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Hybrid Mech, Jump List Battle Reps


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This is my first post into the forum, though I’ve been a longtime lurker. Thank you for all the advice and wonderful ideas! I felt it was my turn to contribute, though it will be more in the “lessons learned” category. Here is the first of 3 battle reps from a local tournament I participated in.

To be a bit clear, I play predominately to have fun. I don’t want to get crushed, but I’m also not looking to win even the local tournaments. I play infrequently, so I have very low expectations. That said, here is the army I put together for our local 1750:

Main: Blood Angels

HQ - Mephiston

Troops – 10 ASM, 2 Melta Guns

Troops – 5 ASM, 1 Flamer

Elite – Sanguinary Priest, Jumppack, Meltabombs (attached to 10 ASM)

Elite – Fragioso, Drop Pod, Melta Gun

Fast – Baal Pred, Heavy Bolters

Fast – Ball Pred, Heavy Bolters

Heavy – Stormraven, Assault Cannon, Multi-Melta, Hurricane Bolters

Heavy – Vindicator

Allies: Dark Angels

HQ – Librarian

Troop – 5 Tactical Squad, Plasma Cannon

Fast – 3 Ravenwing Knights, Melta bombs, Ravenwing Grenade Launcher

Basic Strategy is that the Baals/Vindicator Shield the BA troops as they advance forward. Bikers outflank to hopefully hit side armor/back. DA troops guard a home objective. Mephiston runs with the 10 ASM/Sang. Priest to stay close enough forbenefits.

Battle 1: Necrons with CSM Allies

His build was mostly a Flying Circus with a few extras.

HQ – Destroyer Lord

Troops – 3 x 5 Warriors in Night Scythe

Heavy – 3 x Annihilation Barge

FA – 5 Wraiths (HQ attached)

HQ – Demon Prince, fully loaded. 365 pts of fully loaded.

Troops – Cultists for easy scoring

FA – Helldrake

Necrons win the roll-off and elect to go first. Blood Angels fail to seize.

Mission: Dawn of War, 5 Primary objectives (1 in each players deployment, other 3 in no man’s land and they scatter 2d before deployment), HQ, Fast, and Troops are all scoring. Secondary Objectives: First Blood, Most surviving Units, and LineBreaker


Necrons start with all air off the board (obviously teehee.gif ) . On the board are his Wraiths with attached Destroyer, 3 Barges, and his Daemon Prince. Wraiths in the Center in some cover, barges behind cover on the right and left flank, Daemon Prince a little left of Center.

BA deploy one Baal to the left behind terrain giving 4+ cover, 5 ASM behind, DA libby nearby. 5 DA deployed in Ruins in center, other Baal and Vindicator to the right with Mephiston, 10ASM. Fragioso in pod and bikers outflanking.


Round 1 – Necrons

He aggressively swoops his Daemon Prince forward. Barges on the sides both move to try and get side armor shots on both Baals, third barge moves forward in support of wraiths and Destroyer Lord. Runs most troops to cover serious distance. Takes a shot at Baal on the right, nothing. Takes a shot at the Baal on the left, I make my cover save.

Round 1 – BA

I drop pod assault my Fragioso in. I’ve never played against Wraiths and I didn’t realize: A) They have two wounds, and cool.png They have a 3+ invul save. Fragioso jumps out. wallbash.gif

I have an unobstructed view of a Daemon Prince swooping at my Baal and ASM. To maximize shots, I don’t move the Baal and protect the 5 ASM behind. Move the Vindicator forward to get a shot at the Destroyer Lord or the Daemon. Move right Baal up for support/Cover of Rear armor of the Vindicator. 10ASM and Mephiston move up. Left Baal Unloads on the Daemon Prince and I’m able to take off a wound, forcing a grounding roll. He fails, grounds AND takes a wound. DA see the Daemon within range and unload from cover. Plasma scatters off, but the bolters take off another wound. The Daemon Prince is down to 1 wound! And grounded. Vindicator lines up… 3 inches short. Instead takes a shot at the Wraiths and scatters wildly off. Fragioso manages to get one wound past the invuls. Baal on the right tries to damage the Barge and I can’t get through the AV 13 this round.

