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Ideas for IA need help


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Hey as some of you have seen in the Necromancy thread in the AMICUS AEDES  I am trying to create a chapter  that becomes renegades for trying to use necromancy  as well as their death cult after the great advice I got here are some ideas for it so far I am wanting your opinions on which would help alot



-A highly independent chapter who fought with a grim tenacity using stealth as well as hit and run tactics to defeat their enemies.
-They used their enemies fear of death as a weapon through acts of terror striking at the heart of their enemies sowing despair before disappearing like ghost  letting fear and doubt cripple their enemies as they struck again and again before delivering the final blow showing no mercy.
-Chapter was completely governed by a morbid death cult in which the chapter fed on the flesh of their fallen enemies worshipping Death as a God through macabre rituals , they preformed extensive funeral rites honouring their fallen
-Librarians were revered as spiritual leaders of the chapter like chaplains due to their psychic abilities able to commune with the dead
-They believed the the Imperium was doomed at the hands Xenos and its only hope lay in embracing  death by being reborn into glorious undeath where it would conquer the entire universe fulfilling the Emperors vision by bringing him back through necromancer to lead a new great crusade.
-Regarded the Credo Mortifex as their holy tone which deals with the belief that the  Emperor shall transcend death becoming eternal neither fully alive nor dead
-They were declared heretics and destroyed for their heretical death cult as well as practicing   Anima Mori the dark art  of bringing the dead back to life which was forbidden before the Great Crusade.
-Made their last stand on the cemetery world Orcus against the forces of the imperium  using hordes of corpse thralls and carrionate controlled through sorcery as well as the Anima Chorus ( a  forbidden machine which could reanimate the dead)
-The entire chapter was utterly destroyed though as their leader lay dying he sold his own soul in return for saving his chapter, Nurgle amused with the chapters antics brought the entire chapter back from the grave as well as every corpse on the cemetery world from both sides.  Reborn as revenants the chapter with their massive undead army annihilated the imperial forces.
-As one the undead chapter swore eternal loyalty to their new God who they saw as the true god of death, they  fled to the Segmentum Pacificius where they have launch crusades to turn the imperium into an empire of undeath united under their worship of Nurgle
-They pursue their vision of a lifeless galaxy populated only by those who have transcended death utterly bound to Nurgles will.
-Colours will be a mix of a pale grey, green and/or white
These are just some brief point I will try expanding with your feed back. I just need to come up with geneseed they are I am thinking of Raven Gaurd for the geneseed defects as well as their combat doctrine though being Iron Hands could help as it would explain how they got their hands on the forbidden tech/ lore in the first place.
Another point is the name I looking for something to deal with death maybe wraith, revenant or something I had wraith knight but unsure what would be best also a cool yet simple chapter symbol would be good to being something to do with death maybe a gravestone????
Finally I need to come up with a good way for the chapter to get their hands on the forbidden tech/ lore on necromancy would finding it on a space hulk be alright or does confiscating it from other heretics be better.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I probably need alot of help making my necromancer chapter
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-A highly independent chapter who fought with a grim tenacity using stealth as well as hit and run tactics to defeat their enemies.

 Tenacity implies they are on the defensive, refusing to yield. How does stealth factor into this? Explain more on the stealth angle. How is their stealth different from Raven Guard stealth?




-They used their enemies fear of death as a weapon through acts of terror striking at the heart of their enemies sowing despair before disappearing like ghost  letting fear and doubt cripple their enemies as they struck again and again before delivering the final blow showing no mercy.

This has been done before, and it always encounters the same problem: how do you handle enemies with no fear of Death? Orks, Nids, Necrons, Chaos, etc, etc. It is a sound tactic against traditional enemies capable of feeling fear, but against a LOT of the 40k world it won't work. What do they do then?




-Chapter was completely governed by a morbid death cult in which the chapter fed on the flesh of their fallen enemies worshipping Death as a God through macabre rituals , they preformed extensive funeral rites honouring their fallen

How did the cult pervade their belief system? How does the Emperor factor in? Do allies fighting alongside have anything to say about them eating the flesh of the dead?




