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Sword Bearers and the Unforgiven (Updated 1/07/23: Angels Redeemed)

Spaced Hulk

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Brother, I stand humbled and in awe of the detail of your storytelling. Are you a BL author in hiding?


The conversions are good but as already stated, would look better with paint on. ;)

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again..... Brilliant Story!!!! Aldous may make it as a Dreadnought though :biggrin.:


Just one little niggle though (comes from studying astrophysics at University).... the Doomhammer cannon.... a 20 TW laser wouldn't cause any noticeable recoil to a weapon system that big. There was an estimate done a few years ago that a hand-held laser weapon would have a recoil about the diameter of an atomic nucleus. Even scaling it up to a 20 TW laser would only give a recoil distance in the micron level when you took into account the much greater mass of the big laser. It's not a big or important thing, and I'm not even suggesting that you change it, but I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to things like that so I thought I'd mention it :tongue.:

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@ Elmo9141: Thanks brother! Just an aspiring writer at this point (although if BL were interested I wouldn't say no, would be much more interesting than my 'day-job') :biggrin.:


Paint is very imminent, I've earmarked this Saturday as a painting day so the next pics I post should be a bit less grey :wink:.



@ facmanpob: Thanks mate! Actually, I agree with you about the Doomhammer. I have no scientific background at all (other than being a complete sci-fi geek :smile.:), but to me, a laser weapon shouldn't really have a recoil. However, I based the description on the info about the Volcano/Magma Cannon on 40k Lexicanum, which describes it having a "tremendous recoil". Obviously 40k universe laser weapons work differently to ours :biggrin.:.


I might still change it to be honest. At some point (probably when the story's finished) I'll have a complete read through and edit/alter as necessary.



@ darkangel1030: Thanks brother! Have made a start on the next chapter but will probably start working on it properly next week. As I said above, painting is my target for this weekend. After 8 months, I feel like I really ought to have at least one painted model! :blush.: :smile.:

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After 8 months, I feel like I really ought to have at least one painted model!

One painted UNIT you mean....


By the way, since you've said before you didn't feel that confident for painting robes... I've made a quick tutorial in my old "how to paint 6000pts in 6 months" thread


Nothing exceptional but hope it might help

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@ Master Avoghai: That looks really useful, cheers mate! :smile.: I'm probably going to paint the robes quite a light brown, so I'll have to improvise a bit, but the tutorial will definitely help :thumbsup:

OK, update time. Believe it or not, I have actually picked up a paintbrush this weekend! :smile.: And I've got pics to prove it! Unfortunately the photo's are a little blurry as my camera battery was dying and I took them in a rush, but they're good enough to give you an idea of the colour schemes at least.

They're not perfect (I know I'll never be Golden Demon standard) nor are they completely finished, but here are my first painted models in years:









The Revenant's jump pack is the main thing I need to finish off. I think I want a blue-ish glow from the jets/exhausts, but going to need to buy some more paints before I can do that.



C&C are welcome guys, but please be kind, I know my painting skills are very rusty :wink:

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They are looking very nice, Spaced Hulk! Great minds think alike, I used that exact same torso/leg combo on one of my guys that you have on that Revenant. I think it is a very strong, effective pairing, and you've done up the paint well.


How did you do the metal on the Revenant's skull mask?

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Cheers guys! :smile.: Must admit, considering how long it's been since I've painted anything, I'm fairly happy with how they've turned out. The Sword Bearer looks a lot better in real life than the pic, as the grey is a lot darker and the green contrasts better with it.


@ Bryan: The skull mask was simply a drybrush of Leadbelcher over a black undercoat, washed with Nuln Oil, then I repeated the process. Still building up my paint collection so my pallete is quite limited at the moment. Looks quite effective though so I don't think I'll change it too dramatically :smile.:


Thanks again both of you :thumbsup:

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Hurrah! Paint at last! :tongue.:


First bit of CC: mould lines..... especially on legs.... the first model has two whoppers, one on each leg, that detract from everything else.


2nd CC: Highlights. The painting looks crisp, considering you haven't painted (by your own admission) for a long time. Just a few highlights on some raised edges would help to stop detail from blending in to the background (such as the arrowhead detailing on the legs of the first guy.


3rd CC: Bases..... something light, say a sandy base (or the new cracked earth basing paint that is being released soon) would work wonders.



That said, however, the poses are very good, the painting is accurate, and the Oath paper and detailing on the wording on the Chaplain's right leg look great. A very nice start :thumbsup:

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Good you've finally found time to paint between 2 writing session.


This is a good starting base for work and let me tell you how I see the thing going.


The marine : because of the absence of highlights for the moment, he looks dark and monochromatic (despite the presence of 2 different colours). I think you need to do strong highlights. Personally use snot green then a point of scorpion and I think it would work perfectly well particulary if you choose a restricted number of points.


The revenant: you did really well with the dark metal and he does look sinister. I think you have to do very strong highlights in a relative low number of locations. This would make a contrast between the black and the dark metal without altering the black aspect.

The other solution is to make blue highlights like I did on my my RW models but adding a blue wash at the end to attenuate the light effect and mix the highlights all together.