Round 2 – Necrons

Rolls for Reserves and 2 Night Scythe come in, Hell Drake, Cultists. Leaves only one Night Scythe left and I believe some warriors. Wraiths move up to surround Fragioso, Daemon Prince takes to the air and “lands” near the Baal Predator. Hell Drake moves over second Baal for a Vector Strike and barges all line up for shots, third barge moves all out forward to get into the center of my deployment. Daemon Prince gets a side armor shot, penetrating hit, rolls a 6. Explodes. I lose 2 marines to the explosion. Vector Strike fails to damage my other Baal, the Helldrake uses Baleflamer. I only lose about 2 marines even though we were clumped. Thank you Feel no Pain.

Barge on the right flank gets a hit on the vindicator, and this is where I learn the lesson of Tesla. He rolls 2 sixes for a total of 6 hits. Glances it to death. Fragioso and Drop Pod get assaulted and taken down by the Wraiths. The Night Scythes put on glance on the remaining Baal.

Round 2 – BA

Rolls for Reserves and both the Raven and my Bikers come in. Bikers line up for a rear armor shot on a barge, Raven lines up for side/rear on the HellDrake. The remaining Baal Moves up too provide some Dakka against the Wraiths/Destroyer. Multiple shots later, and multiple 3+ invuls… I kill one wraith. Not good for a charge.

Outflanked Bikers score a rear hit on the Barge and penetrate the armor. It explodes. StormRaven puts Two Blood Strike missiles and Multi-Melta into the side armor of the Helldrake to bring it down as well. The wreck scatters off the boards saving my marines. Assault Cannon snap fires at the wraiths and fails to do any damage.

The DA marines try to put some damage on the Barge that has now flanked them and the only thing capable of damaging the armor (plasma
cannon) scatters off. Remaining ASM try to bring down the Daemon Prince but the only hit fails to wound.

Round 3 – Necrons

Rolls for Reserves, final Night Scythe comes in.

The left side barge moves up to take shots at the DA in cover. One Night Scythe moves towards the same objective, other Night Scythe Flies off the board after dropping off its 5 warriors. The Daemon Prince sets up his template weapon. Wraiths move to set up charge against the final Baal Predator. They eventually wreck it.

One barge fires on the DA in cover and enough cover saves are failed that they eventually fall back off the objective. Not off the board thankfully. The second barge snap-fires at the Storm raven with the Tesla Cannon and TL Tesla Destructor. He lands 3 sixes total, which converts into 9 hits! He lands 5 total glances/penetrating hits, and I fail to duck and dive out of the way. Storm Raven Explodes and drops straight down. Daemon Prince uses his template weapon and kills all but the DA Librarian.

Round 3 – Blood Angels

The DA Tactical auto regroup and make their way back into cover. The ASM run up close to have an auto assault with their jump packs. Mephiston breaks off to try and take out the 5 Warriors. If I can clear this portion of the board, I might be able to pull out a tie. The bikers move into double tap range on the Wraiths to help support the ASM charge. DA librarian tries to shoot down the Daemon Prince but fails to land any hits. Bikers put some plasma into the Wraiths and put a few points on them. Bikers then proceed to fail their charge (I roll a 1 and a 2). ASM charge in, and a challenge is issued. Sgt steps up and is now in base to base contact with the Destroyer so he is hit with Mindshackle scarabs. We then debate when the Hammer of Wrath happens in relation to the Challenge and Mindshackle Scarabs. Sgt ends up punching himself in the face and saving his wounds. The volume of attacks from the rest of the group deals out another 2 wounds. Necrons do very little during his half of the assault and BA win the combat but the Fearless Wraiths won’t budge.

Mephiston charges into the 5 warriors and cleaves through 3 of the 5. At this point, I can’t believe how many 2’s I’ve rolled. One gets reanimated. They fall back and are caught. Now Mephiston is locked in combat. The original plan was he would kill these 5 Warrior and then charge into the Wraiths next turn.