-Librarians were revered as spiritual leaders of the chapter like chaplains due to their psychic abilities able to commune with the dead

Eh? How do they communicate with the dead? Only the Eldar have souls strong enough to survive in the Warp after death, at least on average. How do your Librarians speak with teh dead?




-They believed the the Imperium was doomed at the hands Xenos and its only hope lay in embracing  death by being reborn into glorious undeath where it would conquer the entire universe fulfilling the Emperors vision by bringing him back through necromancer to lead a new great crusade.

Interesting. Have you read Blackest Night/Brightest Day of the Green Lanterns run? That is what this reminds me of. I like it. How do they raise the dead though? There are Nurgleese plagues that can do it, but how does a "Loyalist" army do this?





-Regarded the Credo Mortifex as their holy tone which deals with the belief that the  Emperor shall transcend death becoming eternal neither fully alive nor dead

I thought they worship death. How do they see the Emperor's being between life and death. Wouldn't death be the ideal? His current state seem like it would be an abomination to them.




-They were declared heretics and destroyed for their heretical death cult as well as practicing   Anima Mori the dark art  of bringing the dead back to life which was forbidden before the Great Crusade.

How did they learn it? Where did their beliefs/practices come from?




-Made their last stand on the cemetery world Orcus against the forces of the imperium  using hordes of corpse thralls and carrionate controlled through sorcery as well as the Anima Chorus ( a  forbidden machine which could reanimate the dead)

Ah. Do they still control the Anima Chorus? Wouldn't the Imperium want to break that thing?




-The entire chapter was utterly destroyed though as their leader lay dying he sold his own soul in return for saving his chapter, Nurgle amused with the chapters antics brought the entire chapter back from the grave as well as every corpse on the cemetery world from both sides.  Reborn as revenants the chapter with their massive undead army annihilated the imperial forces.

That is a ritual of nearly unrivaled power. What did Nurgle see in them that would deserve such a massive expenditure of his Ungodly Might?




-As one the undead chapter swore eternal loyalty to their new God who they saw as the true god of death, they  fled to the Segmentum Pacificius where they have launch crusades to turn the imperium into an empire of undeath united under their worship of Nurgle

What about their thralls? Did they take them with them, or did they return to death when the Chapter left?





-They pursue their vision of a lifeless galaxy populated only by those who have transcended death utterly bound to Nurgles will.


Blackest Night. Cool. I like this a lot.



-Colours will be a mix of a pale grey, green and/or white

Pale grey and green just says death guard. Use purple. More rotten and deathy.




Finally I need to come up with a good way for the chapter to get their hands on the forbidden tech/ lore on necromancy would finding it on a space hulk be alright or does confiscating it from other heretics be better.

Xenos tech, confiscated heretic tech, etc, etc.All of these are good options for you to find something you shouldn't have  :P





Any help would be greatly appreciated as I probably need alot of help making my necromancer chapter


That's what we're here for :) Hopefully I have given you some possible avenues to pursue. Good luck and stick with it. You've got a lot of ideas to work with and I look forward to seeing how you take these guys.

I like it. Their original doctrine and style sounds very much like the Night Lords, but not suggesting you go down the "mystery/traitor gene seed" path.


Shinzaren raises the question of how did they develop a death cult and how does the Emperor fit into it. I think the old Ian Watson novel Space Marine contains the answer. One of the candidates for recruitment is asked to speculate on what the Emperor's true name is. In gang pidgin language he says: "The Emperor is bigger than everything. The Emperor's Name is "Death"!", which pleases the Sgt overseeing recruitment. Maybe the fixation with death started with the grafting of worship of the Emperor as Death Incarnate onto their home world's death worship?


From there a "chance" encounter with some profane Chaos artefact and then disillusionment with the Imperium and the revelation of Nurgle as the true lord of Death could all follow all too easily.


For a name, what about Lichlords? Or the Revenant?

  On 3/13/2013 at 2:58 AM, Shinzaren said:





-A highly independent chapter who fought with a grim tenacity using stealth as well as hit and run tactics to defeat their enemies.

Tenacity implies they are on the defensive, refusing to yield. How does stealth factor into this? Explain more on the stealth angle. How is their stealth different from Raven Guard stealth?
my bad will change it, still working on it but basically trying to have it the chapter are roughly the same as the raven gaurd stealth style with a few changes maybe they focus solely on remaining unseen striking at a number of positions before disappearing before enemy can react revealing vulnerable positions or leaders.


