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Using a Spray Gun with Citadel Washes

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I'm working on a few large scenery pieces (mostly things like buildings and ruins) that I plan on priming with a grey matte primer (something I picked up from a hardware store that seems to work really well), and I'm okay with using a wash brush to wash the entire structure with a citadel wash, but I was curious to see if anyone had any experience with using a spray-gun or air brush to achieve a good looking result with a citadel wash? If so, are you finding that you need to water the wash down before spraying or just using the wash straight from the container? 

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Well I'd think that a wash would be thin enough to go straight through an airbrush... But would it give you a wash effect (like running into the cracks etc), I wouldn't think so as you should only be misting it on with an airbrush. It could give you a nice semi-transparent shade though, providing it doesn't run or anything. I haven't tried it myself though, so maybe someone else has more experience with it. :D

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I'd advise to be VERY careful with spray gun shading. I tried to do it on my Rhino, and there were two things I noticed:

1) With a shade, you usually want to have more of it in the recessed areas. What a spray gun does is it distributes the paint evenly across the surface. Because of this, you have to spray more to get enough into the recess, but by doing this you can end up with pooling on flat areas. Very annoying.

2) I have no idea what happened and why it happened, but after the shade dried, I ended up with white blemishes on all the raised detail and edges. Just like the white marks you get on your shoes in the winter because of the salt they sprinkle on the roads. Maybe I kept the gun too close to the model, at a wrong angle causing the proportions of paint/propellant to go wrong - I have no idea. Anyway, because of this accident I have to strip my Rhino and I don't think I'll be trying spray gun shading again. If you really wanna see what I mean I could upload a photo later.

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I'll keep that in mind. I'm perfectly fine with just using the washes with a brush because I love the control I get with using one to apply the wash, I just thought this might be a quicker way of doing it. Sounds like I'll just be getting a nice, big, fat brush and go at it carefully. Thanks for the tips, all!

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