Round 4 - Necrons

Two night scythes come in from reserves, one leaves the board after it beams down its 5 warriors to claim the objective near cover. Remaining two barges move into fire range of the DA in cover. Daemon Prince (out of pity), comes within Assault range of the Librarian just to have fun. The barges lay into the three remaining DA in cover and even going to ground isn’t enough to save them. Too many hits and they go down. The assault with the BA ASM and the Wraiths is really uneventful, a few wounds traded and saved on each side. Finally, the feel no pain bubble works in my favor. The Daemon Prince assaults the Librarian and the DA goes down before he can swing back. WS 9 and initiative 8? Good thing the Librarian was Fearless.

Mephiston finishes off the Warriors. Necrons now command 3 of the 5 objectives.

Round 4 – Blood Angels

Bikers make a run for one objective, but due to having to go around the melee they fall short. (In hindsight they should have gone for line breaker just to capture a secondary). Since they fall short, there is no way I can tie at this point. Can’t remember what happened to Mephiston during this round, somehow he didn’t end up in combat. Might have just left him because this tournament only counts secondary objectives across matches and not primary (so capturing 1 is the same as capturing 0)

We resolve the melee combat and it ends with the two sides still locked in combat.

Game called for time.

Blood Angels 0 Victory Points, Necrons 3 VP.

Secondary Objectives claimed by Necrons: First Blood, Line Breaker, Most surviving units. Pretty commanding defeat.

Lesson Learned:

  • Tesla snapshots are just broken. It’s hard to hit on a six, but if you have a twin linked Tesla Destructor you have a good chance of landing at least one hit, which immediately turns into 3. So one shot can glance a full HP Stormraven to death.pinch.gif
  • While I didn’t have a lot of scoring units on paper, because of the way this match was set up I had 8 scoring units (2 HQ, 3 Fast, 3 Troop). But if your tanks all get busted, that brings the tally way back down
  • Invul saves on 2 wound creatures is just brutal. Needed to focus fire my Strength 10 attacks earlier at the Wraiths to take them out. Mephiston really should have moved into that CC earlier to try and take out the multiwound Wraiths
  • About 250 points tied up the Daemon Prince for 4 rounds. I consider that a win
  • Stormraven is not enough anti-air against 4 flyers, especially when it is taken out by a ground troop
  • Fragioso in a Drop Pod does not work when there aren’t any squishy targets on the board
  • In chatting with my opponent after, this list was run at one of the large regionals and it won 7 games. So it is a powerhouse no doubt.

Battle Rep 2 coming soon….and due to a data entry error I get to play another winning Necron list (with Grey Knight Allies)

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Welcome, nice battlerep, that surely was a nasty army. I feel that second stormraven would have been quite useful :)

ASM charge in, and a challenge is issued. Sgt steps up and is now in

base to base contact with the Destroyer so he is hit with Mindshackle


Actually, the player whose turn it is can decide which comes first. Therefore, you can make him use scarabs first (doing nothing) and then issue challenges!

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Welcome to the B+C!


Maybe I'm misreading, but it reads like Mephiston is joined to an assault squad.  That's illegal, Mephiston is not an IC.


Mephy was just close to the squad, not actually part of it.  Nothing says he can't hang out with them, just can't be part of the squad!

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Welcome to the B+C!


Maybe I'm misreading, but it reads like Mephiston is joined to an assault squad.  That's illegal, Mephiston is not an IC.


Mephy was just close to the squad, not actually part of it.  Nothing says he can't hang out with them, just can't be part of the squad!

Yep, just wasn't sure based on how it was written. 

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Good read, thanks for posting!


The proliferation of Battle Report threads as of late is fantastic! Loving it.


(Chaplain Admetus, you started a Battle Report craze that I am thankful for!)


That first list is BRUTAL. Heck, Heldrakes alone are annoying, but coupled with Cron's? Ugh. Armchair generaling is easy and you may have already thought of this, but I think a Fragioso Dread needs to drop on flanks where possible and try for rear armor shots on vehicles if no other obvious targets are available. Between a meltagun and two rending templates on rear armor, you have a decent chance. Anni barges are AV11 on the rear, right?