  On 3/13/2013 at 2:58 AM, Shinzaren said:





-They used their enemies fear of death as a weapon through acts of terror striking at the heart of their enemies sowing despair before disappearing like ghost letting fear and doubt cripple their enemies as they struck again and again before delivering the final blow showing no mercy.

This has been done before, and it always encounters the same problem: how do you handle enemies with no fear of Death? Orks, Nids, Necrons, Chaos, etc, etc. It is a sound tactic against traditional enemies capable of feeling fear, but against a LOT of the 40k world it won't work. What do they do then?

Should I just drop this then??? or any ideas how to do this


  On 3/13/2013 at 2:58 AM, Shinzaren said:





-Chapter was completely governed by a morbid death cult in which the chapter fed on the flesh of their fallen enemies worshipping Death as a God through macabre rituals , they preformed extensive funeral rites honouring their fallen

How did the cult pervade their belief system? How does the Emperor factor in? Do allies fighting alongside have anything to say about them eating the flesh of the dead?

They would try keeping their actions hidden from others rarely fighting alongside others though eventually others would uncover their actions resulting in outright hostility from others as well as being regarded with suspension for being eaters of the dead possibly leading to being declared heretics, The Chapter would believe that by consuming the dead they are consuming the soul of their enemies denying them the glory of a worthy death doomed to oblivion, they would also believe they would gain their foes strength as well, I will probably work it that it is one of their geneseed flaws. Since they recruited from the cemetery world whose inhabitants had a morbid fear of death. Since it was every where on the planet over time it would turn into worship as the inhabitants realised that death is the only constant in the galaxy and began trying to appease it through rituals or sacrifice the chapter would recruit from it with their recruits worshipping death over time it would spread throughout the chapter until they completely worshipped it.





  On 3/13/2013 at 2:58 AM, Shinzaren said:





-Librarians were revered as spiritual leaders of the chapter like chaplains due to their psychic abilities able to commune with the dead

Eh? How do they communicate with the dead? Only the Eldar have souls strong enough to survive in the Warp after death, at least on average. How do your Librarians speak with teh dead?

I believe in the radical inquisitor book they have a device which enables the user to pull a dead soul from the warp to question it, maybe they use a mix of their powers as well as tech to communicate with spirits still an idea might drop it.


  On 3/13/2013 at 2:58 AM, Shinzaren said:





-They believed the the Imperium was doomed at the hands Xenos and its only hope lay in embracing death by being reborn into glorious undeath where it would conquer the entire universe fulfilling the Emperors vision by bringing him back through necromancer to lead a new great crusade.

Interesting. Have you read Blackest Night/Brightest Day of the Green Lanterns run? That is what this reminds me of. I like it. How do they raise the dead though? There are Nurgleese plagues that can do it, but how does a "Loyalist" army do this?

I haven't read blackest night though it does sound very interesting I must investigate thank you. They would used forbidden tech like the Sarcosan Wave Generator (also known as the Anima Chorus)http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Sarcosan_Wave_Generator to raise the dead which is a mix of warp powerd and technology




  On 3/13/2013 at 2:58 AM, Shinzaren said:





-Regarded the Credo Mortifex as their holy tone which deals with the belief that the Emperor shall transcend death becoming eternal neither fully alive nor dead

I thought they worship death. How do they see the Emperor's being between life and death. Wouldn't death be the ideal? His current state seem like it would be an abomination to them.

Sorry being a bit vague, yes they would see the Emperors current state an abomination. when I mean transcend death I mean the Emperor will die and return from the dead basically a zombie Emperor as they see undeath as a blessing as worthy as death since they are reborn in deaths image



  On 3/13/2013 at 2:58 AM, Shinzaren said:





-They were declared heretics and destroyed for their heretical death cult as well as practising Anima Mori the dark art of bringing the dead back to life which was forbidden before the Great Crusade.

How did they learn it? Where did their beliefs/practices come from?