Hope this helps and back to work!

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@ facmanpob: Thanks mate! Yeah, I spotted the mould lines on the first guy as soon as I'd primed him :dry.: At this point he's just a test model (other than the Revenants, the rest of the army so far are all robed marines) so I decided to leave it for now. If he gets worked into a squad at some point I'll sort him out then. Will have to be a bit more vigilant before I prime any more though! :smile.:

Made a start on some highlights on the Revenant earlier, but I need to get some more paints before I can do any more on the Sword Bearer. You can't tell on the pics above, but the raised areas on his armour (like the arrowhead) are actually metallic. I've taken some more pics, this time with the flash on, which shows up the details better but unfortunately makes the grey (which is Mechanicus Standard Grey) look a lot lighter than it is in real life.



My initial plan for the colour scheme was to have the grey areas as a metallic steel (like your GotC :smile.:), but then I decided I wanted to go for a bare, unpainted ceramite look. But after I'd painted it Mechanicus Grey, I thought I'd experiment by dry brushing the raised bits with Leadbelcher. So it's sort of a hybrid of both ideas. Like I said, it looks a lot darker in real life.

Quite like the idea of a dry, sandy base. Would fit quite well with the Necropolis storyline I've been writing as well. :wink:

@ Tanhausen: Cheers mate! :smile.: Yeah, I need to drill all the weapon barrels. Unfortunately I don't have a pin vice at the moment so will probably end up doing them all in one go later on.

@ Master Avoghai: Thanks mate! :smile.: As I said above, I need to get some more paints before I can highlight the first marine. Only have Caliban Green at the moment! Have made a start highlighting the Revenant though. Here's some more pics (with the flash on, which again makes the highlights look really bright! I used Mechanicus Grey again, and they look a bit more subtle in real life. Anybody else have trouble taking pics of grey colours? :tongue.:)





How does that look? I have a got a lighter grey (Ulthuan I think) so I could try brightening the highlights even more.

Anyway, thanks again for the C&C guys, I appreciate all the advice and feedback :thumbsup:

Ok, one last pic for today. Made a start on the other two Revenant Headhunters:


Still lots of work to do on them but it's a start. Eventually they'll be a five man squad, but I haven't built the other two yet.

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I spy with my little eye....


Anvil Industry legs :)


The flash photo does make the detail stand out better. If you haven't got a good photo setup then you could try taking some outside in daylight (I often do that if I can't be bothered with my convoluted indoor setup). That would avoid the issues you get with using the flash. :tu:

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@ deathspectresrg7: Cheers brother! :smile.: Yeah, quite happy with how they're turning out so far, pretty much how I imagined them. Hopefully I'll be able to do a bit more to them before the end of the week.


@ facmanpob: Indeed mate! In fact, that particular Revenant has Anvil legs, arms, body, head, swords, pistol and right shoulderpad! :smile.:


Depending on the weather this weekend, I might try taking some pics outside. Unfortunately it's dark when I leave for work and when I get back now, so it'll be saturday before I get a chance to try. Want to prime some more models as well, so hopefully the good old British weather will stay dry :smile.: At some point I'll have to sort out a decent indoor lighting setup though.

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Depending on the weather this weekend, I might try taking some pics outside. Unfortunately it's dark when I leave for work and when I get back now, so it'll be saturday before I get a chance to try. Want to prime some more models as well, so hopefully the good old British weather will stay dry :smile.: At some point I'll have to sort out a decent indoor lighting setup though.


I know what you mean. This morning would have been ideal for undercoating, but I was at work. :cry:

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Ok, update time :smile.:. Been doing a bit more painting and have a few more pics. Still having to take them using the camera's flash, so unfortunately they're still coming out a bit bright.

First of all, I've changed my mind about the grey on the Sword Bearers. I'm going back to my original idea which was a metallic steel colour for the legs and torso. My thinking is that it will help tie the different elements of the army together. So 'normal' Sword Bearers will have a green and steel scheme; the Revenants will have a black and steel scheme; and Penitent terminators (when I get round to adding them) and officers will have a bone white and steel scheme. Hopefully it'll help make the army look more cohesive, as well as being an obvious nod to the chapter's Unforgiven heritage.

Here's a WIP of the new scheme for standard Battle Company Sword Bearers:



This particular model is Veteran Srg Amon Kal, the senior NCO and second in command of the Sword Bearer's 3rd Battle Company. In game terms he's going to be a Devastator Squad Sergeant, and will eventually be accompanied by four marines all armed with plasma cannons.

Next up is my first (ever!) robed Space Marine! Still finding my way with these, particularly with the highlights, but I'm fairly pleased how he's turning out so far:




And finally, I've nearly completed the three Revenant Headhunters I posted earlier. Still need to finish off the jump packs and do the bases (going to try the new Agrellan Earth paint as facmanpob suggested), but again, I'm pretty pleased with how they're looking now:


I think I've also found which official rules I'm going to use for the Revenants. The new Carcharodon Chapter Tactics from Forge World gives the Fear special rule, which seems perfect for the Celerem Mortem :wink:

As always, comments and feedback are welcome :smile.:.

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