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Thanks for the Batrep I know how you feel a play regularily against a Chaos guy who fields 1-2 Defilers, 2 Helldrakes and 2 Maulerfiends.  He
is now allying in Necrons and wants to run scarabs with his maulerfiends!  I expect to see more Chaos with allied Necron flyers.  I think the Chaos/Necron list you faced is a prototype of one of the stronger Chaos/Necron builds.  Tesla and Gauss are very strong against armour.  I think you played well.  Its very hard to deal with the amount of flyers you had to face with just a Stormraven, Necrons glance everything to bits.  An extra Raven with Hurricane Bolters would have helped a lot here. Necrons still fold in combat and apart from elites and Wraiths there is little that troubles us its just their shooting on the way in.  I play a similar list to yours but with a standard libby 2 Ravens 2 Baals a Vindi and Attack Bikes with more melta RAS.  Those barges hate deepstriking melta with a little more melta in your list you would have threatened him a lot more.  I agree on the fragioso its best done with multiples or not at all especially when Necrons will glance him to bits.  Attack Bikes are still good replacement for the fragioso's and more melta especially our accurate deepstriking type will do a lot to help.

As far as mind shackle scarabs are concerned Ushtrador
is correct charge carefully in so that the Lord is at the back and they
are not able to be activated as they are used on a randomly selected model in B2B with the Lord at the start of the assault phase after assault moves have been made but before blows have been struck. The Lords initiative step is 2 isnt it? he cant move in untill you have already made attacks at I4   Hammer of Wrath also occurs before then to but I dont have my BRB to hand. I am in Burma.

Thanks again for the Batrep, I live of these when I can't play.

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Edit to add my internet connection falls in and out, I am on a Burmese/Korean server. I realise this Tesla Destructor is being fired from another flyer the Scyth I assume with Skyfire rules.


Uhh oh found this also ... looks like the Tesla rule be used my bad sorry guys




Q: When making Snap Shots, do weapons with a special rule or effect that only applies on To Hit rolls of a 6 retain these abilities? For example Necron Tesla weapons? (p13)


A: Yes.


Drunken Angel, great feedback and a great question. You are correct that Gauss auto glances, my point was that from one roll of a 6 on the To Hit... you end up with 3 hits. And the Tesla Destructor is, I believe St 7 so you need 5's to glance and 6's to penetrate a Stormraven. In my situation, he was using the Barge to Snap-Shot at my Raven and he landed 3 snap fire To Hit rolls... which turned into 9 total hits. Of those total 9, he had 5 glances/penetrating hits. The number of 6's in a row was just disheartening.  It was a good try though, but it does appear that Tesla Weapons are still just broken.  1 roll for 3 hits.  Ouch



Good read, thanks for posting!


The proliferation of Battle Report threads as of late is fantastic! Loving it.


(Chaplain Admetus, you started a Battle Report craze that I am thankful for!)


That first list is BRUTAL. Heck, Heldrakes alone are annoying, but coupled with Cron's? Ugh. Armchair generaling is easy and you may have already thought of this, but I think a Fragioso Dread needs to drop on flanks where possible and try for rear armor shots on vehicles if no other obvious targets are available. Between a meltagun and two rending templates on rear armor, you have a decent chance. Anni barges are AV11 on the rear, right?


Barges are AV11 on the rear, and I think your point is well taken. Knowing that the wraiths had 2 wounds and 3+ invul... I would never land near them again. In the future, I'll be looking for the light armor and going for that if there are no easy troops to hit. This was my first time using the Fragioso and based on this battle alone, I would not use it. It performed much better later on, in particular against some DA Scouts in my third match. Devastating.   I'll get better with the Fragioso. 

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If you do decide to take 2 Ravens a standard libby can benefit you a lot he can take shield and cast it from inside the Raven which radiates a 6 inch 5+ cover bubble.  This means your Raven never has to jink and gives a cover save if you get a S10 hit from being shot down, if the 2 are close enough it covers both flyers.  In the tourneys I used Mephiston and one Raven I had trouble keeping everything alive long enough to score.  When I went to 2000 points and took 3 flyers I never had to get Mephiston out all was dead and scattered.  The same thing happened at 1850 when I took only 2 flyers.  I think if you are keen on hybrid mech 20 RAS 2 Ravens 2-3 Attack bikes and AV 13 to suit is a starting point,  I prefer 25-30 RAS.  The librarian with his 5+ bubble can really help out the mech/armour.  I have used jumpers to follow up behind the firepower they are resilient and mobile and reserved deepstrikers with melta are one of our strengths. 