Good point, will try to incorporate it that they originally picked it up one of theor recruiting worlds and over the years the cult degraded more and more resulting in their herectical beliefs. Probably early in their history the chapter will encounter the use of Anima Mori through herectics they fight, being death worshippers they confiscate the forbidden lore in order to better understand and try to use it for a nobler purpose (well what they think is good) eventually being corrupted by it


  On 3/13/2013 at 2:58 AM, Shinzaren said:





-Made their last stand on the cemetery world Orcus against the forces of the imperium using hordes of corpse thralls and carrionate controlled through sorcery as well as the Anima Chorus ( a forbidden machine which could reanimate the dead)

Ah. Do they still control the Anima Chorus? Wouldn't the Imperium want to break that thing?

whilst the chorus on the cementery world will be destroyed they would still be able to create the anima chorus as they would have the STC or lore required to make it though the anima chorus can be portable devices or huge machines rivalling plasma reactors so they could still have smaller machines of it while the one destroyed could be far larger.


  On 3/13/2013 at 2:58 AM, Shinzaren said:





-The entire chapter was utterly destroyed though as their leader lay dying he sold his own soul in return for saving his chapter, Nurgle amused with the chapters antics brought the entire chapter back from the grave as well as every corpse on the cemetery world from both sides. Reborn as revenants the chapter with their massive undead army annihilated the imperial forces.

That is a ritual of nearly unrivaled power. What did Nurgle see in them that would deserve such a massive expenditure of his Ungodly Might?

Didn't think of it that way any ideas that would sound better I was thinking that Anima Chorus is destroyed by the Imperials which creates a massive shock wave as the power is forcibly released reanimating all the dead


  On 3/13/2013 at 2:58 AM, Shinzaren said:





-As one the undead chapter swore eternal loyalty to their new God who they saw as the true god of death, they fled to the Segmentum Pacificius where they have launch crusades to turn the imperium into an empire of undeath united under their worship of Nurgle

What about their thralls? Did they take them with them, or did they return to death when the Chapter left?


Most would've been completely destroyed by the Imperial army but most would've been taken with the chapter when they fled



  On 3/13/2013 at 2:58 AM, Shinzaren said:






-Colours will be a mix of a pale grey, green and/or white

Pale grey and green just says death guard. Use purple. More rotten and deathy.

Not really a fan of purple though good idea any other colours that might work???






thanks for advice I am still fixing up alot of it but slowly getting it better, For the Chapter motto/ battle cry what sounds better


The dead lead us, the dead command us, the dead shall take the place of the living.

Only in Death are we truly free

Death Walks with us

Disagree that Nurgle reanimating the planet as zombies and them as plague zombies would be an unfeasibly large ritual.  If Nurgle himself is doing it of his own initiative, then no ritual is required - Nurgle supplies all the energy required. Of all the Chaos gods, Nurgle is probably the most likely to do something like this for his own amusement.


What would need to happen is some degree of at least temporary weakening of the barrier between the warp and real space for Nurgle to be able to extend his touch. The daemon/machine device you've mentioned could be responsible for that.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/13/2013 at 12:54 PM, Aegnor said:

Disagree that Nurgle reanimating the planet as zombies and them as plague zombies would be an unfeasibly large ritual.  If Nurgle himself is doing it of his own initiative, then no ritual is required - Nurgle supplies all the energy required. Of all the Chaos gods, Nurgle is probably the most likely to do something like this for his own amusement.


What would need to happen is some degree of at least temporary weakening of the barrier between the warp and real space for Nurgle to be able to extend his touch. The daemon/machine device you've mentioned could be responsible for that.

An entire planet returned to life? That is unholy amounts of power, even by the standards of the Chaos Gods. There would need to be a ritual to enhance and channel that amount of power. Even though Nurgle is hilariously capricious, I dunno if even he could spare that much energy. A battlefield?  No problem. Two armies? Sure. An entire planet's dead? I don't buy it. Not when Nurgle has real followers that are constantly worshiping him, sacrificing to him, and giving him power. If this chapter had constantly been imploring Nurgle and offering tribute, maybe. For his amusement? I just can't see it...






-Regarded the Credo Mortifex as their holy tone which deals with the belief that the Emperor shall transcend death becoming eternal neither

fully alive nor dead


 I thought they worship death. How do they see the Emperor's being between life and death. Wouldn't death be the ideal? His current state seem like it would be an abomination to them.


