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Crimson Fists Highlight advice.

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Hello Frater, so I have plenty of Crimson Fist infantry models and I painted them fairly well, however, as I've been playing and looking at them I think my color scheme is a bit flat. I tried taking a picture of them but the camera refused to focus, apparently the Emperors Finest are to sexy for the camera. So my colors are as such; the majority of the model is colored in Kantor Blue (who would have guessed?) , the reds are Wazdakka Red (I'm thinking of gettin Evil Sunz Scarlet, do you think it would be bright enough?) And ye old chaos black on the bolt guns, any highlighting advice would great!

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While I don't profess to be a great painter, what about a dark blue ink wash to the model, allow it to dry, then a light drybrush of your Kantor Blue, perhaps lightened as Razblood suggested, along the raised details of the model?  The dark blue ink wash will give a darker shadow to the inner areas of the model, and the drybrush will catch the high points, creating a starker contrast and more dynamic lighting.  Even a black ink wash would work to similar effect, but make the force look more even more dark than the blue. 

@ Raz: I do not have that color, but my next hobby trip to the LGS will definitly see me bring that home, one can never have too many colors!


@ Watcher I hadn't considered washing the model its self, but I kinda dig where your going, I would really like to try it. Do you have a suggestion in which color to use?


Thanks guys for the advice, perhaps when I get these guys painted to a level in which I'm comfortable, I'll take some pictures! You guys here at the B&C have a pretty high standard, and I refuse to fall short!

  • 4 weeks later...

Mix a little white into the Kantor Blue and mix a little Cadian Fleshtone (if you have it, though any flesh colour will do) into your Wazdakka Red.



I wouldnt use white for the highlight color Vallejo Ivory gives a softer transition from the basecolor on the other side i use Vallejo Dark Sea Blue for the shade colour.


I start with the shadows (normal color + Dark sea blue), then the normal color and the last step are the highlights (normal color + Ivory).

You can refine that with more layers with more and less Dark Sea Blue but the 3 steps above give a good look for basic playing miniatures.


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