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quick question, mephi was assaulting the warriors, killed 2 or three, and then swept them... unless I'm reading that bit wrong? they should all be dead not be locked in combat. only marines get to be swept in combat with no reapercushions ;P.



Also I feel you on the wraiths, at least he didn't have three units of them... shudder.  also.. only one wound through is awfull, frag canons, you should hit at least three on the drop and do 5 wounds, plus the melta.[also... always take the magna grapple, an extra str8 ap2 shout on the drop is gold!] I play with 3 drop furiosos in my latest 1850 and gosh they are a pain, it's also really hard to deal with all three if you put them all on one flank. It's hard to get enough melta in range to do it. also... first blood.. YOINK!

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quick question, mephi was assaulting the warriors, killed 2 or three, and then swept them... unless I'm reading that bit wrong? they should all be dead not be locked in combat. only marines get to be swept in combat with no reapercushions ;P.


This. Necrons do not have ATSKNF, so they lose combat, they flee, and are caught and killed. Even if they roll a 6, they cannot escape Meph's sweeping advance.

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Second Round – Blood Angels Vs. Necrons

My second opponent was running a similar list to the first. Allied with Grey Knights.

Basics are:


HQ- 2 Overlords in Chariots

2 Courts (with Eldritch Lances)

Troop – Warriors in Night Scythe

Troop – Warriors in Night Scythe

FA – Wraiths

FA – Wraiths

Grey Knights

HQ – Coteaz

Troop – Henchmen

Troop – Henchmen (with Plasma Servitors)

Fortification – Imperial Bastion w/ Quad Gun

Mission: Dawn of War, 6 total objectives with random VP associated with each. The VP are placed face down, each player selects 3. 1 is
placed in deployment zone, other 2 are placed in no man’s land with a 2d scatter. So 4 total scatters in the middle. I believe we were supposed to
flip the objectives over, but we forgot (and this becomes REALLY important later). ALL terrain in booby-trapped. If you deploy, move in, or move out of the terrain you roll. On a 1 something like a dangerous terrain tests happens.

HQ, Troops, and I believe Elite are scoring.

Secondary Objectives: LineBreaker, Most Elites Destroyed, and Most Surviving Units

Necrons win the roll-off, BA fail to seize.

This picture is after Round 1 Shooting. But you can get the basics of how we were deployed. The rational for isolating my Dark Angels was to force him to split is forces on a small unit. Coteaz is on top of the Bastion, the court is hiding behind it with one on each corner to give Line of Sight to most of the board.


Round 1 Necrons

He advances both Overlords, one on each side. One Overlord takes off towards the Dark Angels, the other (warlord) towards my main force. Wraiths move and run during shooting phase. His henchmen deployed in the terrain and move out, so they take a test and pass the trap.

One of his Court are positioned to take a front armor shot against one of Baal. I believe it is strength 8, so I like my odds. My opponent also lets me know that in his previous match they did a total of 1 wound. Roll to Hit, good. Roll to “wound”…6. A penetrating hit. Roll for effect…. 6. He just one shot exploded my Baal. No marines killed by the blast. He fires two plasma cannons with his henchmen and one scatters off my Dark Angels. The other I get a cover save.

Round 1 Blood Angels.

Having learned a little from my previous match, I decide that Drop Pod Assault in the backfield isn’t going to do much for me. I also learn that Coteaz can lay some hurt on anything that ends it’s movement phase within 12” if it is coming in from Reserves. So I place my drop pod on my side close to the objective. It is my
only elite, so keeping in back might work. It scatters dangerously close to the middle terrain, at which point my opponent informs me that the drop pod just took a hull point. What?
He said it is now immobilized, and this takes a hull point. For those of you that don’t know, some tournaments are now ruling that a Drop Pod takes a hull point of damage when it
lands. AND if it lands in dangerous terrain and fails the test it will take an additional 2 HP of damage and auto wrecks. I’m not happy about this, but roll with it (Check out the rules for Adeptacon in Chicago). I disembark my Furioso.