Sorry being a bit vague, yes they would see the Emperors current state an abomination. when I mean transcend death I mean the Emperor will die and return from the dead basically a zombie Emperor as they see undeath as a blessing as worthy as death since they are reborn in deaths image


A little different take on this might work on the spreading of the death cult in the Chapter.  The death cult could seize on the Emperor as the ultimate "zombie" and their ideal existence, except that the Imperials keep him imprisoned on the Golden Throne and refuse to let him fully rise again in undeath.


This way, the death cult could twist the fervant devotion to the Emperor brain-washed into every Space Marine to their advantage.  They sell the rest of the Chapter on the idea that they are waging a holy war, seeking to become undead like the Emperor and free him from his Imperial prison.  This opens the door to corruption, turning the marines' worship of the Emperor into their path to ultimate damnation.


Just a thought.


Thanks  Gripharius that is a perfect idea, finally got a name for them how does the Astral Wraiths sound  (still open to any better ideas) colours are going to be a pale blue and green. Still drafting at the moment should be able to churn out some expanded ideas later in the week

Love it. Can just picture the Emperor getting up out of the Throne. The High Lords and Custodes fall hush waiting to hear the divine voice of humanity's protector for the first time in 10000 years. The Emperor turns, raises his arms towards the nearest Custodian, and opens his mouth.




Thanks Gripharius that is a perfect idea,


No problem, happy to help.




finally got a name for them how does the Astral Wraiths sound 


I like the "Wraiths" part but something about "Astral Wraiths" doesn't seem to fit the darker tone of this Chapter.  Dark Wraiths?  Black Wraiths?  Void Wraiths? 


Or maybe something that stresses they are still "loyal" to the Emperor in their own demented way: the Emperor's Wraiths.  The Imperial Wraiths.  The Holy Wraiths.  Meh.


This might also be a Chapter that needs a before and after name.  Like they could be the Black Swords before they go all zombie and the Black Wraiths after. 


That's just my opinion though, go with the name you like that fits your tone for the Chapter. 

Not sure about the Wraiths name. Wraiths and corpereal undead seem quite different, to me at least.


Agree this might be one for a before and after name. Maybe something that emphasizes that they view life as a prison and that undeath will be their release. Nurgle names seem to work well along the "The (Something)" pattern. The Deatheaters? (too Harry Potter) The Transcendent? The Unbound? The Sanctified (as in they consider themselves blessed by Nurgle).

Ok here is some more ideas better explained


When they fought an enemy the chapter always sought to utterly break its spirit to resist them by using the fear of death against them through terror tactics. They employed psychological methods, such as transmitting their sermons of death or the death screams of their enemies fallen in order to spread doubt and fear through out their enemies. They openly desecrated their fallen enemies usually feasting on the flesh of the dead who were left for the enemy to find or preforming grisly rituals on them to shame the enemy. specifically targeted vulnerable elements of their enemy usually religious leaders, holy sites or relics as well as key units that would cause the most devastation to the enemies morale and fighting ability.

Communications were never targeted as they believed that the fear needed to spread to all the enemy to cause maximum damage.


The Chapter had a morbid death cult in which they revered the emperor as the God of Death. This belief was first started on the chapters feral homeworld as the barbarian populace were a highly superstitious as well as zealous people who eventually came to see the Emperor as the God of Death, this due to that Death wAs the only constant truth that no tribes person could escape regardless of status, age or strength. Over time this spread as the chapter recruited more and more from the world the chapter's death cult gained more and more support as it was the one belief that united thee chapter as a whole.


Revered the Credo Mortifex as their holy tome as it dealt with the belief of the Revenant Emperor which chapter worshiped. The chapter believed that humanity was ultimately doomed to extinction due to constantly trying to prolong its suffering in life through the golden throne, believing that only by embracing death would they gain salvation by transcending glorious rebirth in Death's freeing the Emperor from the Golden Throne and the shackles of life leading a glorious crusade to conquer the entire galaxy for eternity.


