Hive, Typhus has. This was achieved with the flail from the Death Wing Knight box (a kit used throughout the conversion) with some skulls and a wire "key chain" added.




Thus far I have managed to finish the airbrush work on the armour but I will need to go in with a brush to add some highlights and battle damage etc.




The base is a cast from a friend over at Codex of War and I am very happy with the extra "presence" it gives the moody model. Also conveniently it has three skulls in a pile which is as we all know Nurgles favourite number :)




I need to have this guy and Abaddon model ready for Bristol Vanguards Vanquish tournament in about three weeks which hopefully won't be a problem.

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Thanks for the comments guys :)



Another Fallen Angel I am painting up for my friend. This time Abaddon. Keep in mind this army is Nurgle themed so the scheme reflects that.




Again this is all airbrush work going from pre shading to some Zenithal Highlighting and then finishing with washes.



The base is home made and is simply some rocks with green stuff/sand in the gaps and some Secret Weapon Miniatures skulls to add some interest.




This will need some highlighting and then i think I shall add another layer of washing to blend the highlights. Also I think for Nurgle it coudl do with a darker green finish.




- Martok

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Thanks for the comments guys. These guys are done so I shall showcase soon.


My friends Fallen Angel army is still in need of a lot more paint and the need to be ready for Bristol Vanguards Vanquish 2013 in a like a week and a half. So he has handed me some to work on. This time some Obliterators.






The paint process was very similar to the characters that I blogged with Abaddon here and Typhus here.




These are based and varnished and ready for the battle field :)


- Martok

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