I move all the units on the right up to hopefully break his line of wraiths and move towards the tower. I end my movement phase and his quad cannon takes some shots at my
Furiouso. Nothing damages.

Vindicator takes a shot at the wraiths, scatters off to wound only one. Invul. wallbash.gif Baal takes a number of shots, and I get a couple of rending shots on the
wraiths. Invul. wallbash.gif One total wound gets through. Dark Angels try to pick off the top of the tower, but scatter way off. Re-roll scatter from prescience and get a worse result. Nothing is within Assault Range of my marines.

Round 2 Necrons

My opponent rolls for reserves, and I believe one Night Scythe comes in.

My opponent starts the round by very graciously (not being sarcastic, he was almost apologetic) announces that he has the fire power to
table me, but that we tie if he does. I’m confused because I think if he really did table me he’d have claimed at least one objective. His Overlord on the left swings around the terrain and gets into fire position on the Dark Angels. The wraiths on the left change direction and move towards the Furioso. The wraiths on the right move up to multicharge the vindicator and the Baal. For some reason he beams his Warriors down on the right side.

Shooting, his Night Scythe lands a glancing hit on the remaining Baal, but considering my experience with Tesla before I consider this
pretty lucky. The lightning doesn’t do anything. He fires his plasma cannons again at the Dark Angels, and I believe 2 are killed. Snap shots his Overlord into the Dark Angels
and they take another casualty. The other Overlord moves around the Furioso to try and get a shot on the Assault Marines. He lands some wounds and I believe I am down
to 5 marines and the Priest.

He charges my Furioso with one group of Wraiths, and charges my Vindicator/Baal with the other set. I believe he charged one Overlord into the remaining 2 Dark Angels/librarian. They take 6 HoW hits from the chariot and fail to blow it up with their Frag Grenades. By the end of combat, the librarian stands alone with one wound. Combat ends with
the vehicle. The Wraiths take out the Furioso, while the other set of wraiths land a penetrating hit on both the vindicator and the Baal. Vindicator is immobilized, Baal is Stunned.

Round 2 - Blood Angels

Roll for reserves, Bikes come in. I bring them in from the right flank to see if they can take out the Necron warriors.

I move Mephiston into position to charge either the Warriors or the Wraiths on the right. Assault
Marines walk up so they can get some HoW hits on the Overlord (warlord). At the end of my movements phase, the quad cannon takes a shot at the Bikers.
Everyone dodges out of the way. Thank you Skilled Rider!

I’m in a very dangerous position with the Vindicator. I can’t hit anything without either templating my own models (thus not being able to shoot), or having a really
good chance of scattering to hit my troups. I try to storm bolter the wraiths and land one wound. Saved. The baal can fire with one heavy bolter and the assault cannon. I hit a reasonable amount for snap shots, 3, but only put one wound on the wraiths. They don’t save, but it isn’t really a big win since Mephiston will insta-kill

The Bikers put some plasma and grenades into the warriors and take down 2 of them, one reanimates.

Mephiston charges into the wraiths and kills 3 of the 6. They fail to wound Mephiston back. Since they are fearless, they
don’t break and we are locked in combat. I’m hopeful he will finish them off during the next round.

Assault Marines charge the chariot, and my Priest ends up getting Mindshackled. This happens because we are all in base to base contact, so we randomly assign a number to each
Marine. The Priest is number 5, and I roll a 5 for who gets the shackle. I make a pretty serious error and try to stab the Warlord instead of blowing up
his chariot (My priest was carrying Meltabombs, but again he was confused). The Priest punches himself in the face, makes his save. One other marine takes a wound, but makes his FNP. I try to figure out how the Priest attacked himself yet provided healing to a marine. End of Combat with the Vehicle.

Dark Angel Librarian assaults the left Overlord to try and score a lucky force sword wound. Of his attacks, two hit, neither one wounds. This was not a toughness problem, this was a rolling 2’s problem. Librarian dies on Initiative 2.