Their Geneseed was deeply flawed mainly due to their Hyper-stimulated Omophagea, which degraded over time as they consumed the flesh of the fallen for their spiritual rituals as well as dishonouring their enemies fallen. They began to develop an addiction to the processes allowed by the Omophagea since they were constantly feasting on the slain. This practice of feasting on the slain originally came from their homeworld where they believed that by consuming the dead flesh of an enemy they were preforming the ultimate desecration to them by denying their soul the chance of seeking the afterlife.



The Chapter had a special rank within the chapter called Crypt Keepers these warriors were a combination of Chaplains and Librarians who provided spiritual guidance to the chapter as well as using their powers to commune with the Emperor / Death, they were held in awe by their fellow warriors who did not shun them for their psychic powers as they believed they were blessed by their god. Most went on to lead strike forces or battle companies with the Crypt Lord (Basically chief Librarian and head chaplain) eventually leading the entire chapter after the Chapter Master was slain by imperial forces when they were first declared traitors. The Crypt keepers wore grey robes over black power armour adorned with the bones of the fallen usually wielding scythes in battle.


Whilst fighting on a space hulk the chapter uncovered lost Archeotech from the Age of technology which had the power to return the dead back to life namely the Sarcosan Wave Generator or Anima Chorus. Instead of seeing it as heresy and destroying it the chapter claimed it as their own seeking to use it in order to fulfil their goal of saving humanity from destruction by transcending death. The chapter sought to enhances its power in order to fulfil the chapter's goal eventually being uncovered by the inquisition being declared heretics.


I have also got a perfect Chapter motto which suits them.

"Life is Fleeting, Death is Eternal"




Still have a few things to fix up mainly but slowly getting it better. Still thinking on the name, though some of your ideas are pretty good. Any ideas on what Geneseed would suit them.

Only suggestion I'd make for the new stuff is either adjust the timeline so the Animus C. is found much earlier in their history, and becomes one of the earliest foundations for their beliefs OR they find out about it through intel and hunt it down instead of finding it by happenstance BECAUSE it just seems awkwardly convenient for a Chapter devoted to death to stumble upon rare zombie-related archeotech.

When they fought an enemy the chapter always sought to utterly break its spirit to resist them by using the fear of death against them through



terror tactics. They employed psychological methods, such as transmitting their sermons of death or the death screams of their enemies fallen in order to spread doubt and fear through out their enemies. They openly desecrated their fallen enemies usually feasting on the flesh of the dead who were left for the enemy to find or preforming grisly rituals on them to shame the enemy. specifically targeted vulnerable elements of their enemy usually religious leaders, holy sites or relics as well as key units that would cause the most devastation to the enemies morale and fighting ability.
Communications were never targeted as they believed that the fear needed to spread to all the enemy to cause maximum damage.


This is good in theory but... if they did this when they were generally loyalist... what enemies do they use this against?  I go back to Shinzaren's comment:




This has been done before, and it always encounters the same problem: how do you handle enemies with no fear of Death? Orks, Nids, Necrons, Chaos, etc, etc. It is a sound tactic against traditional enemies capable of feeling fear, but against a LOT of the 40k world it won't work. What do they do then?

Messor: you do have a good pint, Agenor: I like your idea how about one of the Crypt Keepers starts to hear voices and experience visions which are believed to be from the Emperor, over time it leads the chapter to the Archeotech or gives them the idea of hunting it in the first place after all Nurgle is probably the patient of all the gods as he would be willingly to play the long game in order to cultivate a seed of heresy into worship for him.


 Gripharius: They would generally still use these tactics though probably just target leaders, vital vehicles or stuff as well as using distractions to expose weak spots, if anything they would of used these tactics solely on rebels so they would believe death itsself was seeking governance against the traitors it would just be the chapter would use terror tactics when the situation called for it 



Any idea on what geneseed I should use as well as the founding. 


I came up with a few names too which do you think sounds better either the

Harbingers of Salvation

Heralds of Salvation

Prophets of Salvation

I  like the salvation part as the chapter would basically be seeking the salvation of humanity by killing it in order for it to transcend death becoming zombies pretty Grimdark I think



I will eventually get around to writing a whole IA I just thought I should get the main points of the chapter roughly perfect to make sense so I wouldn't have to keep constantly changing it. 


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