Round 3 - Necrons

His other NightScythe comes in from reserves, thankfully not too much to shoot at. It moves up and 5 warriors teleport down on an objective. His Overlord (Warlord) moves away from the Assault marines and takes up position behind Mephiston. First Nightscythe leaves the board. The Unengaged wraiths set up a 3 way multi-charge against the ASM that were in combat with the Overlord, the Drop Pod, and the Vindicator.

During the shooting phase, the NightScythe takes a side armor shot at the Baal and lands one glance (if I remember correctly). His warriors take shots at the Bikers, and I lose one.

During Assault, his wraiths pull off a 3 way multicharge. We now realize that because of the way things are positioned, we have ONE giant combat. Imagine a chain starting with my Assault marines on my side of the board towards the center. Then next are his 5 Wraiths engaged with also the drop pod and vindicator, the vindicator is in base contact with the other 3
Wraiths, who are in contact with Mephiston. What? Now, not 100% sure it is legal to include both sides of the Vindicator in the same combat… but it was funny. We ultimately discard the idea and consider it two combats. Wraiths wreck the Drop Pod and Vindicator, not much on the ASM. The ASM put a few wounds on the Wraiths but they save most and distribute the rest.

Mephiston lands 4 hits on his 3 wraiths and I like where this is headed. I roll only two wounds. Now Mephiston is trapped in combat with a single Wraith. At this point the number of 2's I've rolled brings sympathy from my opponent.

Round 3 – Blood Angels

Roll for Reserves and my Raven comes in. I move it up the middle and stop 13 inches away from Coteaz. I use Skies of Blo…. Err…skies to jump my 5 ASM out of the Raven near the Center objective. No Scatter, one guy trips and dies. I plan on running them to get close to the objective in the center. Bikers move up to 1” of right warriors so I have an auto charge.

End my movement phase, and the Quad Cannot takes a shot at my Stormraven. Scores a hit, and I now have a major dilemma. I know that time is short and this is probably my last round. I can Jink out of the way, but only take snap shots. But if I don’t it might blow up. So I Jink out of the way.

Shooting phase, the key shots are from the Storm Raven. Hurricane Bolter plus Assault Cannon and Multi-Melta into the Warriors to see if I can knock them off their objective. The unfortunately reality is that all of these are snap shots, and I just don’t get enough wounds to pull them off the objective even with the twin-links.

5 minutes remaining in the round, and we agree that none of the combats will change objectives.

At this point, we also realize that we never turned over the objectives for points. I flip mine first, 4 points! He flips his first objective, and it is 3 points. Panic time. Flips the second one… and it is 2 points.

Necrons Claim 5 victory points, Blood Angels claim 4. Necrons claim 3 of the three secondary objectives.

Lessons Learned in this round:

Mephiston is a pretty good counter to Wraiths and I can tarpit them if I get him in front of the armor. Next time, I’ll start my armor on the back of the board so that the wraiths can’t get into striking distance on turn 2. I was afraid of the invul saves, but the reality is the wraiths can't do too much back

  • The best counter to a quad cannon is to have multiple reserves come in at the same time. I should have reserved my Fragioso and Dark Angels. Then I would have had more than 1 unit arrive at the same time, thus making my opponent choose a single target
  • Coteaz with a quad cannon makes Deep Striking really uncomfortable.
  • I had never played against chariots, so I was unsure of the best strategy.

It was a close one, had my snap shots been more effective I would have won. I am underwhelmed with my Dakka. On paper it looks good, but it was just not working that way.

Round 3 is a Dark Angels with Blood Angels Allies.

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quick question, mephi was assaulting the warriors, killed 2 or three, and then swept them... unless I'm reading that bit wrong? they should all be dead not be locked in combat. only marines get to be swept in combat with no reapercushions ;P.


This. Necrons do not have ATSKNF, so they lose combat, they flee, and are caught and killed. Even if they roll a 6, they cannot escape Meph's sweeping advance.


Ah, went back to my notes.  Correct, they actually make their moral check.  Pretty much every Necron has a leadership of 10, and he rolled well.  So not sweeping advance at all.  Thank you for pointing it out!

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